Will anyone ever replace him?

Will anyone ever replace him?

Attached: RIP.png (249x104, 17.82K)

Other urls found in this thread:


man those were exciting times. I miss that nacci like you wouldn't believe

literally who

fuck off newfag

> and garnish his wages, Mr Mcdonald

Attached: 1556821354186.png (600x600, 142.51K)

By far his best video.

Cryptographic Ultra Money (C.U.M)

Attached: cum.jpg (1002x958, 740.28K)

Attached: Cryptographic Ultra Money.jpg (1200x591, 78.41K)

I hurt myself today
To see if I still feel
I focus on the dump
The only thing that’s real

Red candle digs a hole
The old familiar sting
Try to cope it all away
But I remember everything

What have I become
My sweetest fren?
Every coin I own
Just gets bogged in the end

And you could hack it all
My portfolio of dust
It’ll only let you down
It’ll only make you

I was thinking on picking up where he left off for fun, but I am worried he's still alive and that he'd hate me if I did so. What do?

Kekd and checkd

Attached: FD6B286B-EB75-446E-8846-5DC1007CBD2F.jpg (720x862, 39.61K)

Hey bro he browses the board probably and i'm sure he'd be happy to have some stress of people begging him lifted off. I'd love to see what you've got and i'm sure he'd enjoy someone elses content too. Good Yas Forums culture content is hard to come by and most are really just redditors who use pepe as a thumbnail and then litst off of Reddit boards.
Do you man thats really the best advice. It might be tough to edit a lot but keep going and you'll make it

He will only post once the great golden bull starts
And that only happens if someone coof's on Anderson Cooper so... Fat Chance

you don't have the chops anyway

He overdosed from what I've heard. Couldn't bear wagecucking.

Why is his eth address flagged for phishing?

pft kek nice one though i doubt it


I legit think he got JUST'd

buy ambrosus sirs

Attached: 1525489477979.jpg (1242x1430, 270.62K)

did he died?

he's in this thread.

Yeah it was horrible. The webm often gets posted to Yas Forums. Banned on /gif/.

lol no way

One of his earlier videos is evidence that he was an early buyer into LINK. His lack of posting suggests that he's either 1) dead, (2) made it off LINK. i'm hoping its the latter


There was webm of him working on a wagejak video posted in Yas Forums few months ago

You just know he's busy making a feature length film documenting the trials of the LINKmarines

Execution by the Bogs is not a pretty sight


No one, these based YouTubers come and go, never to be seen again or replaced. Remember the fallen; GodBlessAdolphHitler/Uganda Pizza Police, Bizonacci, the list of our heros goes on and their essence will live on in our memories.