Where does Yas Forums get its news?

Where does Yas Forums get its news?

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Yas Forums


Yas Forums

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Oh shit this site is cool

Yas Forums

Unironically kinda this. My job requires me to keep up to date with a lot of international news and I often don't look at business news at all. That being said, to gain any information from Yas Forums you have to have a strong bullshit filter and an uncanny amount of meme magic

i watch george gammon nigga

Jim Cramer

that's all i watch too. what's up with the tranny he brought on his show yesterday?

Classics: Nietzsch, Plato, Kant, Schop

All else is noise or propaganda. Prove me wrong.

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i had the same vibe.... really seemed like a ladyboy

I dont know. It just kind of finds me without looking for it.

global research
voltaire network
ben fulford
alciun flutterby
various subreddits

Yas Forums

I dig through peoples garbage at night
learn a lot by the light of a full moon

>prove me wrong

Sorry, you cannot hear me. Head too deep in your own ass.

>Classics: Nietzsch, Plato, Kant, Schop
Shit-tier philosophers, just like Molymeme.

Chico Crypto is bomb
Datadash / the modern investor / Nugget's news are pretty informative
Crypto Zombie / The moon / Sunny Decree are shills but worth following

i used to watch molymeme but i got tired of him. too repetitive.

stxhammer is unwatchable. he needs to put on a shirt

pol has too much gore.

biz too much shilling and gay porn

classics are good



nietzsche is goat you faggot

is that like slang for full of STDs and narcotics?

This is rock solid. Reminds me of another homebody project from this site, but it's a regular news aggregator:


>ben fulford
guy made all these bullshit claims of indonesian underwater gold, and none of his predictions have ever come true

>global research
user, it's literally a Chinese propaganda tool, im not even kidding

user, you're smarter than this. Don't be a useful idiot of others, think independently.

Yas Forums and the drudgereport

But the drudgereport is still biased, but I would rather give my clicks to an independent right wing media outlet than some mega corporation.

biz and daily stormer

Yas Forums, Zero Hedge for the permabear outlook, Financial Times and Bloomberg to see what the globalists are up to, Cointelegraph in case I missed anything on Yas Forums. BBC, Daily Mail and RT for international politics. Foreign Policy and National Interest for political policy hot takes.

This is a great news feed.

Only Qanon...

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Globalresearch a Chinese tool, lol, fuck you braindead ratfaced kike
