Yes, i invest in gold and silver. How could you tell?

Yes, i invest in gold and silver. How could you tell?

Attached: 1586620415505.webm (720x1280, 2.21M)

Other urls found in this thread:

This is a woman.

that's a man


I also invest in Link.

Attached: 1586621079722.webm (640x1138, 2.3M)


they are hot af

why do people obsess over sex?

So I just had a erection looking at male ass?

im gay now

You're a faggit

tfw no bf

I'm thinking about making a gay onlyfans account. I'm straight.
I've been told i'm quite attractive to both homos and femoids.

Any opinion is appreciated

Yes fag

Jokes on you I only like pussy

Attached: 1586607098394m.jpg (819x1024, 60.68K)

My opinion is that youre a fuckboy

that is a male

Cute. Still don't actually understand why people buy metals though. If everything goes to shit ammo would be more useful.

Be a proper Yas Forumsnessman and let the cash roll

this was a traumatising experience

If that is a male then I'm the biggest faggot in the world.


Attached: unnamed.png (338x512, 123.78K)

no you

I'm seriously giving this a fair bit of thought

What is his name?

Thats a man, yes.

On veut bloquer la fac de Versailles car on ne a pas d argent.on veut manifester dans cette fac car on veut une indépendance financière et une indépendance étudiante de la part de l UNEF

Nvm image search actually delivered. It usually fucks up with gooks.
She’s attractive, looks like she only needed a few surgeries unlike most Gookoids

Eww that's a man.... what the fuck...

I've been told I'm kind of cute by other males.
How do I use this to get money through onlyfans?


They look like they are having fun

God I would love to plow some twink rn

Typical white guys right here.

m or f

This looks fun.