So, let's do the math

Link is at 1.15 bn marketcap and as of today the marketcap of Eth is instead 17,55 bn. Now, what do you expect from Link? A 10x? It would be half the marketcap of eth, it would surpass Xrp and gain the 3rd position on Coinmarketcap. Be honest with yourself, do you see the link token doing all of this when it already 25xed? Let's be rationals, link already had its moon and that's it. Prove me wrong faggots

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>staking upcoming
>mixicles and threshold signatures nearing completion
>integration/partnership/collaboration everyday
>ETH, ADA, EOS, XTZ, TRX, every smart contract protocol inherently reliant on Sybil resistant external data.
>Gartner and WEF reporting massive supply chain takeovers in coming years via DLT tech
>Chainlink literally fulfills all of the World Economic Forums “3 types of oracle mechanisms”
>Well known in the space Chainlink has a 5+ year head start on the God Protocol

LInK AlREaDy MooNED GUyS. Muh BlOCkChaiN sO GoOd itS maKinG ItS OWn OraCLes.

You’ll figure it out one day user. By then, I hope you’re not too priced out. If so, then you know how the saying goes, not all of us could make it

I hold it since 2017 and I know all those good news but I'm talking about the link token, you're talking about the Smartcontract company. You own a token, not a share

Right, and if the protocol functions as intended than the underlying value of the token must equate to the total market cap of the onboarded data. If successful, a single link token will have to be the quotient of the underlying data market cap and the circulating supply. This is well known to anyone who has been here since 2017, you’re either larping or didn’t research

>revealed to be a centralized oracle that doesnt solve the decentralized oracle problem at all, so banks have no real point in using it
>banks can just choose to NOT take any data from rogue sources, no token required
>will never solve the jarring computer science problem its whitepaper
>all partnerships revealed to be a bust except for Oracle and over a hundred shitcoins
>staking will give even more coins to whales who manipulate the price at will already and will completely fuck the market if Sergey has to unlock his 750 m
>already the most shilled on twitter to date
>Vitalik already talking about using Kleros and UmaProtocol to replace most of LINKs features
>Tezos dead set on using their own token as a payment system instead of LINK
>Chainlinks "5 years of research" was really "1 year of asking shitcoins real nicely to share their data on the network" (still dont know if Sergey payed them to do so)
>Ari Juels revealed to have absolutely nothing to do with chainlink at all except reveal his name on a quickly drawn up whitepaper
>Ripple and XRP already solves the banks billions of dollars worth of problems with no oracles requires at all
>Chainlink will ADD costs to the system, because its supposed to protect again muh h4x0r5
>there is not a single dApp that bnaks expresses wanting to use commercially

I don’t have time to go through and disprove each of these but this is entry level FUD. My personally favorite was the “Ari has nothing to do with the project” one. 6/10 FUD but a few brainlets may fall for it

>ETH, ADA, EOS, XTZ, TRX, every smart contract protocol inherently reliant on Sybil resistant external data.
And how does link get sybil resistant data? by using KYC which is external from blockchain technology. The thing Vitalik said the reason why there will never actually be a decentralized oracle.
If banks already know what specific sources they are getting data from via KYC, they need chainlink because........

And what we have so far? A bunch of KYCed nodes. You believe too much in fundamentals and have probably took the whitepaper as if it was the bibble, but reality differs from our dreams

>no mention of chainlink on his twitter
>no mention of chainlink on his linkend
>has done several interviews aince a year ago, and never brought chainlink once

Do you understand what the chicken/egg problem is? You have to introduce a minimum benchmark for reputation within the protocol. This is done via KYC. By setting this “benchmark” you set a bar by which all future node operators most meet or pass. You can’t achieve this by being fully decentralized out the gate. Many intelligent people have discussed this, decentralization is not binary user. I suggest you listen to Ari or Sergey speak on this subject.

He just went on stage a month ago and talked with Sergey about his involvement. You tuned into the live stream didn’t you user?

