Why wont he just fuck off?

why wont he just fuck off?

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senile and bored

he.wants to rule mankind

Literally who

he. wants (you) to suck his dick as well as you did last time

more like bill gay

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because he wants to help

You pay bill when you pay your bills

Because he's an Illuminati Satanist Bilderberg faggot

>calls this shit a few years ago
>"maybe people will listen to me now"
>still no one cares

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i wonder if normies find it weird how he's suddenly the go-to expert on how to combat the virus

Probably not. Normies don't think, just consooom.

>Bitches about muh niggers in poverty
>Gives them fucking oral vaccines
Kek what a bitch


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I respect this billionaire, he is pretty based and smarter than all of you combined.

and u are what? Who? Just another user here, are u suggesting Bill Gates isn't the anti-Christ?

>why wont he just fuck off?
You want him to just fuck off.
A billionaire putting up his foundation's money to help develop a vaccine faster than any other public or private sector entity.
The fastest and most "complete" ticket out of this bullshit virus situation: develop and mass producena vaccine.
This is the person most caapable to accomplish that, and he's actually working toward that goal.
You want him to just fuck off.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

how about the fact that he wants to mandate the mark of the beast you fucking heathen

get your chip bois!

I don't get it, a few years ago he predicted this would happen in a Ted Talk. He's a genius entrepreneur with a very involved background in this subject and you want him to fuck off? I mean I don't own any MSFT but how about you fuck off.

God damn you guys are fucking stupid.

LMAO you fell for it?
Id2020.org you fucking moron
He has said HIMSELF on multiple occasions that he plans to integrate RFID chipping with worldwide vaccinations. Id2020 lays out their plan to use blockchain technology to keep a digital ledger full of RFID IDs. The first step, as he's said himself and this is publicly available, is to bundle in a quantum dot tattoo with mandatory vaccinations, essentially marking you to be tracked as someone who is inoculated. Then comes the RFID chipping that will become mandatory to access social services. This is what he wants and is working towards, the vaccine is just a trojan horse. This is all publicly available by the way and if you are unable to do your due diligence on this as an autonomous person would, you deserve to get chipped like a farm animal. After that, fuck off and go back nigger. We don't want you here

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This. They seek world domination, and they see all of us as cattle to be (((marked))).

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Remember, it's your fucking duty to RESIST! Burn down the 5g towers, refuse government water, destroy the local police force, kill any government stooge. It's your RIGHT as a FREE American. The constitution will protect and save you unlike the communists in charge. DO. YOUR. DUTY.

this. billionaire megalomaniacs gotta megalomania

you realize these assholes only do this for tax breaks and to stoke their egos and to megalomania?
are you a shill?

Bill Gates and mark of the beast vaccine's. That's it - I have heard it all. There's something about fear and religion man, you guys really, really, really, so really need to work on your levels of credulity. Mark of the beast dude.

messiah complex

Thank you for your support goyim
two shekels have been deposited to MSFT on your behalf

What is with you guys? Healthcare, that's what he does now, billions given in healthcare - literally lowering child mortality rates. What kind of dumbass satanist conspiracy theory is that? He's a megalomaniac? He was one of the founders of the most significant pieces of technology to ever exist, and I never hear a peep from this guy until now, which makes sense, because, you know he's a billionaire philanthropist in healthcare. Vaccine's, that's what he does you guys. I'm going to bed.

I'm actually an atheist and I'm not even afraid. You are missing the point. The point is that these people are the religious ones and they're doing this to 'mark' the non-elites to consolidate control. Mark of the beast is symbolic of that. You talk of credulity and speak from a cardboard soapbox of R*editor pseudorationalism but can only attack the mental image you have constructed in your mind of "fearful religious conspiracy theorist". This is in broad daylight. It is no longer a theory. I can't help stupid though I do try.
Btw, you aren't going to achieve anything by sucking a billionaire's dick on a Mongolian basket weaving forum.

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>promoting the anti christ as our savior
your to going to bed,
you're going to hell

>you know he's a billionaire philanthropist in healthcare

people actually believe this. Jesus christ.

>I'm going to bed
>refreshes anyway
Do you believe in true altruism? If you do, you're even more naive than you let on. I'm trying to help you see the bigger picture so you can protect yourself in the future. People and animals do not sacrifice resources for no personal gain. If you've ever given to charity, you've done it for either a neurochemical reward or to bolster your self esteem and view yourself as a good person. Gates' level of philanthropy is done for personal gain and to consolidate yet more control over those who serve.
Oh look, Epstein!

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Retard he was always sabotaging the free software movement. Constantly attacking Linux. Look up the Halloween Documents.