Undeniable fact that Twitter has funded Zenon Network and most anons didnt buy. Breaths in...

Undeniable fact that Twitter has funded Zenon Network and most anons didnt buy. Breaths in. Lolololololololololololololololol

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Ok I'll bite even though I know its retarded. What proof do you have Twitter has invested?

Don't see any undeniable proof about any relation here, just some obscure reference and some shitty graphics. If this was even close to being true everyone here would be buying this shit up, but it's not.

I want you to answer yes or not to this.

If they aren't connected then Zenon made a Twitter account and knew when Square Crypto would make their first post. They would then quickly post the same day a few hours before. They would then make an entire crypto project that they knew Square Crypto would maybe make reference to randomly specifically blue pillars and floating eye balls. Please....yes or no? Explain your reasoning.

And also the 100s of other similarities to the project Jack said he has funded and Zenon an user project we don't know who is behind.

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Oh look another complete coincidence

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The problem is biz is so retarded now that real shit gets assumed to be scams and all you need is to call it a pajeet scam and none looks at the facts.

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It's actually amazing that in front of peoples faces the odds of this are proven but no one reads and works out a simple probability. It shows biz does zero thinking. No more than reddit.

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Which is why this is the most fun hold in crypto. You know what you have and almost no one gets it. It feeds my sense of superiority hardcore.

What you demonstrate is the perfect npc psychology. ie don't believe anything unless other confirm even though the truth is given. This is pure sheep mentality and is why you wouldn't of invested in Bitcoin early. Its classic Asch Conformity. Muh its not real cause others haven't told me it's real. Even though the facts are given.


Ok I'm interested. Checked and they do seem to have some kind of connection. Where is best to buy as it's only on shitty exchanges?


You can only buy it on obscure chink exchanges because it is a shitcoin and OP has schizophrenia

Never ever disputes the facts..


Aren't you guys gonna talk about the long awaited white paper? Oh... No?... Alright... Just more schizo-tier posting about how it's Jack Donkey coin... Alright then.


As always. I'm not really here to shill. Call be arrogant but I like this feeling of being clearly better than you. Only the dumbest fucks on the planet couldn't see that the OP facts prove beyond doubt what I'm saying. I'm sorry. But this is my fun. Don't deny me my fun boys

Here's a fact for ya, zenon had an extremely simple exploit that was used to mint the bulk of the circulating supply.

All the vague references you're posting are nonsense trash.

Any anons actually looking to buy this garbage ask the telegram about how they left a backdoor open for minting from the supply and watch yourself get banned.

They'll call you "Luna" or "the hacker"

>12 posts by this ID

Yes correct. They are using pivx as a placeholder for the distribution. There is a flaw that was found in pivx recently and yes a hacker got hold of a large amount of supply. The team were able to block this pivx exploit though.

No one ever shows how they aren't connected. Never . Its impossible to fake. Zenon posted first so unless you are saying Zenon controls the Twitter of Square then obviously they want you to know the connection.

Thanks for everyone who participated in this Asch Conformity Test.

It's still too early for most people to understand what is here. Accumulate and chill. Team does zero marketing efforts for a reason.

Riddle me this, why is the discord for this shit dead? 0 organic interest.

Cause this. Cant you even fucking read?


Again. Looking for you non player characters to help you out. The normie levels of biz are through the fucking roof. I dont think even reddit would so unable to pin two probablity facts together.

I checked the twitter, the post is real, can you explain why they would make such a cryptic post instead of a full blown endorsement?

Dude. You make it out like it needs some deep intellectual mind to get it. It's a simple probability quiz. I haven't done the maths but the likelyhood SQ and Zenon are not connected are in the hundreds of thousands if not millions. No one reads shit in biz.

Reddit is unable too :D

They want to enlarge community gradually.

Lol no white paper, but the same stupid images being throw around for months. Months ago you said white paper soon, where is it scammer?

Common sense. Zenon is an user project so they can never be attacked. Look what happened to Facebook or Telegram when the tried to create a crypto. This is not for profit as they took no funds. This is to create a platform that can run Twitter or similar social media. You are asking the wrong questions. You are needing confirmation like a small child needs from a parent.

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Yes I understand that it's easy to understand that they are connected. But there was many scams in the last 24 months so people became very skeptical to every new project especially with anonymous team. Despite this, Zenon is an exception.

Nobody is buying your bags. Give it up already and accept that you were pajeeted. The faster you accept it, the faster you can learn from your mistakes and bounce back.

When did they make the representation of pillars look blue and the sentinels look like floating eyes? Isn't the website for zenon new? I want proof those things had the same design before that tweet

Zenon shills are perhaps the only people dumber than BSV tards.

Square, Twitter, Jack are strong Bitcoin advocates. Pretty close to what ETH-heads would call 'Maxis'.

- Jack backed Lightning Labs.
- The project his Square crypto team is working on is a new Lightning Network client library.

You can easily look this up in 5 minutes of research.

Everyone buying/shilling Zenon thinking Jack or Square is involved unironically deserves to be poor and never reproduce.

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Take your meds dude wtf is wrong with you.

You are mentally ill.

>Square, Twitter, Jack are strong Bitcoin advocates. Pretty close to what ETH-heads would call 'Maxis'.
>- Jack backed Lightning Labs.
>- The project his Square crypto team is working on is a new Lightning Network client library.

Not shilling Zenon here, but why exactly would any of these facts imply that Jack/Twitter could not possibly be working on another project?

When I was given the info about the Twitter connection it took me 3 minutes to grasp how incredible an opportunity this was. You think I haven't been scammed a million times in crypto. Look people are dumb. They need emotional help to guide them into accepting facts. There is no excuse for not pinning a couple of simple facts about how its impossible that they arent linked. There will be no excuse. I have zero sympathy.


Dorsey is going to jail. Fuck you pajeet kikes

Idiot, Square Crypto doesn't WORKING on Zenon but they are CONNECTED to Zenon. Bluesky is working on Zenon you fucking low IQ. You don't need to reproduce.

Jack has said he is funding a platform to host Twitter. But you already know that.

It’s paid to do this...

>When did they make the representation of pillars look blue and the sentinels look like floating eyes? Isn't the website for zenon new? I want proof those things had the same design before that tweet
Don't avoid my question

>"undeniable facts"
>generic biz schizo collage

Nice English. Lol. Yes I know. But you think people here are ready to understand another step. They cant fucking work out the first one. Idiot.

Yes. Yes. Believe me.

no proof yet

It was proven due to the fact the bitcointalk first post mentions pillars and hasn't been edited after the tweet.

Pillars but not blue pillars. So they made the graphics based on the tweet.


Does it count?