What will happen to bsv?I have more than a hundred of these coins. Why the fuck is dumping so much

What will happen to bsv?I have more than a hundred of these coins. Why the fuck is dumping so much

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>scam vision

Shut the fuck up, pedophile kike

Uhhh.... have sex weirdo.

Why are you worried?

Satoshi needs only TRUE followers to his vision.

So to weed out the weak, hes going to crash the price by 60-90% in order to find out who the TRUE believers are.

He doesnt want any investors who dont believe in him.

A 3-6 year long death spiral is just what he needs to find out who the true followers are.

Why even up to 6 years?

Go to hell dirty hebrew

It’s already down 60%

Craig accidentally told the bonded currier to deliver the keys to the 42th tulip trust on the 31/7/26 instead of the 26/31/7


weird projection but ok

>I have more than a hundred of these coins
divest yourself of this garbage while there is still some idiots buying


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>Why the fuck is dumping so much
you fucking cunts I literaly told you for weeks and weeks on and it would dump post halving it was 100% obvious you retarded faggots. you never listen do you? hurr durr muh flippening durr muh solotshi you are so incredibly stupid maybe look at actual block rewards on BSV, the stagnating transaction count and how the halving completely rekt mining rewards. I swear some of you are just too dumb to live.

You cope, I have 200 bsv

you better hold on to your asshole fren because I can tell youre a typical BSV midwit who fell for the solotshi memes and never actually thought this shit through
BSV has a daily transaction count only slightly above BTC and its been stagnating for months. if you look at bitcoinblocks it barely has more tx/s than BTC and the average blocksize isnt much to write home about either.
so while BSVers shilled you into their half-baked durr halving will destroy BTC narrative what they failed to mention is that this is even worse for BSV. miners can still make a ton more money on BTC than the measly $1,000 a BSV miner can make per block right now. while its true that LONG TERM BTC is fucked and BSV at least has the potnetial to make it none of this means shit when nobody is using it for anything
tl;dr youre dumb and might be holding your underwater bags for years to come until people actually start using BSV

Good for you

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I see an immediate need for BSV with the crashing economy

>I see an immediate need for BSV with the crashing economy
like what? making 10 cents per day on twetch?
there is no BSV economy, its a blip on the radar, and there isnt shit you can do with BSV right now. you fell for deluded BSV memes if you think it will blow up any time soon. if youre not prepared to hold for at least 5 years you might as well sell right now because thats what craig and calvin are looking at, 5 years of mining at a loss if they have to.

Daily reminder that Creg is a drama queen and creator of ABC's 'Dirty Sexy Money'

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Fuck Jews
Monero, kikes, faggots, governments and pedophiles



nobody here has BSV

I do. And I’m
Here. And fuck you

What a poorfag

that's a conman

What should I do?
I have 0 btc and 106 bsv

Wut do?

such condition always be in market and crypto being most volatile it is common, what one can do is diversify his/her portfolio so that the risk is minimum since crypto is very volatile, Trias is one of the best blockchain projects around with real-world use cases. It is being used by large multinational companies and is generating revenue from its products as well. It is sharing the revenue created from the sale of its Dapp Triasforce to its community. They are starting their staking program soon and it could be a great opportunity to get in at the bottom. it is one of the cool projects I have come across !!!!!

hate to tell you this, but its about to be attacked. shorts are open and for $4k they can drop it to nothing....
pic related

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Because it is a scam.

better sell right now faggot
sub $100 INCOMING

put a short on then genius

once attackers fuck off, honest miners revert the chain

that 10 cents is more than you ever made posting on any other social media platform.
proof of concept scares the fuck out of you heebs doesnt it?