One of the things I would do is look at how much the food cost per calorie. For example, if a food product cost 3$ for 1k calories, I viewed that as a good product to buy, whereas a product that was 12$ for 1k calories, I would view as expensive. I think this is a very intelligent way of buying groceries, don't just look at the price, it's a very weak measurement, look at how much your paying per 1k calories or 500 calories or whatever.
Grocery shopping tips
Based & calorie pilled
I hate people who buy food with borderline 0 calories
Like why tf are you even eating?
Looking at price per nutritional value is a better metric. By your standard, the most valuable thing in the grocery store would be different oils like olive oil. High calories but no nutrients.
>herpderp junk food for life.
What about broccoli?
Calorie per dollar is horrible, but health to cost is tremendous. Same as kale.
>Like why tf are you even eating?
This is why the average Amerilard needs 2 rolls of TP each day.
I do this as well it's why I only eat McDonald's and desserts
50 lb bags of barley from a feed store for like $10. Good look at the nutrition facts for it. cook it up, mix with beef. All you need to survive on for 6 months. Nigger.
Instead of calories, you should be looking at protein and nutrition. Buying a bag of sugar and a box of pasta is $2, but you will fuck up your body. Could have instead bought a bunch of broccoli, celery, carrots, or lettuce with that price and feel better afterwards.
>Buying a bag of sugar and a box of pasta is $2, but you will fuck up your body.
Bag of sugar and box of pasta doesn't fuck up your body. Pizza rolls do!
based and conservation of energy pilled
don't forget about the 'type' of calorie
not all calories are created equal
due to the body having to 'spend' calories 'breaking down' other calories
so sugar is high return
carbs are low return
>I want as much calories as possible for muh money
literal retard fat fuck thinking. this is why burgers are obese. calories are a very bad measure of what you should shop.
Ask me how I know you're an Amerishart
OP sounds like he's counting his calories. I doubt he's obese.
Mayor redpill dropping in.
Healthy food is cheaper than junk food because normies are braidead and have no idea.
Buckwheat, lentils, full grain bread, nuts, olive oil, vegetables from farmers are all based tier foods that will keep you healthy and full with all the minerals you need.
Just chug oil then
Since soda is cheaper than water in USA and has more calories than water, he should drink soda instead of water if he wants to follow his plan
good graphic ngl
Vodka can also be cheap and comes with worthless calories. OP is just posting a gay copy pasta.
>carbs don't fuck up your body, carbs do!
Depends on what you're eating. Theres tons of shit that isn't good for you that would suit that plan. Better to go by oz per dollar on things that are healthy and can be used as a meal or part of a mean as opposed to buying high calorie snacks and junk.
Meme shit like that is shit. Half the things in "best" are not very digestible for most people.
Based bro!!!
I myself just buy 5 lbs of sugar and 5 lbs of crisco shortening and 5 lbs of eggs. 30% carbs 30% fats 30% proteins for 100% of my nutritional requirement. I take a multivitamin once a week. I cut my food costs down to $10 a week.
legit chuckled
Ask me how I know you are a newfag. It's a shitpost copypasta.
Just imagine being this much of a utilitarian-cel. Cringe
water is free you fucking mongoloid
Show me some evidence that basedbeans are bad for you. I'm ethnically Chinese and we eat a ton of it yet have no issues with our reproductive system
It's straight from Yas Forums.
Don't talk shit
>I'm ethnically Chinese and we eat a ton of it yet have no issues with our reproductive system
Except being soft bois, right?
Chinks aren’t human though
basedbeans prevent the normal development of penis size and testicles. This is not because they "lower testosterone" as some people think but rather because they downregulate androgen receptors which is a critical difference. Im asian and I grew up not eating any onions and my penis is 6" with decent girth, my fob asian friends told me their penises are like around 4". The point is, based beans are probably the actual cause of the asian small penis syndrome, more so than genetics IMO
Stop buying (((kosher))) products, you brainless boomer cattle.
Found the fatty.
I have a 7 inch penis and regularly eat tofu and edamame
How's your fertility rates going John Paco Dequan Gomez?
We had that poster in the lunch room in elementary school. I liked it because it sorta looked like a clone trooper mask from the Star Wars prequels.
> Fails to explain Latinos not suffering the same effect despite eating more beans
But did you while growing up and during puberty? It's not going to shrink it when its already grown, but stunts the growth in the first place.
He's talking about
not beans in general
it's censored, translates to based