Scam discussion

Lets talk about well known scams being shilled on Biz

Idena - One user can run various nodes, mining rewards surpass trading volume so pajeets constantly try to spam their shitcoin to dump the bags. Flips are also full of cp and there was an attack today on the network.

CoronaCoin - Devs exit scammed 3 times, will do it again.

Pon - Same devs from corona.

Chimera - Not a scam, but they have a tranny running the project.

Bisinc - A complete retard is the "CEO" looool. That guy is a retard who thinks he is a bigboy because he manages 1 discord. He can also revoke your tokens if he want to.

Post more scams

Attached: Pajeet scams.jpg (1000x707, 96.38K)

Chainlink - Devs own 80% of the total supply

Attached: khater.png (891x1090, 380.91K)

RSR pnd


sergay betrayed us all, we were supposed to be all in this together

Ch____ink - 1 stinky dinky

hello....but who is chris?

A tranny, huh? Well, more points for diversity I guess.

>muh gorillion tps
>muh defi
>muh ethkiller
>muh central banks
Fuck fantom I can't believe I used to shill this bullshit

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>no Pi
to the moon baby!


RSR is the most blatant pump and dump by satsgang I've seen yet

fuck these pajeets

how can i run various nodes on idena?


2 pcs or a virtual machine. Just invite yourself. You have 2 minutes to solve the short session...some people actually run 3 nodes

Love it. 100% truth!

Seems like an early Pyramide. How do I get in on the action

bump so more anons can here about IDENA, moon soon sirs!

Hope Corona coin gets back to its price before the exit scam a couple weeks ago. I have 172k coins that I got for free

yes its a pyramide scheme at best, be carefull because the flips contain cp. Just go to their discord and ask for an invite. Dont run idena on your pc you may get cp shared to you.

What was the final scam? How much did they make?

they are remaking the coin to do it again.

Shit i forgot Black Gold....the dev is from the corona project

So they just fucked up without making any money from it?

Idena volume tripled today, went up 25%, hasn't even officially started (listed 3 months early). Says something that you at least recognize it out of the thousands of projects out there.

Fpbp. No half decent company will ever take this shitcoin seriously and people who dump their money into link for any reason other than buying at 2.50 and selling at 3.50 are retarded.

Unless the devs get their shit together.

Scams make nice pnds.....corona coin had 100 times the volume of idena. It also worked, thing that you cant say about idena.

any other pyramid/pnd coins?

Chainlink -made by a rich jew russian witb daddy's money and shilled on here by literal indians. He met ari back in the day and together they've made a killing. Bribed his way into coinbase and oracle and has offered zero patents or any worthwhile code. Three years later.

Doesn't matter if it's a scam or not, mining is free. Are you really going to turn down free money if it moons?
Obvious pump n dumps.
>BIS Inc
Retards roleplaying as a business. """CEO""" asks for ETH dontations for something called "Club Pepe".
Might be a pump n dump, might not be. The dev seems to be trying to make a product at the very least. Has plans for a "content platform" that will fail.

Idena is the future you fucking brainlet moronic sorry scums..All else may come under other catagory...Idena is a bliss among just "disgusting promises and vaporware". True decentralization through democratic access is upon us....No one can stop an idea whose time has come.....Obviously it's still in development but beware about this once in a long time opportunity and passion

Its a shitcoin nothing more. Buy nervos

ok ranjoosh