This isnt good....
This isnt good AT ALL!
This isnt good....
This isnt good AT ALL!
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what's an inventory
Mnuchin finally got his wish and put the the dollar uber alles is real.
Now the entire world is in a deflationary spiral every currency and world economy is collapsing and all the gdp is fleeing to the us dollar , which now will cause a total economic collapse due to the deflation this will create.
The levels of brrrr needed to prevent this will be venezuela style and will have venezuela effects in the burger economy.
But hey at least Trumpfags can masturbate at aircraft carriers and a strong usd.
Dis gud for bitcorn
How long until US storage is at capacity?
Probably another month, imo. No clue tho
Red pill me on this.
Stop being pussies and just start burning it. Problem solved
It unironically is ,however it will only go up a little until the deflationary effects disappear.
The world was starved of usd by the trade war, sanctions and delayed investments due to the trade war.
So everyone is fleeing to the usd while the world economy collapses as a result the usa grew a little but now everyone buying usds is causing deflation in the usa and the entire world.
As a result the us economy is going to be rekt , trumpbux and fed qe is literally duplicating the usd monetary base and there is still deflation kek.
They fucked up so hard they still have not realized what they have done because the us leadership never realized their position after the cold war.
They will do more brrrrrr and the deflation will still be there because they fucked up hard and destroyed the system.
The only way they can get out of this is doing so much brrrrrrr that burgers fight at walmart for potatoes scaring everyone in the world to flee the usd and invest their wealth.
It's a colossal shitstorm worse than 1929 probably since now everyone has a single global currency to escape.
Great depression tier deflation for 10 years. Good long term though
Bad debts and companies will fail. Prices will go down in 10-30 years we will be booming again. Good time to buy. USD wont collapse unless you can give me a reason it will
Deflation for 2020 and systemic inflationary collapse in 2021.
All the jobs created since 2008 in burgerland have been lost , and western european nations gdp will be also at 2008 levels in 2021.
And multiple currencies will start to collapse late this year as they will start the brrrrrr wave in an already a high inflation level.
At least burgerland is brrrr with deflation so they will get the inflationary collapse in 2021-2022
It's when oil is in a warehouse instead of in the ground. If it's in the ground, even if it can be pumped at any time, everyone pretends it doesn't exist. But if it get pumped from the ground into storage tanks then the oil industry has to explain to the governments why exactly it is they are overcharging for their oil despite them having oversupplies of the stuff.
>USD wont collapse unless you can give me a reason it will
Civil unrest in all the shithole countries around the world that are tired of the US causing a recession every ten years, so they decide to dump the dollar. All those billions the Fed printed that are currently sitting in fucky financial instruments and stonks will flood the streets as investors try to buy any tangible goods that they can. Hyperinflation, commies trying to kill any rich asshole sitting on a pile of money, etc.
You’re not wrong, but most of the demand from dollars is coming from the shadow banking sector.
So private banks, maybe JPM, will lend money to overseas banks. In turn, these banks lend out to smaller, regional banks. After that, they’re lent out to the local populations to build businesses— think third world & second world.
Problem is, when Rasheesh can’t pay back the loan he took for his ice cream stand, and that cascades into a local bank collapsing, well... let’s just say the banks above them are levered to the hilt and can’t pay back shit in dollars
Disclaimer: I’m not super knowledgeable on this, I’m just rehashing some shit I’ve heard. See jefferey snider (appears on Macro Voices) if you want the real McCoy
>Good time to buy. USD wont collapse unless you can give me a reason it will
Deflation will crash the us economy because that exact reason.
The usd is so strong that the entire world will be buying usd instead of investing which will cause a deflationary collapse of the us economy.
This will cause such high unemployment level the us will literally see a civil war if not multiple.
People seem to forget that during the 2008 "crisis" the us had what?12% unemployment at the top.
Meanwhile multiple eu countries had almost 30%.
The us was extremly volatile with 12% unemployment , with shit like occupy wall street and crazies all over the place.
Now it's worse , socialist will take the dems in due time due to demographics , and the unemployment will be probably above 25% (it's growing at 1% per month at this rate while in 2008 it was 0.5% per month unemployment growth in a bad month).
Add that deflationary effect i pointed , plus delayed investments due to the trade war and the usa is going to look like the purgue movie in a year and half at this rate.
It's not that they're overcharging. They're trying to break even. Shit's expensive in the US compared to other parts of the world. It's hard for US oil companies to compete with Saudi slave labor. When oil is $65 we do alright and the Kingdom of Saud gets hypercars and gold-trimmed pools. When oil is $20 American workers get furloughed and Rangish from Sri Lanka currently in the Ghawar Oil Fields works a double.
>Now it's worse , socialist will take the dems in due time due to demographics
They already have. I expect moderate Dems to be targeted for violence as heavily as Republicans in the coming unrest.
Well everyone else is overcharging. Fracking was half a meme from the start.
Can you explain the deflationary spiral, milkshake theory and specifically why the USD dependent nations will flee to the USD?
It is the single greatest transfer of wealth from the world to the US, of all time. As if a great vacuum were sucking up every single useful thing and depositing them on American shores. I don't think you understand the outcomes here.
>The us was extremly volatile with 12% unemployment , with shit like occupy wall street and crazies all over the place.
You call that "volatile"? A movement that was quickly black-listed and had more than half the population against it AND ate itself from the inside out? Honestly, the state of "uprising" Yas're watching all of America bend over and spread it for the local government without question, blindly, whatever they ask, and you expect anyone with half a brain to think people are going to riot?
No dude you are right about the paying back due to the deflationary effect.
