Why would someone get into BTC, ETH, or Link right now and hope for a x2 when they can get DNA and wach a quick x100...

Why would someone get into BTC, ETH, or Link right now and hope for a x2 when they can get DNA and wach a quick x100? Makes no sense to me.

Attached: Idena-Review-Cover-1024x718.jpg (1024x718, 95.44K)

Because I value my money and would like to see it grow, not thrown away on a shitcoin. You had two years user, you missed BTC, you missed ETH and now you’re about to willfully miss LINK. Not all of us were even meant to make it.

Because 1 user can run 2 nodes and that can't be solved by the team. Also everyone knows that idena only purpose is for team members to share gay porn and cp. You will not dump your bags on me fucking pajeet

kekpls to be informed to buy de gud token Idena Security Protocol Token you fool, buy it and make me rich you disgusting white devil

Easier said than done. Try solving more than one set of short session flips accurately.

You sound like a conservative middle aged father. Those are all well past the point of massive returns. Gotta find something on ground floor to make big money. Also grow some balls.

But Arena validates your boometrical data. Athena tells how big benis is.

Attached: 1576940173691.jpg (750x789, 76.48K)

I spent all $20k to my name on LINK at $0.4. What shitcoins did you chase instead user? We Tried to tell you for two years, but you continued to chase shitcoins just like you are here. Some people were destined for poverty

Kek.. Everyone does it

Why would I be mad that another coin went up in value? I hope they all do! I was in Link at .40 also but got out a little earlier than I should have. Hope everyone makes more gains, no reason to wish otherwise.

he sounds like a pajeet fudding de gud token




2 identities are very doable unfortunately, 3 even if you're a big brain but it's risky, though I believe this will be fixed soon, score required for human status will prob go to 95% very soon, remember we're still very much in testing phase
OP is FUD to make idena enthusiasts look like pajeet shills

I was also in BTC at around $150 and got out before 1k, but I try not to think about that. Just hoping for another big move, that's all.

your coin is a scam, you shit in the street, you pretend to speak english and your women are disgusting, that however doesn't stop you from regularly raping them and setting them on fire when they go to report the crime. indians are subhuman scumm nearly as bad as the chinks, a little bit better than africans.

I have a stack of 9k, so that's not quite true.


No, a very small number do it. Even less if you account for people who try and fuck it up.

Copying from yesterday’s thread for this new FUD (the original comment was in reply to the same kind of reply above):

>Maybe probable, 10% of network maybe doing it and it's normal but only semi-uniqueness is possible so right now there could be 1521 real humans behind 1690 nodes but remember sustaining two Human status by the same human is very unlikely; a very small minority of the people may be able to accomplish it. So it is also normal. The network is still showing proof of human and proof of uniqueness (a semi uniqueness because a 100% uniqueness is not possible anywhere without compromising your privacy and anonymity.

In regards to running 2 nodes:

> Maybe probable, 10% of network maybe doing it and it's normal but only semi-uniqueness is possible so right now there could be 1521 real humans behind 1690 nodes but remember sustaining two Human status by the same human is very unlikely; a very small minority of the people may be able to accomplish it. So it is also normal. The network is still showing proof of human and proof of uniqueness (a semi uniqueness because a 100% uniqueness is not possible anywhere without compromising your privacy and anonymity.

Damn bro, I probably would have ended it awhile ago if I were you. I couldn’t stomach that personally, props to your strength

Meant to copy a different reply for the second >

In regards to pajeet/chink flip farms

Now you came to some sense...

First of all the invite mechanism and limited invites in each epoch bar any one rouge party to have a substantial control over the network even when they would have a huge army of sweatshop workers or humans under authoritarian regimes. With the network growth it would continue to become even harder for the bad actors to procure a significant portion of the network to do a 1/3 attack.

2nd a rational actor would always prefer his/her self interest over the others. Even if someone gathers an army of controllable humans under his command and offers to pay them some amount for each validation, still personal interests would warrant that they will not do it because they could earn more directly without being tied to that human farm. They can only be successful when they pay more than each of them could directly earn themselves by running individual nodes and this lacks any economic rationality on the part of those bad actors to pay more. They won't be able to sustain paying more in each epoch. So this is not a probable attack vector.

You do not just solve Flips, you make them also which is akin to participating and supporting the network by the people for the people.It costs time and cognitive energy. No one in their right minds would put this much energy in a controlled environment just so that they get something in return which would be lower than if they had done it freely under their own will.

The cost to attack Idena would continue to increase with the network growth. Now you need at least 563 nodes to collude in order to have a successful coordinated attack against the network. When this would be 10k nodes, you would need at least 3333 nodes to collude. Get your details right and analyze the facts before reaching on premature conclusions.

I can pull up some my original wallet transactions from 2012, I cashed out quite a bit of it. It’s pretty fucking depressing, I’m doing alright for myself but I haven’t /made it/. Incredibly bullish on Idena though.

generally this is the best time to jump on crypto, prices are now at lows, also new projects are money spinners especially projects with safety measures like ICTO models from Finnexus

Since when are pajeets into fudding projects, you are the first one

First thread on the subreddit first page is about the connection between. Idena and Cp lololololol

Wow, so you actually have 2 nodes instead of 1? That does it, you can now control the network through your overwhelming majority.

It's not like it still stops the problems with PoW and PoS you can create a 100000 to 1 disparity.

ma mane, gud reply, this shit will pump so much

Everyone does it. And even if it was only 1 user that means the system is faulty and can't be used to anything serious. Every potential use case goes out of the window. But you are either too retarded to understand it, or are just a fucking pajeet trying to dump bags. You idena shills can't discuss your shot token, all you do is copy paste shit and make gay porn threads

mmmm this FUD is so gud, please user, give us moar, you literally making me more energetic now, give it to us user! We're all dirt 3rd world dwellers here, give us your ARYAN wisdom!

>Everyone does it
that's a greatly overstretched assumption but I do agree that the system is faulty as long as it's there even if just one person does it. the real problem is people claiming it's a working product while actually it's still in testing phase and because of its intricacies requires a lot of data provided from humans using it and time to implement corrections based on this data. it's not a simple computing algorithm, it's working with humans and that makes it a lot harder to prevent any and all possible errors. doesn't change the fact it looks very promising and I am definitely willing to spare 2 hours every 12 days to accumulate as much DNA as possible