So give it to me straight, how fucked are we?

So give it to me straight, how fucked are we?

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Join the winning team bro

What the fuck? How was China so massive in the 1800's?

whoever drew that graph never heard of colors that aren't blue

Fun fact, in 1913 was the year were Germany surpassed England in GDP.
Thucydides trap at play.. but this time it will be different (unironically).

>PPP basis

Not even remotely fucked.

silk and spices

also that graph is extremely inaccurate. The US had about 50% of the world's GDP after WWII

They used to have a Silver standard and the British came and purposely flooded the market with excess Silver and imported Opium to China what needed to be paid in Gold and Silk.
>Rough summary the British Empire anal fucked the Chines Empire so hard they walked cripple for centuries.

not fucked at all if we unironically all adopt bitcoin first lol

they deserved it

The opium wars hadn't happened yet

China was the leading super power before the industrial revolution. And then they got super fucked by communism

>british empire
Are you serious about this? Might as well include Rome and Nazi Germany in your chart. GDP and %GDP has little to nothing to do with a nation's well being.

United States is on verge of collapsing. All that is needed is a charismatic leader promising a revolution and a new nation will be born.

>United States is on verge of collapsing
what makes you say this
China is fucked.

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Usa having 20 % of world gdp with only 350 million out of 7 billion of people is kinda ridiculous when you think about it

LOL by communism hahah
no dount communism didnt help but they got fucked by the whities...doing their white people shit and being parasites to the world

what race are you bro

having a shitton of population like always
they only got fucked when the rest of the world industrialized

when do we do this again?

Not just the 1800s but every time in history.
The 1800s onwards is the only time when whites have ever been relevant.

Implying that you can?
White dominance is an anomaly that never before occurred in the past 2000 years.

Whites and Asians are the only two races contributing anything to society. Kek the parasites are everyone else.

Contributing to jewish bank accounts actually

Jews fall under "Whites" in finance. Do you think the British doing in was an all British idea?

>doing their white people shit
found the jew

bruh the romans were white

literally every civilisation worth that name was white european
>muh ayzeeun IQ
even the fucking Portuguese made it all the way to China in pieces of wood while the Chinese were too busy flauting their stupidly huge ships trying to convince minorities to worship their wealth instead of stealing it
hint: you're writing in English, not in any asian language

China was a massive shit show of infighting for thousands of years. Having a consistently government for a few decades was a red letter event. They were easy pickings for an actually unified culture.

they never left

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