
hi biz, please help me.
I'm a webcam slut and so I will begin my story
i made a new page on chaturbate
working there for two weeks. in the last two weeks, I made $ 700
I used to earn $ 4,000 to $ 6,000 on a former page. what am i doing wrong?
i dance for them, tease .. but all is useless

fuck, i want to try onlyfans what should be taught there
and how to po promate a page?

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Get some 20min Crest Whitening Strips and bleach your asshole.

this and dont forget to post your tits

first help

You're a man

Fuck you kike

im not a jew....

Chimera obviously

now tits

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You know the drill, titz or gtfo

Why did you switch if you were making so much on the former page?

Tits or gtfo

Does that work?

Chaturbate isn't as lucrative as it once was. There is way more competition on it, and people with such large followings it is hard to break through. You really have to brand yourself on it now. If you are starting from scratch, do a few shows as an exhibitionist, build up a couple thousand followers so you start appearing towards the front. Do alot of shows when you first start - consistency is key.

you arent making a lot because you are ugly or fat, or have weird nipples/tits or some other deformity you are oblivious to but everyone else knows and you ignore because you are a narcissist

you need to get more creative, like piss on your own face. shove a dildo up ur ass no lube, or shit in a tub and swim in it. maybe throw it on your face. you have to go above and beyond to differentiate. GL

I wrote this for you click on it and read it if you have any questions feel free to write.


Tits of gtfo

im not an ugly, i have not bad body and a child voice

You’re wrong every single body style makes good money it’s all in the niche. Do you in fact have no idea what you’re talking about have sex incel.

show penis, i post tits then

well you think you are not ugly but again as a narcissist your delusion precludes you from the truth. think of it this way would a 10/10 whore only be making $700 a month. NO. only bottom of the barrel shit tier shit whores do whore are ugly as fuck. but obviously since they are webcam whores they are narcissts and have elevated sense of worth and beauty because incels throw money at them. deep down you know you are busted. that being said you need to do something to make up for your physical shortcomings like shit in a bucket then dump it over your head. this will give you more customers and then more money

fage and kay

no i am not wrong and i just had sex
dilate you whore dont you have a dildo to shove up ur ass or a dick to suck
you shouldnt give advice you fucking whore

What about your the most important thing: your face?

lol while you arent wrong you reek of virginal rage. still seething at 32 your peepee hasnt been touched by anyone but you? lol

big eyes and big tits?

no im not an incel nice boomer cope
i am 100% right
charts never lie

Narrow cast. Also put money aside for taxes

No, your face. Is it ugly?

lmao ok fine it ugly

Just invest all your money into dogecoin and never work again.

have you tried shoving a big dildo up your ass?
or deep throat an entire banana the whole thing
that will make up for your deformity


no free fuck i wont do it, they wont tip, stupid

>show penis, i post tits then
You must be new here... Tits are for proof you are who you say you are (i.e. a female). No one doubts that I have an ugly, hairy, short penis, thus proof is not asked for

u saw already my tits, my ass, my nude body

have you tried doing dom stuff like pinching your inner legs or clit

What the fuck are you on about my definitely-female friend?

no, stupid

try cooking or making sandwiches naked and clean the kitchen as you go along. it will trigger something deep trust me

also maybe when your done crack a beer and make it look appetizing

sure, they wont tip and will talk for free

Its been slow for months but the girl i work with makes $120 on a bad day.
Can I get more info to see what you might be doing wrong?

Maybe you aren't connecting enough with your audience?
Not enough social media promoting?

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