Is Leo Cornelius unironically the new Sergey?

Who is he? What does he want from us? Will he lead us to financial freedom?

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Why is Bread wallet using child labor?

Imagine being able to single-handedly strain the whole IDENA blockchain with an old computer from your mom's house.

>b-buh it's just a test mainnet

Nobody wants to buy your useless coins, user. Just look at the Buy/Sell ratio on qTrade. It's 40 to 1. Sell pressure is fucking immense, and nobody is buying.

Imagine a dev team who solves their own security flaws! That would be a sight!

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what is the quick run down here?

Is this Leo Cornelius age progressed 20 years?

A 14-year-old kid successfully attacked IDENA network with his potato computer. Devs still don't know how to fix the gaping hole to prevent future attacks.

This is true, because nobody is buying.

Nice exagerrated take an events Manesh. Maybe finally obtaining those 5 DNA for cheap will get working sewage for your slum someday

That's when he was 20 years younger. See Benjamin Button for details.

please stop hoaxing sir. everything is peachy do not sell or fud please

>3k volume
>never going to be able to sell

I want to buy this children a new computer with my trump bucks for his future endeavors.

please stop hoaxing sir. everything is peachy do not sell or fud please

how'd he do it?

no fees to transfer between wallets. Scripted a lot of transfers between wallets. the old DoS 1 2

Good ol testnets

This. Some of the oddest fud I've in a minute.

token not needed

>balding at 14
el JUSTo...

fucking lol

Good try faggot

He is most definitely /ourguy/

Leo Cornelius IQ is no longer measured in numbers.................

it has become
!"Quantum computer"!

my: IQ 100
his: QC 1

thats a man

no more thotposts

Literally just farm and hold.
It's free money if it ever turns into something.

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Oh it won't. For those with low iq and the paid pajeets that relentlessly keep spam this board congrats on this, seriously.

Wtf pls stop leo

>what is the quick run down here?
a random kiddo single-handedly destroyed the stability of the network. VPS nodes failed, mining penalties and blood on the street.

And he used just a modicum of his power not to completely destroy idena.

Devs are literally shaking and didn't react yet