What's the biggest trade you have running right now, and what's your leverage?
/ltg/ Leverage trading general
6 million jews
why didn't newton set a stoploss
go to pul you fucking nazi. What has jews ever done to you you filthy goyim.
Meh kinda worried to be honest. Just recently closed on my bitcoin long which made me 400$.
he was a degenerate gambler
gas yourself
please people. help me report this racist
all in on Ethereum minus 6 months of California rent ( so 5X your rent for 6 months )
No leverage I am however adding all of my paychecks as they come in.
He had high testosterone.
ethereum can't really be used commercially as long as 1 eth costs more than $0.2 you know that, right?
i wonder why people invest into future high performance commercial blockchains as if they're supposed to increase in price as mroe people use them. put some money into btc atleast, don't go all in fucking ethereum it's the most overpriced thing out there
>1 eth costs more than $0.2 you know that, right?
isn't that only if plasma doesn't get released
mid 5 figures 10x short
yeah it's at current state, but i think it's crazy that it's at $150 just because people are speculating on tech that doesn't exist yet
its under priced. Ethereum is not money anyhow its a service that secures transactions.
You may not see Ethereum itself shilled on biz so here is some copy pasta i whipped up. Basically follow the money.
Also the Guy Who helped make USDC at coinbase is now the second in command at the FED (Brian Brooks)
because his exchange said he wasn't qualified to
No one is building on it because 15 Transactions per second is shit.
Few months and Scaling fix will drop. Do you honestly think reddit would plan you integrate with a system that could only do 15 tps? they are not stupid and neither is the Ethereum enterprise Alliance.
Everyone is building and testing on private chains so they will be read when scaling is not a problem.
fuck off kike
how has scaling been fixed?
i can never read if these are long or shorts
Long, hence why i'm red
Look up the Oracle Problem
so why would a 3 digit or even 2 digit price per eth be justified if all those people are using it? shouldn't the price be as low as possible in order for ethereum to be cost-efficient?
20x short from $7,700. Comfy and funneling the gains into Suterusu for 60% APR.
Long from 3900 with 100 bucks and leverage 60 during the crash. Wanted to buy more at the same price but ended fucking up everything because of different leverage, entry price moved to 5k and had to close position.
It has a lot more after the decimal than a dollar though
Gas will be a fraction of a penny in a few months and should not climb much due to gas limits regardless of what the price does.
Based but no if you’re talking about the price at the pump fuck no it will not in my area at least.
This desu. The guy was doing nofap before nofap even existed.