Why doesn't Yas Forums get into programming? Could help you with your trading, you know.
Why doesn't Yas Forums get into programming? Could help you with your trading, you know
Why doesnt Yas Forums get into kneepads?
It could help them fund their trading, you know.
imagine having a job lamao
If you use a lot of one letter variable names I recommend you to try using ii, jj and kk for iterator variables to make it a little easier to differentiate them.
Nested loops ur not gonna make it sirs
because it's boring as fuck
It's not the programming part, I don't understand the financial math. Where did you learn?
>no consistent style
>superfluous comments
>large functions
>abc complexity
That formatting is making me angry
lol just dont use one letter variable names
Nothing about that code makes it obvious that he's traversing a tree, although the last comment is garbage, that's true. Not too impressed about skipping { for the if but not for the else, likewise for the first loop but not the second, but apart from that it's not a trainwreck at all.
Some of us aren't literally autistic
I do so when I implement math, but apart from that almost never other than lambdas.
hey im just a beginner, everybody starts somewhere... not to mention this little project is already yielding great results
formatting isn't as important to me rn as functionality
work for a vol trading firm and they'll teach you how to model the theoretical prices and trade the vol skew/surface
beyond that, just books and papers
I don't know. I know quite a few programmers, most of them are very well earning as far as I understand (one works for Two Sigma, other in abroad backoffice of Ericsson, other is self-employed and works as external for company that provides energy in case of emegency to UK power grid. Oh and there's another one who programs smart televison or however it's called).
However, nearly all of them are fat or lanky/neglecting themselves, spend money on really stupid shit and are difficult to communicate since are a ball of their own neuroses.
I might go more into programming as engineer, but I'm really suspicious of the lifestyle and choices of guys going programming route.
I've been programing since 2011.
It makes my brain explode. It's just like sitting in a library all day reading books thinking and writing papers.
It's doable for a short time but for non autists it's torture.
Refactor into smaller functions/methods with descriptive names and you won't need the comments. Rookie stuff brahj, read some fowler
Same with this, although investopedia pretty much has all the formulations. I'm too much of a brainlet to carry them over into code. Also my the brokers for my country's exchange doesn't support API for these.
I'm not really into swinging dicks about writing code, and neither should you be.
Code monkey eh, I guess its a way to earn a living lmfao
Please post majic algorythm to make set amount of money
I don't see any recursion , you retarded as fuck lol. I studied computer science and a lot of ppl who learned programming online, don't know shit to code nor use terminology nor have any grasp of any concept
Kys yes, the first time I used it: kys nigga Op Jew retard spastic whore faggot pajeet whore shipping pig of your mother dies in her sleep tonight
I've spent enough time writing code to realize that showing off about how you write code is basically emanating strong loser-energy. For the record I'm incredibly autistic about programming languages and coding styles to the point that I've unironically used recursion schemes to traverse trees, so it's not like I can't spout buzzwords with the best of them, but I just realized it's all so tiresome.
You should literally go to the next store get a shovel and start digging a hole for yourself, no even better u are not worth of a grave get some gasoline and put yourself on fire thx
>backward recursion
>using dead simple iteration
pseud detected
I'm a programmer, I've got no knowledge in maths, what do you use it for?
indian developer tier
You're probably sick of this question, but in your experience whats the best language to start with?
i was coding for 16 years. often coded all day from waking up to going to bed. then i made a software that made me a millionaire. now i get PTSD every time i open up visual studio. can't code no more.