Elected president

>elected president
3 years pass
>economy destroyed
>stock market shit
>6 million people unemployed
>bitcoin fucked
who do we vote in 2020 for max gains?

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> bitcoin

There is your first problem.

>who do we vote in 2020 for max gains?
biden. sleepy joe about to make america great again. Biden has the potential to be the best president of the last 3 decades

True(green partyfag here)

>Malfunctioning Joe will save us from Drumphler

It's not his fault
t. trump hater but honest person

>Bernie dropping out STILL caused a stock market pump

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>A literal dementia patient being propped up as a puppet by the DNC
Imagine thinking it's Trump's fault that some Chinaman decided to eat some bat soup.

Biden might be creepy but he ain't Clinton sex predator
He aint the dumbfuck called Bush
He doesnt have to worry about identity/race bullcrap Obama had to (even if he himself didn't care that much either). Because he isn't a nigger, republicans won't hate him as much. He will be able to work with both parties easily, he's both conservative and liberal enough, he is very much a status quo kind of guy, one this country needs to so much after the fucking clown show we've been through.

>elected president
3 years pass
>economy destroyed
>stock market shit
>6 million people unemployed
>bitcoin fucked

But what about muh trumpbucks?

Attached: winner.jpg (618x410, 31.36K)

Whoever's elected will have to deal with a clusterfuck of epic proportions, their party and legacy in shambles from the fallout.

And as a Bernie supporting commie I say godspeed motherfuckers lmao

Attached: bernie.png (600x600, 650.11K)

Going to vote Joe. No more meme presidents, this shit isn’t funny anymore

>hillary clinton invented corona virus
>the other democrats are a bunch of paedophiles

Biden will not be in charge, his vice president and the jews that control them will be

If rather have Trump, at least he can be based some times and it's hilarious the amount of seething he can generate from (((the media)))

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The economy and stock market are probably still doing better now than it was during the Obongo years, and 95% of the country are locked indoors

You know he's a pedo right?

There's more if you care to look

>who do we vote in 2020 for max gains?
The mutt condition can't be fixed by voting. you need to use the second amendment for what it was intended. Give it a try, lets see how free you are.

Trump and the media love each other. The media uses him for ratings and he uses them to get a hard on, just like any simp.

Now that he can't have his retarded rallies you can really see how much he thrives off his press conference jack offs. He's like a fucking junkie, lmao.

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The idea that people think the president fixes the economy is what caused this massive problem in the first place. The economy is a law of nature like gravity, you can't and shouldn't just make businesses impossible to fail.

Probably Biden. Trump is a fucking mongoloid who's actually done nothing but nose dive the country. Biden is a neolib so we'll probably return to business as usual in terms of economic growth. As well as expanding foreign relations and not practicing some autismal protectionism that will literally accomplish nothing.

>inb4 hurr muh nigs, jews, immigrants, globalism
I really don't give a fuck, I'm here to make money. Immigration/globalism or whatever pol autism you believe in is what stimulates the economy. I'm not some dumb fuck expendable mcdonlands employee in a flyover state, worrying about spics and robots taking his job. If you are, sucks to be you I guess.

good. a pedophile is what we need. sleepy time joe will make america great again.

Trump will win all 50 states in November.

Once again we are faced with Two options that are objectively shit.
I'm leaning Biden right now. Trump fucked the market WAY too much. And YES IT IS his fault.

This isn't your fucking tranny discord, we can all see you glowing

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Cringe retard

Oh yeah... he will win...second place in all them, Jack. And you can take that to the bank. Barack, America, baby.

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just invest in china, us global hegemony is now almost dead and we are entering a new era

Hit the nail on the head. Biden is so overly “safe” which is what we really need right now. Too mush divisive bullshit, I’m so tired of it

Only creepy uncle Joe can save us now.

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Great non answer stupid nigger, just as expected

The Trump memes were great but not worth destroying my gains.

Trump didnt ruin the economy. I dont like him at all. His publicity is incredibly toxic and his morals and beliefs are wishy washy at best. But he really did well with the economy. Ill give him that.

But hes up against Biden. Who definitely isnt going to win. Id honestly be surprised if he made it to next year without croaking. Vote for who you want. But just know that it truly won't matter.

I’m unironically looking forward to voting for him again personally