Could this really happen? Just think of the suicides from no linkers if it did

Could this really happen? Just think of the suicides from no linkers if it did.

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let me tell you something really special user
if you have enough collective positive thought and you do not underestimate it. anything can happen

Explain to a brainlet how that chart even works?

Fucking retard

chainlink won't be a serious until you can buy drugs with it, since it's the only reason crypto has any value btw

>coin rank 2
kek the absolute state of linkies

Imagine the total crypto market cap at the peak of the next bull is X trillion.

Then imagine LINK achieves Y rank during that peak.

Based on what percentage of the total market cap each coin captures at todays' rankings, that gives you a projected future price for LINK if X and Y come to fruition.

Fuck you. If link is 4.59 and ranked 11 and the no 1 ranked coin is $474 the what the fuck is Bitcoin valued at 9k?

This chart makes no sense.


Total crypto cap will be 20T and Chainlink will be 5-8% of total cap.

I know its an Israeli scamcoin, I know never to trust jews. But I'm considering trying to make some money along with these oven dodgers, while all my instincts are screaming 'scam'.

Why should I trust you frogposting jews?

Slightly newer version

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Lmao lay off the paint chips you retard


You are a MANIAC

Double digits never.

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Or is it?

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It'll be #1 eventually

convinced me to never buy

Literal retard

Wow really... like seriously dude...

LINK is guaranteed to be a top 5 coin. The question is how big can we get the crypto bubble again

So most likely the best linklets will ever do is 15 bucks if that?


This chart is demotivating

r/cryptocurrency might be more your speed

weak fud faggot

This is the dumbest post I've ever read in biz. I mean it.

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Premined shittoken

>centralized kyc oracles
kek I'm sure a coin with 0 users and 65% owned by 5 guys will make them all the richest men on earth, despite having provided 0 value.

Chainlink had its chance. It failed. Ethereum had a decentralized protocol and thousands of users 12 monhts after their ICO.

Chainlink had centralized KYCed protocol and 0 users 36 months after their ICO.

Literally a dead shitcoin


Kek this is funny cuz it took me a minute to figure out why he was terribly wrong

You are either a top tier troll or absolutely extraordinary brainlet. Masterful.

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I get it. Im retarded so please just tell me what the fuck that chart means. Should I sell my link or no?

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those are prices of LINK at a given rank for a given market cap if those ranks have the same of total market cap that they currently have, those are NOT prices of the current top 25 but under some other circumstances

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We're going to 8 trillion and alts will eat btc.

There are more link than btc. Hence prices would different even if market cap is the same

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That’s kind of the point. To put realistic constraints on the price of link, instead of just bleating 1k EOY like sheep. I want anons to take profit at 10$, 20$ so they don’t actually kill themselves holding for a price that never comes. Ironically this is against my own interests ( I should just be shilling the 81000$ meme image so that people hold and my own stack is worth more) but I genuinely ‘genuinely care about anons financial well-being’.

holy fuck. how?

You're my favourite
All hail the DONG

Chainlink is just a utility meant to serve the greater platform blockchains. How in the world are you people then figuring that it can become worth more than them?

There is absolutely no hope for you user...You know how we are always kind of mean and dismissive of eachother here? Well with you i just don't dare acting like that. I just feel genuine pity.

user that chart is made purely for Link. It is a rough estimation what Link's price would be at each of those positions at different total crypto market caps.

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1000eoy confirmed

Your right I can’t believe it took this long for someone to point it out if everyone bends their knee to chainlink then that must mean we can never be worth more than the least worthy among them

Don’t feel bad man I own a lot more chainlink than anyone here and at first take was like I’ve seen this chart and it makes no sense. For some reason people feel the need to make bullish pictures to confirm their bias. Instead of just buying because they know and moving on. They are beta fucks don’t worry about it

I've been in my house for 5 weeks watching paw patrol and super wings. My brain is shot. But I love all of you guys. I get it now. And I've decided to NOT sell my chainlink.

You don't have to understand this shart!
It's hopium for brainlets. Look at those Asuka predictions. They come and go.
This shart is nothing more than a wizard writing out of coffee bean shapes. This chart is pure speculation.
This chart assumes every single shitcoin has to go up too. This shart forgets that dollar can be no longer around, fiat can be no longer around. How are you going to value chainlink then? in amount of burgers it can purchase? in the amount of cheese blocks?
Nobody even think/suggest that btc can be shutdown and forgotten while some other platform like eth, eos or other new emerging platform could be adopted world wide, obliterating everything you know today about blockchains.
I will repeat again, there is no fucking Market Capitalization in crypto. FUCKING NONE. IT'S USAGE SPREAD and service coverage. Do you think 1m buttcoins sitting in a wallet for 10 years have value and gives blockchain market capitalization? NO, THOSE BUTTCOINS DO NOTHING. THERE IS NO VALUE. BTC failed as gold, btc failed as transfer value, failed at speed, failed at complexity and user friendliness. It's just a trading pair on exchanges, nothing more.

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To be fair, illusion that you can own something creates illusion that you can lose and that is how fear and greed comes in to the picture. Capitalism is competition of usury by lie.
If solution to the problem is money , then usually problem is created for money and what ever money touches turns in to shit , that's a law.
Santa , Pope and President they just wear different costumes and suggest to imagine with confidence. It is not paper based reality , but we are real, wake up!

insanely based post. well done.

im watching a chick suck off a horse in this really bizarre porno right now

Money is a tool of usury, grabbers will never let it go, control over it . Solution is We all have got 24h a day to exchange in a meaningful way with out lie and usury.

incredibly based

there is a disclaimer on the bottom of the image that would help solve your problem

And this

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yes, golden goals

So should I just divide by 3 to get the price of FTM?

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