/smg/ - Stock Market General

coffee time edition


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With the market in clown mode, you have to buy the dip one sector at a time goys

Goo goo gaa gsa


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*coof coof*

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I think it’s a buy on open day





>betting against America, especially while Trump is president, ever

Beartards deserve to be lined up and shot. Fucking traitors.

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what is this pattern called?

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The future looks bright lads
also anime

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Is biz the dumbest board

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>down sharply
so... another crab day r right?

such condition come & go in market and crypto being most volatile it is common, what one can do is diversify his/her portfolio so that the risk is minimum since crypto is very volatile, Trias is one of the best blockchain projects around with real-world use cases. It is being used by large multinational companies and is generating revenue from its products as well. It is sharing the revenue created from the sale of its Dapp Triasforce to its community. They are starting their staking program soon and it could be a great opportunity to get in at the bottom. it is one of the cool projects I have come across !!!!!

>there are people that bought GME yesterday

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Guess who's back, back again~

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>still up premarket

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>sell puts at loss
>down $2k all time
>market goes down
bogged yet again, what the fuck WHAT THE FUCK

Brainlet here. Do you guys think the market will crash more? I want to buy some index funds. I was thinking VTI and VOO. I have some now but not sure when to buy more.

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Oil under 20 dollars a barrel LMAO

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I have long positions I'm trying to hold til the end of time. How do I DCA into them? I'm using thinkorswim

I hope it means downwards volatility

>Investing in GameStop
>In any market ever
Deserves it


michael burry played a bunch of people. that or he's beginning to transition into senile boomer

You pick good blue chips and buy them at cheap as you can and hold.

I think it’s unlikely that we will go lower without seeing new ATHs

I want to see GME fail so badly



GEO gang where you at

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I hate women.

Aren't earnings and stuff terrible right now? I people the P/E was high before, won't the E be going down now?

>VIX is fucking mooning

Good, fuck G*rmans

i see someone didn't check up the market

Yet no trade deal was done and companies are cutting staffs.

There's probably a chance some new user went all in on calls and lost everything.

you're next baby doll, 15 minutes till the massacre begins.

Do i sell my SPY short options before opening or hodl like a Maniac?

Anyone that bought this or AMC is mentally ill


>Here's Why I'm Still Short UVXY


It’s all going to crash. There will be no recuperation.
Bears will earn money in the short term, but soon money will be worthless. Stocks will be worthless.
America will fall because it doesn’t have the balls to glass subversive enemy states that will invade us after the collapse.
We lose.

In a regular economy, is SVXY just free money? It's a bear ETF to the VIX

all $200 of their networth, were really counting on that now that Bernie can't forgive their student loans

>markets soaring the past 2 weeks
>one down day today
a pullback now and then is normal in a health economy like this retard

>Oil below $20 a barrel
>All those fags trying to catch the knife last week when there's no demand worldwide

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Okay doomer


This thread is a SPLIT

Please migrate to the real /SMG/

thread theme
>thread theme
thread theme
>thread theme
thread theme
>thread theme

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I know what DCA is. I'm coming from M1 finance and it had fractional shares so I just put in money weekly. I meant how do I do it on thinkorswim?

Man said nervously for the hundredth time.

>Trump wants to open back up the economy
>Trump touting oil deal, alluding to a better deal in the future
>Airlines will get bailed out
>Withholding funding from the chink WHO
>Trump says we have better alternatives if the Chinks decide not to honor the trade deal
>We are soon to overthrow the Maduro regime

Yeah, I'm thinking we're going to finish green today.

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That's your last chance to buy a ticket for this moon mission.

The only subversive enemy state facing America is israel and they don't need to invade a country they've already conquered.

>Please migrate to the real /SMG/
Ledger resolves to the longest chain, faggot

I sure hope so. But when this is over, the US market will recover fast and continue to beat any European market until the end of time as it has always done. I'm a eurofag but you'd have to be insane to bet on the DAX over the S&P

which is it Anons?

V or W?

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This one is ten minutes older retard fuck off

Sure user... it's just.. free money

Google "XIV"

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11 mins till market open

is it gonna be anoddah shoah?

Is it time to get back into the airlines today? I panic sold when they were going back down a few weeks ago but still made $1k since I bought at the bottom. Is it too late to buy back in with the govt Gibbs? Already priced in??

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My boomer dad made a bunch of money shorting movie theaters since this covid stuff started happening, between valentines day and earlier this month.

Liquidating everything except airlines, going into SQQQ

Perhaps it will work this time :^)

The fed balance sheet will continue to rise they won’t let this fail yet

not even a discussion

I’m betting W

no this one is older

My bobo bros. We are finally being let in by Bog.

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>Do you guys think the market will crash more?
There are two schools of thought on Yas Forums one is that everything is fine and we will be back to normal in a few months. The other is that this is great depression 2.0 and the global economy is fucked. Who knows?

it is A


buy what?


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cunny shaped recovery


>moving the goal posts
no one argued which market is more effective, but you assumed that you are safe from bobo.

based jannies

Do yourselves a favor and invest in a moka pot anons

Funnily enough that's the opinion of professionals on youtube as well.

The Bears claim Sminem, it is known

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Clever man

might be a good idea, im gonna buy it for the day

>“its already priced in”
cope harder!!! Ahahahaha

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EIGHT minutes until market open

Get those credit cards ready go-er guys.

oh yes, now I remember. I was active in the stock market about 2 years ago for the Feb '18 crash and I saw people losing their ass on XIV

bear trap set. 3% up at close

is coffee good for you?