Also, remember how the thing went out in the latest bullrun? Link missed it entirely. I wonder if it will be the same even in the upcoming bullrun, with this fucking token you never know..

lets look at the main shilled partners
chainlink won a partnership 3 years ago. The article was posted all over the archive. Links only rebuttle is they have a clip from someone ON CHAINLINKs team, saying they are working with swift
the diagram provides by the blogger doesnt even utilize LINK in its intended function. google has never even brought up link once since then
one pdf powerpoint
>microsoft, intel
low level staff namedropped LINK

KYC was introduced initially to allow for reputations benchmarks. You can’t set reputation standards but being decentralized out the gate. Much smarter people than you and I have discussed this at length user

It went 15x in a macro bear market. I wouldn’t bet against it in a bull market

thats exactly why Vitalik said there will never be a decentralized oracle. Yet, Sergey has done nothing but shilled having decentralized oracles for years. Sergey has absolutely nothing technologically advanced at all. Vitalik knows this.
oh, okay
>hey ari, heres 5 million dollars to repeat the shit you said on the whitepaper
>nah, you dont have change your twitter bio to include us

Based street shitter baiter...

>market cap
Unironically never gonna make it. It’s irrelevant.

dude theres no point
hes a pajeet paid to FUD LINK

Exactly, but it went to shit in the bull market. Let's say it's a funny performer, again, you never onow what will happen next time. Oh, and we have just triple-topped, right?

You sound like you are seething user. Did you miss out? We tried to tell you for two whole years. What shitcoins did you chase instead?

>KYC was introduced initially to allow for reputations benchmarks.
>will just solve the decentralized oracle problem later guise, i pinkie promise :^)
yes, because ETH whales from the ICO all the way till 2019 bought 95% of the circulating supply and can manipulate the price at will
Notice how LINK dumped the most in march

Yes I am new to this and I understand now, thanks

>Muh missing out
Bought LINK at 50 cents. Sold at 3+ in 2020. Never buying back in
also, what does missing out have to do with anything now? Are honestly suggesting people to Buy High, and Sell Low? because LINKs already reached its ATH

“Went to shit in the bull market” user it never was in a bull market. The ICO was held late autumn/winter and by the time tokens were in everyone’s wallet it was late December/early January and the market was already peaking. Everything crashed from there

I'm a 18k holder, nothing less nothing more

>everyone who fuds link is a paid indian street shitter on a computer
top schizo

Be sure to buy nylon rope or hemp rope when it reaches new ATH later this year. Polymer rope is rough on the neck

At this point, they are either paid or low IQ. Anyone who doesn’t see it is blind

LOL. During the 2018 bullrun, LINK mooned the absolute least. Only $1 plus from 40 cents, when everything was 10x'ing in price.
And now in the March 2020 dumpening, LINK dropped excepttlionally low. Like rank 11 to rank rank 19 in two days.
>supply is not centralized at all guise :^)

>muh staking
>God protocol

oh no no no no no

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And what will you do when companies learn they dont save any money at all on LINK and it instead adds costs to protect against muh h4x0r5
>gets disporoven in everything he says

Keep coping friend. I turned $8k into $145k within 9 months strictly longing this beast but whatever helps you seethe

>grrr kyc
Listend you dumb nigger, kyc is know your customer, chainlink is still opensource and is still decentralized. Niggerfud like this actually sickens me.

why do linkies keep saying they have the God protocol? They literally have a computer science paradox in their whitepaper they still have no solved to this day except saying
>ah fuck it, lets just use KYC

i have 300 k from 3 k. Didnt know this was a dick measuring contest lol. Also, 300 k after selling link and using the rest for taxes, so really 400 k.

pls keep using your miniscule wealth for why link is good :^)

>listen dumb nigger

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>assuming LINK would go 10x while everything else would go perfectly sideways

This, it's quite annoying to deal with this retardation. Describe link's solution to the oracle problem in a few coherent lines please... no technobabble, intentional obfusciation, or memes.
Don't link to pages full of cultist babble either.