WHERE ARE MY TRUMPBUX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WHERE ARE MY TRUMPBUX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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The banks closed. Just wait

my robux get here on monday. Whew lad what a relief it will be. My own personal bail out to invest in BTC or computer parts. Thanks trumplestilskin may our economy forever be blessed and also RIP

its direct deposit though friendo. at least if you filed your taxes with direct deposit

im sorry user but the trump bux are a lie. elderly people thought young people liked memes and rummaged around the internet for memes and found the cake is a lie repeatedly. they thought it would make people happy and thus give trump support

99% of claims are rejected and 50% are not notified they were rejected

I just want to be in that darn 1% SHEEEEIIIT


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>Didn't do direct deposit because bank numbers are too complicated

Why is the entire ACH against me. ;_;

If I don't get my trumpbux I'm going to scream

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me2 fren

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>imagine making less than 75k a year and needing trumpbux

>imagine being a faggot
oh wait, u dont have to


oh, you're just a 12 year old kid. ok

You don’t get trumpbux if you’re under the age of 26 fucking retard

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haven't gotten my tax return or trump bux
feels bad I need the money so bad right now
pain pain
reminds me of my younger days

>raj against the machine


Cute that you think banks process anything on the weekends. Much less Easter Sunday.
Not even the computers at banks work on the weekends


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I got mine but I just noticed all my paypal charges are stuck pending in my account I wonder what the fuck is up with that

i got direct deposit of my 2018 return into an account i no longer have, and 2019 into a different account i do have. will they send trumpbux to my 2019 account???

sent ;)

I lived with my parents and filed as dependent in 2018, do I still get trumpbux?

So what if I have been getting paid under the table and never filed taxes,
Should I sign the form?
I make like 10k a year at best but maybe more like 15k maybe once?
part time I dont track.

Will I get audited?

If someone claimed you as a dependent then no you don’t get Trumpbux

Go here if you didn't file

Just say you didn't file because you're an illegal immigrant. They'll probably give you double trumpbux

>bait this gay, weak, and retarded

How the fuck would we know?

Illegals aren't getting shit. The dems tried floating that idea and it died instantly.

Senor, esa es muy racista

Nope. I like Mexicans who are here legally just fine. The illegals can go fuck themselves.

Lol at believing this

>lol at /pol shitheads who think they're good at trolling

chinga tu madre, pinche mojado maricon.

my bank account info updates around 3am EDT so i'm hoping it shows up in a couple hours. if not hopefully within a few days. wanna put it all in LINK before it moons.

Get a green card.