How jealous are you I eat steak whenever the fuck I feel like?

And it’s nothing to me

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y did u overcook it

What is that piece of shit?

It’s not overcooked that’s the way it should be. I’m not one of the loser hipsters who try’s to impress people by eating steak practically raw.

Freezer burn

Where did you cook it? Inside your vacuum cleaner?

the devils trips begone foul demon

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>t jealous anons who can’t cook and have terrible steak preferences

Always wondered what a real milksteak looks like.

I'm not jealous, I am happy for you. The steak is overcooked though.

>cuts into steak
>literally turns to dust and flies away

any professional chef would slap your face if they saw this horrible garbage steak

Bitch I live in cattle country and eat steak 3x a week. That's not steak, that's jerky. Quit ruining your meat. There's only three levels of steak, and that's mooing, medium rare and jerky. Only one is steak. Fucking hipster.


For me it’s second column, third option

Hell yeah bro. You forgot the ketchup though.

thats a shit looking steak user,

Looks like shitty roast beef

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If you ever insinuate that pic related is Blue again I will find you and fucking chop your hands off you little faggot. My sides better be seared and the entire inside better be red as fuck.

The cut of the meat determines the "redness" dipshit.

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you fucking ruined it you massive cunt i bet you sit on a big black dildo while you eat it.


Cheers user. Ignore the haters.

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I got steak in my freezer too man, it's not a big accomplishment.

this looks rotten

You disgusting fucking piece of shit - what the fuck is that!

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learn to cook

Some of you autists here would just grab this thing with your barehands, go upstairs and slip on the juice dropping on the floor

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microwaved steak

it looks microwaved

God I wish that were me

Please tell me you didnt just fucking boil that. This must be a troll pic from /ck/

No sear, overcooked to fuck, holy shit my dude your colon must look like a cement mixer

maybe he reheated it


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Jesus, looks like a bark of a tree.

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That’s actually by far the worst cooked steak I have ever seen. Congrats on this seriously

I'm not a big fan of steak desu. Pieces of the steak get stuck between my teeth and my gums act up afterwards.

LOL just choked on a baby carrot reading this

Looks pretty bad, but still better than OP dust covered steak.

dollar store steak

eat it with garlic sauce

Does that tenderize the meat or shit? Condiments are a luxury to me.

Lube it more with Ranch - no chokey

Yeah kys parasite brains

Lmfao that looks like a block of wood. Nigger what are you doing?