I’m with both but this isn’t just a normal dead cat bounce, the cat just jumped off a building and died we just picked it up and now it’s being lowered into a mortar


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You can do that joke better

Most people won't get it

> Betting against hedge funds using algorithms to strip away Americans wealth slowly is un-American
Yeah you can fuck off kike.

>but you assumed that you are safe from bobo
I did not do that at all.

at least they know they are fat and they are out moving around.
however that image is making me think it's not real hiking and they aren't really getting much exercise.
>est. 2015
wonder if anyone of them managed to change their behaviour?

RTXchads, assemble for open

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>>We are soon to overthrow the Maduro regime
How? We suck at regime change. Especially if there's an invasion. The last thing Zion Don needs is another losing war.

OK bootlickers enjoy being poor

1 breaker hit today. screencap

Good for most of the body, bad for your limphnodes cuz it forces dead cells out quickly

You're better off exercising in the morning

>Is maxed out on shorts and inverse ETFs doubling down every day for the past week and a half
>Today was either make it or break it, will have to close out positions if market went up
>wakes up to see a glorious -600 futures

Oh god, the big short. WE ARE BACK BOBOS!

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k, don't forge to buy the bottom my fellow Yas Forumsraeli.

I've never seen so much red in my life

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\. /\
\/. \


this seems plausible, im also not going to sell my SPXL or SOXL

>gold tracks the DOW
Boomerrocks are still memes. You can short boomertarians though

Is there something I can read to understand your post?

So maybe just sit on the sidelines for now? It's so volatile. I wanted tog et some cheap index funds but I donno, maybe just DAC for a while? I've been reading investopedia.

based autismo


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That was the point.

6 minutes until market open

So I just buy SPXS, it's that easy?

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so you were born two weeks ago?

what the fuck


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Thanks brosef. Will do.

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W with a lower low sometime in Q2

WOW! Thanks. Yeah, sure, just give the $14000 in taxes that I paid last year to airlines. Just GIVE it to them. Don't ask for loan or anything. They deserve it. No, I didn't need to write off my student loan interest. I'm your loyal taxpayer paypig who will never complain.

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I fucked up. I bought some sqqq and spxs but I only have one day trade left. How bad did I screw up?

Calls on spxs, the farther out the safer

until the market turns and goes positive in 2 hours

He's basically tripled his money with gamestop over the past month. Post your portfolio and show us what a real trader looks like.

With Jerome on the printers? I hope you know what you're doing

Already switched teams, bro. Catch up

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Nationalism is bearish

The obvious solution is to steal the identities of two niggers and then set up account in their name. Then leverage ETFs and Inverse ETFs 20x in either fake account and then just dump the one that falls. It's really that easy.

He likes to gamble. He makes wild bets on stocks, kinda scary sometimes. He has made some bad moves in the past too. I guess more good than bad though. He thinks the automotive industry is going to get killed and is shorting them too. Something about dealers stuck with inventory and model year change and cheap cars not selling.

>How? We suck at regime change. Especially if there's an invasion.

We use a single RTX tomahawk to kill that faggot Maduro and then we appoint Guido as president. Simple as.

>Video unavailable
>This video is not available.
fuck you alphabet for not even telling me why

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havent seen futures that red in a while. means we'll probably hit ath today in this clown market

You click buy with the mouse

Why is oil back at 19$ and still going down? I thought that Saudi and Russia made another deal?

Yeah right

Doomer cucks are worse than nothing burgers

Not that terrible, to be honest.

3 minutes

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I too fail to understand Clown Oil

I didn't know that Michael Burry lurked /smg/

The "deal" is not in good faith. Suadi's lowered production but also lowered their prices.

I wanted this movie again this weekend. I hate batmans voice.

>I only have one day trade left.

I'm scared bros

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>Nationalism is bearish

It literally isn't. Globalism is dead. We are withdrawing our manufacturing industry back from Chyna to rebuild our middle class, you fucking traitor. Your reckoning nears.

>CNBC running adverts for birth control pills

Ah Western Liberalism, how could anyone imagine any other system?!?



Never sell unless you're shorting

Before those, I would day trade big auto shorts and make 10% almost every Thursday. Now their rhythms are fucked but there's plenty of money to be made elsewhere

Having SOXL or SPXL with VIX this high seems crazy to me. You'll wash out most of the gains from buying lower by its redistribution during crabbing.

so when exactly i get my SHRUMPFbucks?

he's the king of autism, obviously he's on here

bought 50 shares of spxu at close.the rest is cash. wish i bought 200 but oh well a nice $100 at open isnt bad.

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13x gold fag here. I got out in time yesterday. Moderate losses. Now please let my Boeing puts finally break even.

>he fell for the most obvious bull trap in history
oh no no no no

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Okay bears

Is this everything you have? Or is there anything else?


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The deal was to avoid $0 a barrel, there is still the massive issue of worldwide cuts of demand

>tesla up
the best metric for if we're still in a clown market is valuing a car company that's never made a profit like it's a goddam unicorn

It's just you dude

He's waiting for jerome to personally write his name on every check so might be awhile

Tanker's full, floating dome's full, shitter's full, even your mother can't hold more

There's no demand, they'd have to burn their oil to offset this

Yeah, nah. The kikes will try to pivot manufacturing to India.

America will NEVER go back to the overwhelming lead it had it in the 20th century.

Robots already replacing chinks in China. They will certainly replace americans here.


Lads what calls or puts do I get on, I'm thoroughly confused these days, I've been playing the SPY decently but what else?

vix has been shirnking due to QE so even though there are short spikes like today its overall nota good thing to bet against

market cap, network of superchargers, and IP

Almost all unicorns don't make any profits


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Good luck, frens

do we short vix?