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Do Americans really

looks pretty comfy

fuck yeah we do nigger
we don't live in shoebox apartments from 1701 like yuros

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We do and it’s literally plywood, asking price: $1.7 million

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>Living in my 100y.o. 2400 SF house in Chicago.
>Hammered every year by brutal winters and sweltering summers.
>Woodframed, plywood sheathed.
>Still looks great.
>Replaced the roof last year (40 years prior shingles)
>HardieBoard (cement fiber) siding 10 years old.
> Paid $270k for it 20 years ago.
>Worth $600k now.
>House is tip top shape.
>Everything looks great.
>Get compliments on it all the time.
>No major settlement damages or wear.

Keep seething Europoor about wood. Wood is a perfectly fine building material if done right. Plywood is great too if shielded properly from moisture.

America was built on a foundation that if willing to move, you can afford a house. Europeans believe the poor should be living in subsidized eurotrash apartments and are too worthless to own their own land.

Looks comfy, and the term "McMansion" is abused by jealous commies.

>Overvalued asset goes down to reasonable and affordable price after markets have been injected to avoid the housing bubble bursting
Housing prices going down would unironically be the best things for most Americans right? The prices dropping means boomers get fucked and millennials and some gen z can buy houses now. I don't know how this is bad.

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>Wood is a perfectly fine building material if done right.
>Plywood is great too if shielded properly from moisture.


They just aren't all they're cracked up to be. Cheaply built, pain in the ass to keep clean due to the size, virtually no privacy because it's right next to other houses in a shitty suburb, high power bill and upkeep, etc. I'd personally rather have an older smaller house with better construction and own more land around it

I am no commie and I hate McMansions. I want to bulldoze them and turn the land into a homestead or let the forest grow to increase hunting lands.

A modern stone roundhouse would be better and it can be made larger and taller for a family.

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the irony is the cost in materials to build the damn place would probably be less than half of its actual value.

One is objectively better than the other, the aesthetics is one thing, McMansions are made of fucking cardboard.

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>if willing to move
Go away Destiny

Is there any research suggesting modern houses are actually less durable than older ones? Or is it all just memery and "that looks cheap so it has to be" because I'm pretty sure code standards have increased

Well, yeah. Fucking stack of wood isn't going to hammer itself together.

>OI why don’t you live in a flat like me? Me neighbor Mohamed is quite nice

>McMansions are made of fucking cardboard.

well too bad you can't move your house out of that shithole

I'm sorry to inform you he didn't see your reply, he's already been murdered.

None of you are getting cheap RE

*Laughs in ICF*

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Modern houses are much more durable they can withstand hurricanes, earthquakes, fires and floods much better than older brick and mortar and way better than older pre 1960 wooden frame homes.

the white parts of chicongo are fairly nice

Nigga in the wastelands of Northern Europe a house is still 200k thanks to mortgage retards buying everything and going into indentured servitude for 30 years

Criminally underrated

Absolutely bourgeois taste

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Even if you managed to get the roof and other repairs done for free and even if you don't have to pay taxes that's only a 4% rate of return. That's before taxes and inflation so after that and after all the repairs you've put into it over the years by my calculations you've made a pisspoor return.

Attached: Full-Concrete-Japan-Tranquil-House.jpg (1000x667, 71.12K)

> (OP)
>the irony is the cost in materials to build the damn place would probably be less than half of its actual value.

No shit dumbass. Labor is a majority of cost. Don't you have some Chainlink to blow what could be your house down payment on?

Yeah yeah it's going to $1000....

Its bad because they dont want millenials buying houses to start families. Depopulation of the goyim