They're not buying gold, they're selling

Oh and shops are now closing, they don't want to buy at these prices. Why don't they want to hold on to their precious shiny rocks, biz?

Attached: gold1150463-99-1.jpg (1200x675, 218.35K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>that twitter
lmao imagine your official language being written in literal wingdings

>with no job and no cash and nothing in the cupboard why are people liquidating assets?

Stick to your Shiny boomer Rocks Fud. You just expose the retards you are.
Your basically saying " Why are people that need to spend money to live spending it".

It's not just they are trying to liquidate it, the shops are refusing to buy it

1.People lost their job and are forced to sell their gold.
2.The shops are giving the people a price to buy the gold but the people want a higher price.
3.The owner of the shop still has to pay rent and his employees and people are currently buying less gold in poor countries.
5.Most of the buying is bullion by rich people not premium prices jewellery.
4.It's that simple!

>The goyim are selling the only real money they have a few years before global hyperinflation/ end of the fiat currency era

Attached: __drawn_by_yomu_sgt_epper__7fc42e9d4af2e398157ff08802680a3a.jpg (1287x1800, 128.95K)

No. The shops have an oversupply of gold and can't take more. They aren't offering a price. They are closed.

h o t t

Source and what country?
In Western countries there is a big shortage of gold.
The last couple of months I have bought 7 kilo's of gold and now I can't get any kilobars anywhere.
These people must be very desperate to sell their gold for food it seems.

I can't read those articles what is that Thai?

Thailand, source is in the OP links though you'll have to use google translate

legit economic crisis

You bought 7 kilo's of gold?

How high is your fucking net worth? wtf

In Asia, people buy gold in good times as savings. Times are bad now so people are selling for cash to pay rent so they don’t go homeless. Because they buy gold in good times they weren’t caught with their pants down like people in the West who are panicking into PMs because they see the writing on the wall. You could expect dealers in the West to be flush with cash right now with all the panicking, in Asia though I imagine the dealers are doing about as well as any other business, probably pretty shitty with not much cash on hand.

Same here. 1.5 kilo stacklet reporting in.

Brainlets. I wish I could go to Thailand. I'd buy the whole thing $10 under spot.

>1.5 kilo stacklet

Attached: 39C0F64B-7486-476B-A39B-B6364CE3983E.jpg (397x529, 49.21K)

want some moar?

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That's not a lot. Only $80 grand. My LINK stack is larger.

>He has less then 100 ounces of gold


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It’s more gold than 98% of the world is holding senpai

Attached: 894819F3-D49F-44FD-AA41-B48942194144.jpg (500x371, 24.15K)

That's the reason 98% of the world is poor and will stay poor, fren.

Attached: tophat.jpg (225x225, 5.84K)

That is like 15kLink
Barely a suicide stack
So yeah, stacklet is fair

Bloomberg article might suit your fancy. But is right for the most part.

because magic rocks is a meme

Made most of my money with crypto back in 2011 during the last bull diversified in real estate, precious metals and land.
Recently upped my gold stack from 3 kilo to 10 kilo in total and not going to buy anymore.
I am seriously terrified what is going to happen economically the coming months and how it will effect the coming years worldwide.
I remember buying my first kilobar and holding it in my hand, felt so powerfull.
Same feeling as when Bitcoin destroyed $1000 and $10k
Don't play cool, I can dump the whole LINK price back to sub $1, ask Sergey who Bob Surplus is.

>Because they buy gold in good times they weren’t caught with their pants down like people in the West
oh shut the fuck up you retarded subhuman rock collecting magpie boomer. just fucking kill yourself already. why the fuck would you even pretend like there wasn't just a global dollar short squeeze do you live in a trailer park? again, kill yourself, and I say that because I know you just copy and listen to everything you get told since you're a gold shill

haha nice,

member the guy that was talking about going fishing in quebec ? he fucking did it and he got a deal with the hydro company to mine with lower tariffs.

did you stay in touch with him ?


>on't play cool, I can dump the whole LINK price back to sub $1, ask Sergey who Bob Surplus is.
The last guy who tried that sold 700k linkies into a 0.001 buy wall set up by CZ and killed himself. I would advise you against it.

Whatever the poor people are doing with their money in shithole countries I plan to do the exact inverse of.

Attached: gold-and-silver-pepe-brothers.png (800x600, 783.79K)

I posted about the largest dealers refusing almost all coin buybacks and I was called a lying nigger. Then I posted proof and it was ignored. That was days before this hit. Yas Forums is full of nigger shills.

sergay just got chinked

>posted about the largest dealers refusing almost all coin buybacks and I was called a lying nigger.
Is someone butthurt they spent their tendie money on shinies and doesn't understand when papa shiny dealer won't buy back your shit for more than you paid? Boohoo. Baby waawaa.

>I remember buying my first kilobar and holding it in my hand, felt so powerfull.
Kilo bars are not very liquid tho. I have half of my stack in 250g bars, the rest in Krugerrands and extra ~1oz in small Dukats. When the shit goes down, don't expect for the banks to have enough cash to buy your kilos, you will have to sell to shops. You also don't know how your other assets perform, so the point might come when you'll have to dig into your PM stack.

only prepper schizos want to buy shiny rocks, not even the dumbest speculator bats an eye at that crap

> bats an eye

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No nigger. I was posting info and low IQ faggots like you showed up.

So but gold.

> only prepper schizos want to buy shiny rocks, not even the dumbest speculator bats an eye at that crap
You totally right. Not sure why I was looking into what JP Morgan is up to. I should have been listening to some user who calls me a schizo. I've been so stupid.

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