Study economics

>study economics
>become libertarian
Anyone else?

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>study economics on your own
>become libertarian
>take economics class at (((university)))
>become socialist

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Libertarians are retarded. I looked at the platform the leading Libertarian candidate is running on- open borders and ending all tarrifs. Open borders, during a massive fucking pandemic. What a fucking retard

>study economics
>become antisemitic
Who else?

>study economics
>become libertarian
>study more economics
>become a Georgist
Anyone else?

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>study history
>become a landlord

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the final redpill is labor theory of value nazi economics
ban all interest

Mostly libertarian but still feel the need for the government to draw lines. I think the FDA should be doing more, and no, I'm not talking about the "fly in chocolate" meme, which is made to allow for a fly to get into a vat of chocolate and make it to production. They're sealed, and they probably don't have a lot of places hospitable for life in a cold, steel factory with all food locked up. they probably have some flies by the dumpster, if that.

I'm talking about actually telling companies "No, fuck you, that is misleading" and actually regulating words like "organic" to mean what people think it means, the weird soup nutrition information example, or forcing "nutritionists" to get a clue or fuck off.

I also love freedom, so I don't mind these people existing. They'll probably find a different name, But at least we fucked with their monthly profits a bit...

After we dump some more. Ho ho holy fuck now is not the time.

Libertarian ≠ libertarian
Libertarian party is retarded.
libertarianism is not

>study economics
>become a syndicalist
Anybody else? Come on folks, we gotta get that surplus value down to zero! End wage/labor!

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>be brainwashed
>become libertarian

>study economics
>became nazional-socialist
fixed user
lolbertarians needs to starve to death at their first problem

I studied economics and became a national socialist. I’m not even a racist.

>study economics
>become syndicalist Marxist of Richard D. Wolff variety

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“tfw contrarian fag with an axe to grind that hates minorities to spite libs but pretend you care about poor people to avoid being a total boomer”

>hates minorities
I don’t hate anyone
I just love my country

Pic unrelated?

you don't understand nothing
i was a hardcore marxist studying econ and sociology, with a lot of prejudices to national socialism such as this
the truth is: the third way is the only rational position. Marxism has some good theories but its endgoals are sick and would only corrupt humans, much alike capitalism

>study charts zoomed out
>become comfy

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>study economics
>become brainwashed by libtard textbooks and teachers
no shit

do you retards have any original thoughts? Iv met you people in real life and you’re always losers. You don’t love your country. You want to feel like you’re part of a movement because you’re completely pathetic on your own. I guarantee you’d trade your country for a blond tradthot.

No, because I am not a 16 year old delusional Ayn Rands cock sucking faggot

Try taking something more advanced than Econ 101

>you’re completely pathetic on your own
first libtard phallacy
everyone is pathetic user, except people who were born chad and wealthy. do you think your averga socialist or illegal migrant is some kind of happy chad who slays pussy and lives life?
we're all struggling here except for a tiny minority. Problem is, our struggles are antagonic most of the times

>be liberal
>go to university
>become right wing
>live in a liberal city
>become a nazi

I had the same development. Communism and capitalism arent antagonists, they are both materialistic ideologies

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don't know about american colleges but in a typical introductory micro courses they teach you about market failures and models different from perfect competition, so it seems to me that if you're libertarian after studying econ in college that's some sort of reaction against what you've learned, not an acceptace of it

>no true libertarian!

Cringe. Just admit you fags can’t even agree what a libertarian is.

the fact that you mention sex twice confirms what i know about you.

also lmao at the projection. “Because i’m a lame sad sack it can be assumed that everyone else is”.

>study the noble Qur’ān
>become muslim

yes, I remember spending hours debating on /pol against natsocs, trying to "own" them with some text of Marx or Engels that I thought explained everything. I was wrong all that time and now I look back at it and cringe.


hahha epic own!
no you dumbtard, it only happens that you people are fucking scripted: it's always the same dumb argument: "le nazis are incels" so it is safe to assume that's what you're hinting
it's not a projection prick... ever meet a regular person that it's not middle-upper class? their lives fucking suck. why do you think suicide, depressions, etc have all risen in the developed world? because everyone is turning into a nazi?

you're probably a libtard honestly. I'd rather debate with bernie bros at this point, at least they recognize there is some sort of problem in our world. your philosophy is something like "lmao just chill bro, you're an incel if you complain"

I had a radical left youtube account to argue with people. When I finally deleted it, I saw that I had written 1200 comments in around 2 years.

>study math
>become 300k starting
Anyone else?

You kind of miss the point.
It's not a collectivistic ideology that lends itself to easy political organization. People with libertarian leanings necessarily don't agree on all points and thus do not trust in overarching imposition of authoritarian rule. The US is the only homeland I'll ever have, and my opinion is always going to be in the minority, so I'd best do what I can to advocate for individual rights so I don't get raped quite so hard.

>mention not having sex twice in a post explaining your ideology

>complain that everyone you debate notices that you’re obviously a faggoty loser

If you don’t want to be told you’re a virgin then don’t say the words “slaying pussy” in your political manifesto gaytard

>>mention not having sex twice in a post explaining your ideology
never did this
your reading comprehension sucks user
just noticing the obvious fact that the only argument you have is saying people are incels, and here you are calling me a virgin so... was I right or not?

>do you retards have any original thoughts?
do you think i wake up and i decided to be a nazional-socialist?
i was a libtard just like you, but the point is that new liberalism is pure cancer and you better realize it
now we have a financial oligarchy that is able to obtain free money from the system and it has the capabilities to blackmail entire countries
and most of the people are unaware of that
look at eurozone, they are enslaving countries like greece by avoiding any kind of protection on gov bonds speculation (pure blackmailing), referendums were ignored and political class replaced with lobbyists
now they signed esm, which is a luxemburg entity with full immunity, borrowing fake thin air money in exchange of austerity policies, de-facto killing the economy and the next two generations
all critical national infrastructures were sold for these fake worthless borrowed euro
you better realize that a country that loose the ability to finance his own wealth is just a fine dinner for hyenas
national-socialism is the only answer, you need protectionism, you need to be able to self-sustain your national economy
there are entire regions in these world that will literally start starving to death in 72 hours if something happen and food deliveries from third countries are disrupted

“Libertarian” is a just an umbrella term for every snowflake with his “unique” edgelord political opinions. There are just as many left libertarians who think you’re a fascist in disguise. I’m glad you losers will never hold any power.


the correct stance after studying economics is becoming a centrist though.

So what you're saying is...
you can't think for yourself and trust in the government to make decisions for you. Got it.

>everyone is pathetic except those born chad

>do you think the average guy is slaying pussy

This betrays you. It is abundantly clear that your ideology comes from sexual frustration.

I bring this up not because it’s my only argument but because actually debating a nazi larper is pointless and boring. Your beliefs are a complete meme and you won’t change your mind because you don’t actually believe them. You are just coping with being a loser.