China War

What do you think is the likelihood of any of the superpowers going to war with China in retaliation for their actions if this situation continues to escalate?

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honestly they need to pay one way or another

A fake war perhaps, such wonderful theater

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The US wants to, that's the main reason COVID is as hyped up as it is. I don't think it will happen though.
The result of it wouldn't even benefit the average American anyway since the Fed's want to keep Americans as Consoomers, and the Chinese as an iPhone factory.

Rape of Nanking Pt. II

We're already at war with china.
It's an economic war.
We're losing.
Actually we've completely lost.
The dollar is now worthless, our material real wealth has been sold to the "federal" reserve for trillions in funny money with the american people being the collateral, and we have absolutely no onshore production of any kind to prop ourselves back up.
Also we're all going to be forced to take this brutally destructive vaccine, and the current regime changes will be permanent.

But China will implode once the chinks realize what is actually going on there.

USA is definitely cooking something up. They “made peace” in the middle east and now are going for Maduro. No bueno.

Isn't there a possibility that they will simply shift to Mexico to fulfill the manufacturing / consoomer needs?

Mexican's don't have the same hivemind security that Asian culture's have. Yes, they already produce a lot of car parts, but that's it.

>retaliation for their actions
I just wonder what actions? Besides CNN propaganda, what exact actions? Like what kind of things make the hate this deep and make it justifiable to invade a nation?

It took far less of an excuse to
A. Fund the Arab sprung
B. Enter into Afghanistan and Syria
C. Wage war in the balkans.

Depending on which opinion you have either 1) They developed this virus intentionally and spread it, lets face it wiping out a portion of their own population in the process of spreading it is not a concern to the chinese gov. or b) They knew about it long in advance silenced those who talked about it allowed it to spread, influenced the WHO to stop preventative measures being taken worldwide such as early travel bans etc

Average Chinese person doesn't have anything against American citizens average American doesn't have anything against Chinese citizens

Unless something changes in resource scarcity war is unlikely

People might be critical of American or Chinese governments but no one wants to go fight the Chinese in large scale warfare except in Washington

Mexican factories are crap user.

American production is the only thing that can save the completely ruined american economy.
But the multinationalist corporations won't allow it and what can and will be produced in america isn't conducive to the buy cheap useless easily broken shit over and over again form of consumerism.

>They developed this virus
This was developed and patented by Gates in 2006 I believe.
The vaccine for this was developed in europe in 2012.

No, there's going to be some kind of violent war against china now.
Pushed by the money launderers mostly.
The loss in production from that country isn't enough to stop it from coming I believe.

What would be a solution to this issue then user in your opinion?

Also a possibility yes. The id2020 thing can't just be a coincidence. But the chinese are clearly involved.

For american production to start up anyway.
Murricans are desperate for it and the old "made in the usa" thing has some weight behind it.
However, this will close the door on a fuckton of businesses that depend on small cheap crap and small clever things from china.
But that doesn't matter.

Fair enough, hopefully all countries will start to take this approach. Rapidly.

Winnie the pooh is fucking stupid, clumsy, and arrogant enough to think he can get away with this open brutality of his own people.

It's not going to get better for them. China is going to destroy itself within our lifetimes and take any country still invested in it with it.
Which will be good for everyone including china.

Part b doesn’t make sense at all. It is actually Europe and China both warned US long before NYC was out of control. It was specifically Trump administration and main stream media said nothing burger and “its over in 2 weeks”.
Like dude... just think for 2 seconds. You do remember that media wanted to cover this and Trump bashes so hard on journalists who makes it a big matter, right? It was like few days ago. You can’t blindly ignore the fact that US government intentionally delayed the process of containing the virus.
Yes intentionally. Because US government definitely doesn’t believe the Chinese or thought “lol China have it under control its over now”. So 14k Americans are dead right now and the sole reason is US government and their lies

This is orchestrated by Israel. Israel had the technology to track individuals all ready to go while western countries were trying to track individuals with the virus down using manpower. Israel will benefit from this more than anyone else, they dont need USA money or protection now. The elites have looted America, and will disappear while the world burns

Low, but the jews who run the west are keeping the White goyim meat grinder wheels greased as a trump card if they can't bring China under control. The jews are giving White conservatives a hall pass for anti-Chinese racism just like they did with muslims after 9/11.

>Like what kind of things make the hate this deep and make it justifiable to invade a nation?
Belt and road initiative will remove the middleman jews from getting their cut. Same thing Germany did in the 30's or Saddam and Gaddafi were trying to do. If you don't give the jews their cut the US goes to war with you.

>Israel had the technology to track individuals
Are you retarded? Every developed country has that already. There was a whole scandal about PRISM years ago

We're not going into another major war no matter how badly the Jews want it. It's most likely China self-destructs on their own if you know their history.

Not Mexico but India look into how much money Bannon and kush er have there. They want to shit manufacturing the likes hate china


Have to agree here to be fair. Yes it was crazy slow, plus yes Europe was already deep in the think of it too while no action was being taken.

I'm a fan of american manufacturing but does the average person want to pay $8,000 for a smart phone

Have any idea of how much money was put into pushing into china by israel and the jews?
A fuckton.
They have a stupid blind and EASILY exploited upperclass and newly installed emperor.
China's inevitable collapse/civil war is the last thing they want.

