Why the fuck is this stock going up every day?
Why the fuck is this stock going up every day?
Stores aren’t even open and the future of GameStop looks so bad, why are people pumping it? This makes no sense to me. I wanted to buy puts on this piece of shit but it’s up 7-12 percent every day the markets are open after it reached 2.80$
why not? evetrything is fine
Sure seems like that is the case for GameStop. I know people making so much profit with calls on this.
You know their parent company is buying 75% of the public stock right?
How the fuck could you even consider shorting knowing this? And if you dont you need to never trade again as you show incompetence
>"sorry we can't retire your Assassins Creed, it's damaged"
So it’s too late to put calls in? And how was I supposed to know that shit???
Its called research and knowing what you are doing
>hurrr how was i supposed to know a public announcement of private acquisition of a stock in regards to one im looking at.
I guess with Robinhood we have tons of ppl like you to provide liquidity and easy rekts now because they have no idea what they are doing and just long or short without much information
boomers probably think that it's where all the gamer geeks get their gamer gear and etc. during this coronavirus^tm and co. holiday!
Isn't Gamestop going down the Blockbuster route to bankruptcy?
But GameStop fucking sucks. Why GameStop? Literally one of the worst companies I can even think of right now...
I thought so till I see it’s up nearly 50 percent in the last week. It’s a short squeeze but it’s annoying that I missed out on it, I was either going to buy shares or calls for 4.50 that expire on the 17nth because my cousin did that and is up so much fucking money off a 400$ initial. It’s stupid
But last week everyone in this board told me only a retard would invest long or even short in such a stupid company “hurrr from 60 to 3 dollars”
It might work for some day trades but I wouldn't go long. I don't see how they can last another 5 years.
Why the fuck would you invest in a company without doing research on it. Holy shit you have to go back
I never intended to go long. It’s literally up 13% just pre market. It’s pumping like crazy. I missed out as always :( forever poor because I listened to this board.
My cousin told me it’s going to practically double by the end of April. I was listening to his judgment. Guess he was right and I was too bearish
The guy Christian Bale played in The Big Short invests in gamestop.
Maybe someone will buy it and make it better idk
You idiots were told about the opportunity so many times on this board.
But instead of listening, you rather just circle jerk with other retards for the opportunity to stroke your tiny ego for a moment.
Now was it worth it? And again, you are still being given the opportunity and advice to BUY NOW because it's going to 20+ but again, nobody will listen and we'll see more cry baby threads bitching about why it didn't "muh blockbuster" despite all the evidence against it that you refuse to actually research or read.
Stay poor biz
(12k shares bought at 3.50, calls bought at 2.xx last week that are over 500%)
you haven't seen nothing yet, nobody has even mentioned the upcoming proxy vote that is going to recall all the short shares this week adn cause a massive short squeeze...
Michael Burry !! If you are on Yas Forums you should remember his damn name
People are obviously buying it and I had the perfect options entry when it was at 2.80 a week ago. Now it’s 4.50$ baka
So do you suggest I buy calls right now?
He also jsut bought another 1 million shares last week...
Here is a summary of what is going to spark the massive short squeeze this week. TLDR Every share is shorted, board of directors vote coming up for key position, everyone has to recall their shares to vote, forcing all the shorts to cover their positions and buy back shares. This is unavoidable, a certainty, and it will be spectacular.... get in now or miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime
Just because this contrarian autist got it right once (he got it right big time but still) doesn't mean he's a psychic that can see the future. There is no way Gamestop is going to live much longer, their model is completely outdated and they missed the window of oppurtuinity for moving into the online market long ago. They also have missed the great opportunity to really get some sort of digital return store up i.e. reselling digital games. I give them 5 years max then they are gone.
Because Burry knows
They very well may be gone in 5-7 years, but that's not a good reason to not 10-20x your money over the next 1-2 years.
Do you suggest buying shares outright or just call options for the next month?
I have both,
12k shares I'm holding for 1-2 years, and I have calls I'm holding that expire April 17th and May15th for the short term proxy vote squeeze.
Fundamentally the stock price will go up probably 10x over the next year, but in the short term trading noise, this week/month is going to have a huge movement because of the board of directors vote which is what my calls are for.
If what you say is true about the vote then there may be an opportunity for money but the way
phrased it made it seem like he was just buying shares and holding them, which is just retarded.
Holding shares isn't retarded, go do some research. The business is absolutely undervalued, and has 0 chance of going bankrupt. Actually look into it yourself instead of buying the 'blockbuster' meme
Does this look like a company in trouble to you? Yes there is a decline, but put it in perspective of the console cycle, and is that decline as big as expected based on all the sky is falling circle jerking you hear? Probably not even close...
zoom out
Haliburton, shell, or rtx?