If nearly 60% of the country lives paycheck to paycheck clearly the population doesn't have a budgeting problem...

If nearly 60% of the country lives paycheck to paycheck clearly the population doesn't have a budgeting problem. how could 150+ million people be financially illiterate?

It seems to me the majority of americans are destined to struggle financially for most of their lives. what's the point in working if you can't afford a roof over your head?

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>how could 150+ million people be financially illiterate?

None of this shit is taught in school. The level of economic illiteracy is insane. Also most people don't give a shit and can "get by" with knowing nothing.

Why do you want people to be financially literate?

That’s just more competition for you.

The abundance of labor force lowers wages, the abundance of advertising dwindles unspent discretionary income, the abundance of distraction lowers attention span, the lack of financial knowledge and planning leads to no accumulation of wealth.

HOWEVER, the vast majority of people in history have lived with little to no savings and wealth (land, buildings, knowledge) was inherited generationally.


This country still has the greatest opportunity to go from rags to riches if you are willing to believe it and stick with your goal. Ask God for the answer earnestly and a way will be shown to you.

Owl man with the truth

There’s so many stupid people in America it’s something to marvel at. Then again when you think about it the majority of the world is stupid as well.

sad really. but if you think about it, this is how society really is supposed to be. you cant have everyone being smart.

Was based until the christcuckery

>The abundance of labor force lowers wages

Not necessarily. What should happen is the cheap labor should incentivize people to create businesses to take advantage of the cheap costs. (Demand increasing to meet supply) but creating a business is very difficult because of regulation, so demand cannot meet supply.

>Ask God for
fuck off, hope you burn in hell if it even exists

yeah if people were smart everyone in the us that has a gun can form an army and take over the whitehouse

Taxes and fees

The US has a serious lack of financial literacy education. In most states, you don't need to take a finance class in high school. Establishing a financial literacy class as part of the curriculum would let kids be informed now instead of later.
Advertising and commercialism is notoriously aggressive, always with these "YOU MUST BUY NOW" types of commercials and adverts. A consequence of capitalism sure, though all out socialism is not the answer. Instead, we should be focusing on educating more people of financial literacy instead of what genders we can come up with.

Yup. Just cut out the Netflix and Starbucks, snowflake.


>beg God for a hand out
Why would the richest man ever existing give you a hand out?

This comment could have been written by a bot. It's basically a non sequitur

>Bro why don't they teach about taxes and stuff in school? I know I could learn it all in 20 minutes from YouTube but I wanted it in school!

>he doesn't realize there are entire degrees centered around understanding the tax code, finances and law

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It's easy to be a victim and blame others. But your lack of success is only because you haven't earnestly asked and had faith in the Universe, Reality, God, whatever word you'd like to use.

Consumerism and a deepening of cultural, religious, and political divisiveness in the country.

its obviously not in the interest of society that its citizens know how much of an absolutely raw deal they're getting. this is deliberate. furthermore, for things like mortgages, rent, require people to be dumb enough to sign up for them. I know this dumb faggot that signed up for a predatory mortgage and he's gonna wind up having to pay back 200k on a 100k mortgage. He can barely stay afloat with 16/hr fulltime and $1000 dollar payments a month. america wants retards like that

The greatest/silent generation were savers and forward thinkers, scarcity thinking, the boomers and onward have become progressively more post-scarcity and consumeristic. Money in hand is money to spend, product of a society that hasn't known true strife yet. But eventually they will due to that. Cycles and regression.

This. Financial education should be a pillar of education as important as Mathematics, Science, History, etc. Start it out in Freshman year/9th Grade and put graduation at stake if you do not understand basic finances.

> I fucking love finances!

Are millennials the new silent generation? Well, they're not "silent" but I think you know what I mean.


People who sperg out at the mention of God or a higher order to the universe are disgusting untermench, and I say that as someone who's not even Christian.

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Nah. The silent generation was born into the crushing poverty of the Grest Depression and its effects. Millenials grew up being profligate, but they'll learn saving the hard way in the coming years.

this isn't just a US problem
nowhere are the plebs thought financial knowledge so they can be exploited better
shit is still feudal in europe and downright slavery in the third world

As an atheist I agree. If the past decade has taught me anything about religion it's that myth and superstition do not need outright fantastical elements. Religion is perfectly attainable in a secular fashion and the lack of self-awareness of many "atheists" only disappoints me.

Fuck no. Couldn't be assed to have rent saved 2 weeks ahead of time.

Ah, so millennials are whatever the "Roaring 20s" generation were? I'm starting to think that distinct generations start breaking down the further back one goes.

Think that will be Generation Alpha or whatever comes after the Zoomers?