As for India, they have a larger chance of going rogue and empowering themselves.
But their utterly fucking retarded and unbelievably easily exploited caste system bullshit makes them an easy target for cultural manipulation.
They also only have to throw some head pats from whtie people and a blonde white girl at the boys and a blonde white boy/black athlete with a foot of cock at the girls and they'll bend over backwards.

Actual war? Very little chance. But a lot of companies will be moving their factories either due to desire or pressure form governments.

Im sure this will cause immediate flame wars but what about Russia? like seriously? They have the manpower and resources to develop everything that china does.. granted not at the $99 for a shit phone but not at $8000 Either.

user, the age of the yearly smartphone is fucking over.

What have they put in place then to prevent a collapse?

Do I have to use the new pozzed squad rifle?

Constant social manipulation from media and brutality.

That's only going to work for so long.
The country is a powder keg.
Hell there's a good chance this entire thing seems like it was orchestrated to put a lid on hong kongs shit kill off a lot of dissidents and do it under the guise of saving them from a disease.
A disease that seems to originate from highdoses of EMradiation from 5G.
A technology that is to be honest, objectively shit and dangerous.

Don't forget Vietnam

I like your post on smartphones but your 5G tinfoilhattery is stupid.

user, this isn't tinfoilhat anything.
5G is both dangerous and objectively shit as a technology.
The side effects of constant high level emf radiation from 5g towers is well known and documented.

china and israel + western jewish diaspora become the next global powers. Its all related to astrological ages, we are leaving the age of pisces (ruled by jupiter) while going further into the age of aquarius (ruled by saturn). Jupiter ruled civilizations (the west but especially the USA) will weaken or even collapse while saturn ruled civilizations (the jews and china), will become powerful. If you doubt this then why do you think the jupiter ruled west has started to fall so suddenly during the last few decades? Why was it that the saturn ruled jews and chinese have exploded in power and influence? you are seeing a massive astrological shift right now and the west, the USA, jews and china are all representations of this shift


The US has been slowly moving their manufacturing out of China into Vietnam

you dont have to believe anything, you just have to wait and see. If you know the astrological symbolism of saturn and the sign aquarius then you can already see it manifesting in our lives around us. The age of aquarius is growing stronger and stronger, the ascendancy of the jewish and chinese civilizations is part of this development. Off the top of my head I can tell you a couple of trends that are connected to saturn/aquarius:

1.marijuana popularization and legalization (marijuana is ruled by saturn)

2.growing transgenderism movement (androgyny and transgenderism ruled by the sign aquarius and also related to the symbolism of ganymede who is associated with aquarius) media (related to networks which is ruled by the sign aquarius)

4.growth of social isolation but especially incelism (related to saturn, saturn symbolically represents isolation, solitude, outcasts and celibacy)

5.the growing atheism of the west (jupiter rules faith but saturn rules atheism)

6.blockchain technology (involves networks of collective data, this like social media is represented by aquarius, this is because aquarius rules networks. Is it any coincidence that a saturn ruled country like china has such a major involvement with BTC which is essentially saturnine/aquarian in nature?)

Fuck off Shapiro

lol this guys is retarded, you think the common man needs to have something against another country to go to war?

Imagine first timer Chinese soldiers going up against battle hardened Americans. It’d be a bloodbath.

>Traditionally, Aquarius is associated with electricity, computers, flight, democracy, freedom, humanitarianism, idealism, modernization, astrology, nervous disorders, rebellion, nonconformity, philanthropy, veracity, perseverance, humanity, and irresolution.
So you're telling me China is finally going to have freedom and democracy, and the Jews are finally going to be honest?

>any of the superpowers
i thought there was only one left?

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>Average Chinese person doesn't have anything against American citizens
that's very gullible, you don't know what kind of propaganda the chinese people are fed every single day. i bet half of them think without a doubt corona was made in a lab in USA.

Corona is a hoax. China and the US are secretly buddies.

China has its iron grip around the balls of the pcb and circuitry-market. You can't just switch country when it comes to the finer parts of electronics. It requires very optimized processes that doesn't exist on a large scale outside of China.

That's because China isn't a low-price country anymore. This is China focusing on more high-profit markets, and outsources simple shit to SE Asia. Not American consoomer bs companies playing some political game. They just want cheap consoomer goods with as high profit margin as humanly possible.

then what are everybody dying of?

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Getting bored of all the nonstop glowniggery. Nobody went to war despite USA fucking up Europe by invading middle East again and again.
Nobody punished Russia for invading crimea and northern Georgia.
And nobody will go to war with chinks over a flu. Blaming chinks for your own governments overreaction is just cope.

Life is not a computer game.

Happy not to be an American. Your dead duck at the helm wants to create friction to win the election. Nobody else is buying it.

>China will implode once the chinks realize what is actually going on
Yeah: Hive-mind motherfuckers are gonna cotton on to the big plan and rebel against their gov? I think not.


Egypt and Syria aren't China.

Nobody wants to, or is able to, pay 300% more for basic consumer goods.
>arrogant enough to think he can get away with this open brutality of his own people.
I think you need to read up on Chinese history.

>retaliation for their actions
what fucking actions? one guy eating bat soup?
being one of the only countries to take this seriously?

>he believes this shit was caused by "bat soup"

Lel kys

What are nukes?

check out china vs america arsenal and deployment methods

>check out china vs america arsenal and deployment methods
China has enough nukes to do the job and ICBMs to reduce the white population of the world by 80%. Nice try though retard.
Nothing will happen.