But this is a total collapse i am here in Argentina where the fiat system was already collapsing but it's accelerating hard and fast.
The last 72 hours bitcoin went from 8k here to 12k.
People and companies are literally buying bitcoin to flee to the usd i am seeing even on fuckng leddit normies talking about buying dai or bitcoin.
The escape to the usd is happening fast as fuck in the entire world even europe.
This goes way above banks the entire production of the world is fucked up due to the deflationary effect this will cause.
The entire world is fucked for real.
>specifically why the USD dependent nations will flee to the USD?
They have nowhere else to turn to. The USD is a safe asset so when times are rough, people cash out into USD. People want MORE dollars and LESS assets. Asset prices go down while the dollar goes up in even value.
The fed isn't printing money to cause inflation, they are printing money to meet demand for the dollar.
low prices bad
not profitable to rape earth with fracking
fucking burgers
>You call that "volatile"?
Yes, it was volatile. This next movement may actually resort to violence. Expect politicians and business leaders to be targeted. A lot of people have guns and soon enough they'll have nothing else to lose.
I see, cheers. Do you have any forex signals?
The entire world is going to experience massive unrest we are talking about something worse than 1929.
If a nation like argentina wants to trade with china usd are needed in the middle for payment because the usd is the world reserve currency.
But the trade war , sanctions , trump tarrifs, delayed investments due to the trade war and other factors starved the world of usds.
So no one invested shit and when you don't invest you just protect your wealth , what do you do?
Buy a overvalued market pumped by trump on twitter?
Buy bonds with negative returns?
People all over the world simply are buying usd and not investment but this is removing usd of circulation on the us economy and causing deflation in the internal us economy (plus outsources jobs).
It's not going to american shores, it's going to the usd which causes deflation in the us economy , which means everything will be outsourced from the usa due to imports being cheaper due to a overvalued dollar.
At this rate if this does not change i would not be suprised if in four years even your cop jobs are outsourced with mexican seasonal police jobs.
Of course that won't happen because the unrest would be so big that in two years everything would go to hell.
There was a massive growth of leftist ideology worldwide from 2009 to 2015 due to the 2008 shock.
The entire sjw movement gained momentum in only two years with 12% us unemployment.
Are you retarded?
Trump is desperate to open the economy up and end the lockdowns. H's not the one who is getting in the way of that, ts the media and his opposition who need us to have this vuvuzela style meltdown so that the democrats can get elected.
I don't mess with that shit. Stocks, cash, and PMs only for me.
>There was a massive growth of leftist ideology worldwide from 2009 to 2015 due to the 2008 shock.
The entire sjw movement gained momentum in only two years with 12% us unemployment
See how well that leftist ideology land out when you have splintered group fighting for power like, Mexicans, Muslims, Africans etc. Europeans will hopefully turn back to fascism
If all the currencies are fleeing to use it could make some opportunities no?
If you know what you're doing then sure, but I don't so I don't fuck with it. Forex trading requires too much effort and research for me.
So where is Oil going these days?
it's not the lockdown the deflationary collapse was already happening, which is why japan reported -6% gdp growth before even having a corona case.
Corona was just a trigger to make it way way worse.
Trump actually may have reduced the effects by not going full lockdown, european and latin american welfare states will suffer a inflationary collapse sooner due to the lockdown.
However trump & mnuchin and others have responsability in creating the deflationary effect slowly but constantly.
Trade war , sanctions , attack against alternatives like bitcoin, tarrifs , delayed investments all due to the trump administration economic mercantilism.
You can say they were necessary due to the usa being constantly fucked by trade deals and you would be right in my view.
But the reason they are fucked in the first place is not the deals themselves but the usd being the reserve currency causing negative trade balances since the end of bretton woods.
Burgerland had to choose between reserve currency or economic nationalism.
Instead the trump administration choose both which is a retarded point of view because if you are economic nationalist you don't want to import thus you starve the world of that reserve currency.
Now you see the effects of that contradiction and soon the usa will have 30% unemployment if something is not done.
Those of us outside the usa are even more fucked because we will see inflationary collapse sooner.
If anything that shows how retarded the system is now , burgers deflationary collapse due to everyone buying usd and outside inflationary due to everyone escaping the usd.
Clown world
Deflation is already priced in. 30 year T-Bill futures dropped from a high of 190k to 178k or so. That means inflation, they see the writing on the wall and are dumping US treasuries.
Also wrong. It wasn't volatile. It was seen as a bunch of jobless children parading around like toddlers throwing a tantrum. That's how it was portrayed, and that's what the majority of Americans agreed it was. A nuisance. Even if they agreed with the reasoning, the law-breaking and "disrespect" was too much and it wasn't even violent. Occupy meant well but means nothing now.
"May" resort to violence? Guess again. This isn't going to be Waco 2.0, it's going to continue to be everyone spreading their ass wide open and the leftists are absolutely first. Where are leftists with guns who are ready to do violence? No where. They're the epitome of keyboard warrior. What leftist do you know is breaking shelter-in-place? Now that the government is acting like literal Hilter, they do nothing because it's "for the good". All leftist ideology turned into is fat fucks with pink hair congratulating themselves for staying home, hating trump, and being against whatever 1000 grit grain lets them be vocal on social and then a meek pussy you could blow on and watch them fall over in public. They are complete pussies and so are republicans.
Americans are far, far too comfortable to be out in the streets assassinating. As soon as the poorest, most corrupt neighborhoods start to get violent, the left and right alike will cheer as the pigs shoot them down.
Were you even an adult when Occupy happened, or do you just believe every fan-fiction you read on Yas Forums?