Why are rich people so greedy?
Why are rich people so greedy?
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Greedy people sometimes become rich, that's why.
Retards think billionaire means 1 billion+ dollar bills laying around. Morons. Also they got rich because they believe capitalism, not giving fat feminists + neets freebies, is the best way to improve humanity
If you give the poor people more money, they work less, meaning they produce less goods and services and everyone gets poorer
grubby beggars like this make me sick. social media lefties are even worse because they're so entitled about it. it reminds me of this based scene
>Retards think billionaire means 1 billion+ dollar bills laying around.
This, there was a whole drama a while ago when he wanted to sell some of his Amazon shares.
That being said I do think billionaires should be taxed more.
Yeah I think people that do not have money (and have never had contact with other people with money) have a difficult time understanding the concept of what "money" can mean (i.e. not understanding stocks, property, etc. can play into the "billionaire" status).
I swear most lefties think being a billionaire means you have a billion dollars in your bank account. So fucking retarded. A lot of billionaires, especially the ones who have most of their networth tied to a single company don't even have 1 million in available liquidity.
>grubby beggars like this make me sick.
Like all those (((corporations))) that ran for bailouts one whole week into the wuflu?
>sociopathy is based and I don't understand movies
unironically smoke a shotgun
unironically seethe more soiboi
>Bezos gives every person in America $1 million
>White trash, illegals, hood rats blow it all on useless garbage; cars, drugs, designer clothes etc
>Middle class pay off debts but remain mostly within their means
>Rich aren’t affected
>Ultra rich scramble to hike up real estate to accommodate increase in median wealth (and to continue keeping poor people out of their communities)
>Prices of goods go up
>Poor people quit their shitty jobs en masse and gladly pay increased prices bc they have no concept of money management
>no investing or portfolio diversification
>sudden drop in wagies and short lived increase in money spent on useless garbage sees the economy spaz out until we’re faced with another recession
>poor return to their shitty jobs when they run out of money
A billionaire has the opportunity to fund a megaproject capable of shaping the future of humanity. You know what happens if they give the money away to random useless shitheads? Nothing. It's 100% wasted.
Fatass McEwan hordes large amount of food while people starve.
This. If he sold all the shares and assets needed to get that 33 billion in a form that could be handed out to people, it would crash the economy even worse than it already is, and just make even more people unemployed. Liquidity (or the lack thereof) seems to be a concept that escapes the brainlet.
You communist faggots need to gtfo back to your discord channels
You billionaire defenders are pretty comical.
Billionaires should be taxed more because they or their businesses use more roads, mail services, get increased protection from police, etc.
Don't care about da gibs.
I guess you didn’t know that Bezos is a huge Obama lover and donates generously to ... fat feminazi organizations.
This is woman in the bottom screenshot. You guys ever notice how it's always fatties complaining about hoarding resources?
These threads are so wasteful because people are so polarized. On one hand people are sheep and giving them handouts won't do shit, not to mention government comoletely wastes/steals tax money. On the other hand, elites are the ones sucking the government's tits the most either directly through bailouts or indirectly through lobbying and QE. So you need to remove the structural disadvantages instead of thinking taxes is going to do shit. But people who defend the rich without seeing the structural cheating they engage in are no better than socialists wanting gibs.
I don't think most people disagree with you. The government bailing out big big corporations is basically just socialism for the rich, which is arguably way worse than just regular socialism.
This also goes against the most important foundation necessary for the free market to work properly: "if you succeed you get the benefit, but if you fail, you bear the cost".
Economics is filled with so much bullshit marketing and shiity buzzwords.
A vocabulary that is ment to weed out the low iq no amvition sheeple.
Bezos doesn't have billions in the bank.
He has a company he pays salary for.
Houses, cars, boats, and a lot of land for home, vacationing, and warehouses parking lots, loading docks, ahipping bays.
Not to mention stocks.
Do we ever know how much this guy has in his bank account?
no we don't.
Why are you?
There's a hungarian aesop called 'the conquest of the rats', I suggest you read it.
>dude bro
>there was like this project that I think is awesome and this jerkface billionaire REFUSED to spend his money the way I thought he should
Not defending the rich, just economic actors in the fake and gay market system we have ran by Jews who literally made the money up out of thin fucking air while you gotta work for it.
but their business keep people at work, pay more taxes ....
I'm against socializing the losses just as I am against socializing the gains. The Fed should stop inflating bubbles and corporations that are too leveraged and run into trouble should fail so that the resources and capital may be used by a new corporation that isn't as reckless. This corporate socialism crony shit is not capitalism and it's turning young people away from support of free markets.
All that needs to happen is the Fed be abolished and we go to a hard money system like Bitcoin.
>Why are rich people so greedy?
Why are poor people so poor?
The second post on the image is correct. Hoarding billions of dollars that you'll never get to use in your lifetime is greed scum behavior.
>but MuH liqUIdAtION
Jeff is worth more than a 100 billion - the guy more likely has a billion or two distributed amongst different bank accounts/funds, etc.
>pay more taxes
>elites are the ones sucking the government's tits the most either directly through bailouts or indirectly through lobbying and QE
How does QE help elites? Genuinely asking.