Entire world economy stopped

>entire world economy stopped
>S&P500 going for ATH at this rate

This confirms we are living in clownworld.

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>inb4 "p---priced in!!"

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Barely more dangerous than flu unless you're an obese 80 year old smoker with high blood pressure. Literally a media plot against Trump that has failed and they will look even stupider when he opens us up this week and it's a nothingburger.

Dow 30k by June.

You don't think our economy is as strong as it was in Jan. 2019 last time market was at this level? What makes you say that?

he isn't opening up shit. it's unconstitutional

To this person who asked, didn't get to respond before deletion, but if I were in the situation of holding a large investment in stocks right now, I would be looking into selling Cash Covered Puts and maybe a Collar on some of the gains you've made over the years.

God fucking damn I hope you're right. But the other possibility is pic related is happening with trillions being conjured out of thin air.

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market timing is a fool's errand

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Haven’t you heard? His Authority is TOTAL, they will submit!

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That's because you don't know how the market works. They are pricing in the future.

>if its bad for orange man its a hoax
Nontheless. The economy is literally stopped with no sign of opening again, and if it reopens in a retarded way, onlyflufags will pay dearly.

Im 100% cash. There's no fucking way im investing in any of this shitshow. Would rather unironically buy BTC.

Aren't you too old to believe in fairy tales?

lol, you are salty because you didn't buy the dip. stay mad poorfag

Yeah, "in the future" as in in the deluded vision of the future happening in X time sustained by the amount of assorted BRRRRings.

Screencapped and archived. You can only run a Maddof for so long.

seethe salty chink USA > china

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The prices in meme and bailout pump meme are wrong

This means people have such little faith in the dollar they are willing to trade it for ownership in companies that are not even currently producing wealth.

Shit is going to hit the fan boys oil was the only thing propping the dollar up. At least owning a part of a corporation gives you power to create wealth in whatever form of economic exist once the dollar is dead.

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companies aren't hiring. i'm in tech and all the tech recuiters got laid off. i'm talking over 80% of all technical recruiters have lost their jobs. they recruit for high paying jobs and those have dissolved. a huge number of tech workers are laid off right now. there are still some programmers who are able to work but the software economy dropped in the last 6 months

Ur fucking nuts

Puts are priced in dollars and an economic collapse can happen in both directions. I think stocks will only grow in price as short gets worse and the dollar gets weaker due to oil prices and lack of things it can actually buy due to a staggering economy.

Fuck at least owning a part of a corporation is a real asset. What about the dollar is it even real bro?

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Autocorrect fucked me.....

The future is so uncertain the markets should be going down even more.
t. degree in finance

Isn't there entire point of stocks market timing? The only difference between a 401k and a day trader is you're just hoping to sell your bags in 30 years instead of the same day

Literally zero reason to keep the economy down right now. State govenors are enjoying acting like emperors too much. They don't give a shit about safety.

So, I wasted my time learning to code.

They are looking at China, and it seems to them that "restart" is easy and quick, like nothing ever happened.

Corona chan will punish them.

yeah for 1 more year lmao

It’s just algorithms that don’t know what to do. Everything is going to tank with abysmal Q1 earnings.

I guess the liberals have managed to fool the whole world with their devious plot against Trump.

Why contain it?

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