When will all the jobless girls on quarantine start getting desperate. I already got my Tinder set up and waiting.
When will all the jobless girls on quarantine start getting desperate. I already got my Tinder set up and waiting
I have been pumping and dumping over 2 weeks now.
stop posting ugly fat chicks
Your braps are fucking reposted dog shit. First is a fat mass of stretch marks with no distinction from her fat legs to her ass and the other is a blown out junkie mud shark using some of the worst photoshop I’ve seen.
They will do the only thing talentless thots can do. Ho sales. Prostitution is gonna go full swing. Buy hotels.
I did well for myself before corona. My secret is to not be ugly and also research the girls social media and pretend to like everything she likes, have sex with her and then ghost her until a brapper here sets me off. Lockdown makes it even easier, they’re not coming to your house unless they want to fuck.
I already had sex with two bumble thots back 2 back the past 2 days
1 thicc Guatemalan chick and 1 slim Mexican chick
How do you do it bro? I've been getting tons of matches but all the girls end up either wanting to be in a serious relationship or giving me their contacts to be friends
what am I supposed to say if I'm not supposed to say "hey"
I almost always get unmatched
I'm a good boy and I want to play
>what am I supposed to say if I'm not supposed to say "hey"
you can say anything if you look good
You must be in the wrong area then because there are tons of girls that have “not sure what they’re looking for” in their profiles.
This basically means I want the right man(or men) to fuck me
Once she invites you over her vice versa don’t be a total creep and make sure your place is spotless and all autistic possessions are hidden. Take out some fancy books and place them on tables in sight so she can see your a 110 iq chad
For fucks sake don’t act like a thirsty simp and automatically think you have the green light to fuck her. Give her space and watch a movie, if the vibes right ask her if she wants to get closer and then boom, if she wants to fuck she will
I re-booted my Tinder a week ago but all the girls on there are ultra-paranoid about the Rona. They've fallen hook line and sinker for the hysteria and probably won't leave their houses until August.
I've smashed a few girls on there but my ratio is like 4 out of maybe 20. My problem is I never know where to meet up on the first date. Any tips? And do you make a move on the first date?
This. Met a 10/10 asian qt despite being a nigger but she refuses to meet until "this is all over"
Most are actually taking the quarantine seriously in my area. They don't wanna meet up.
Shut up gay boy
What's your area?
Already happening. Tons of women I've been interacting with have been acting thirsty as fuck. I have a gf I don't want to cheat on, but there have been times lately I'm just like "damn...slow pitch..." Are they just not getting any attention? Are they scared and going into survival mode? It's really odd. Maybe they see you out in public and instinctively it signals you're healthy/not afraid of the virus which maybe activates their attraction? I really don't know, but it's easier than ever out there.
those are all men and you all are gay
If so those men are pretty hot.
lmao I'm at wfh at my parents for a month now and I've had 6 (six) booty calls since being on lockdown
perks of being quarantined in a different country than my gf
what does your profile look like? i just have a few selfies, nothing shirtless because im chubby
I’m a sociopath and I don’t know how I do it, I just do.
Good advice
Wtf man break up with your girl if you’re gonna be doing shit like that
ok maybe I didn't express myself right. I had those calls, but I didn't cheat on her, I was just directly asked to. I never cheated on anyone I had a relationship with. Idk tho, if this lasts for like half a year more, I'm not making any promises
how do you even meet girls and make them like you? wtf
idk dude. I used to care when I was 20. Then I had a gf for 5 years, then she broke up with me, then I died inside, then I stopped viewing women as anything other than emotionally instable children. Really, make them laugh, feed them and show them how you're in control and how they feel comfortable around you, and it's an easy win. Eventually it becomes a reflex. The less you care, the easier it is.
>1 is the younger sister of a high school friend who called me to ask if I wanted to spend the afternoon over since her brother and parents went to visit their elderly
>1 is an ex from uni
>1 is a friend from uni who asked if I wanted to have a drink at her new apartment
>1 is an ex of a friend of mine who just liked all my pics on instagram and then called me
>1 is a russian qt from work who literally called to know if I'm still in town and wanted to come over
>1 is a nice girl I had a nice stint and whom I actually liked with but we broke up because I ended up moving abroad
what do you look like? are you a chad or just a high tier normie
1m90, 75kg. I'm not ugly but I'm not a chad. My game is literally being tall, having blue eyes and making jokes all the time