This is okay

>This is okay

Attached: bezos.png (1186x340, 156.92K)

Other urls found in this thread:

he earned it by revolutionizing the way we live

>he earned it

not even being a commie here, but i wanna point something out. to live the utmost comfy splurgy life as an uberrich, you only need to spend 10 million MAX a year, and thats insane levels of debauchery. any more than that is completely unecessary for a humans lifestyle, and can only be being used for nefarious purposes. billionaire wealth isnt for living on, its for manipulating the global theatre poltically economically socially and even probably militaristically

I think Amazon's business principals are predatory and scummy, but I don't think him making a lot of money is necessarily a bad thing

based and redpilled

Fun fact. This means his ex-wife who he cheated on, earned half of it.

No he didn't. We already had online retailers.

>this isnt okay

what a god

>Bezos represents the absolute failure of the capitalist system
Prove me wrong

This. Socialists get helicopter rides.

Fun fact: all his "makings" are stocks crap. He doesn't have real money and is not able to sell all his stocks without crashing market to the ground. Maybe he'll sell a million or maybe 100 million, but no more.

>bezos has a checking account with 100 billion dollaridoos somewhere

It doesn't matter if some bald cock earns millions or billions.
But when some man is starving and can't afford bread&wine...
t. starting to get worried

In your imagination, is the a checking account, that billionaires spend at the store with their debit cards?

I mean we all know it's "net worth" which is mostly just calculating up assets such as investments, company profits, etc etc...
But even still, loads of money.
And what is being done with it? A few big houses? Cars? Boats?

Where is the real fucking crazy eccentric billionaires?
This is why I like Elon, he's at least doing stupid cool shit with his money and his companies.
Fuck, what is the point of all that money if you're just going to be so fucking boring with it? You have enough money to secure yourself and your family for longer than the society that originally printed it will exist....why not do something kick ass with some of it?
Ya know, create those jobs from weird fucking projects instead of being that mythical job creator that was just able to make one successful business.
Make a few failures. Spectacular crazy failures.

Fuck, build a bridge from America to Europe.



something, come on.

based roastie

fuck off reddit


Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-10 Opinion America Will Struggle After Coronavirus These Charts Show Why .png (1134x479, 27.62K)

>have an idea
>actually work towards it
>risking everything
>barely survive the first few years
>expand and improve
>grow bigger and bigger
Fat losers who never held as much money as trumpbux:

Based and Musked.

Never been to reddit.
But you sound like a very boring person. While I wish you comfortable wealth I hope you never get more than what lasts you your life time. It would clearly be wasted on you.

He just moved all online retailers into a single platform, the first book marketplace amazon was irrelevant
He basically takes a cut by increasing security as verified third party marketplace
Same as PayPal in that regard but with amazon the seller doesn't have to create a website
Its all in all a much more schemy evil approach
All he wants with amazon projects is more information, more marketing and more control
>also amazon doges taxes to get everyone who doesn't/is to small out of business
Fuck bezos, he's a lizzard


If you have a product that's doing well on Amazon, Amazon will literally copy it exactly, slap an Amazon logo on it, undercut you and tank your SEO so theirs always shows up first. They aren't just trying to consolidate retailers, they're trying to become THE retailer and manufacturer

>he earned it by r̶e̶v̶o̶l̶u̶t̶i̶o̶n̶i̶z̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶w̶a̶y̶ ̶w̶e̶ ̶l̶i̶v̶e̶
by being a or two year ahead of other online retailers
yes that's literally it

can a man who has more money than you could possibly ever spend even have any legitimate ambitions? I mean why would you even give a shit at this point.

Superbowl 100k
Burning man 50k
Fire island 20k
Jet 2M
Whip 6-7x 250k on aggregate
Supreme swag 200k
Eating +- 250k
House 5M
Furniture 1M
Maintain home 100k
Avocado toasts 50k
Taxes; 5M
# All lives matter

Attached: 1586128778106.jpg (200x200, 6.62K)

Bezos wants to be godking of earth
Musk wants to settle Mars, probably will cut out the god part

Too bad all that money can’t buy back the public knowledge that he’s a simp who gushed some asinine banal romantic crap to a reporter who doesn’t give a shit.

All these faggots complaining about Bezos and Amazon somehow fail to remember that the company started out selling purely fucking books and how it took decades of zero profits to become what it is today.

>I get all my opinions from one alt right retard on YouTube

>the first victim of Amazon was independent bookstores
I will never forgive

>I didn't create anything of value
>gibs me free shit


you retarded gorilla-person, the video is simply a summary of things I've believed for years

Also, the great thing about capitalism is that the people have the opportunity to own shares of these companies. Everyone had the chance to own a piece of Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Google and Netflix to grow their own wealth, passively at that. Stop crying about innovation and success and start taking advantage of your right to own these companies. Niggers.

What did Bezos do ?

What does the normal wagecuck do?


So why didn’t you express them yourself

Oh my god! How DARE he be a pioneer! TAKE ALL HIS MONEY BROS

Because its easier to link a youtube video than it is to write an essay summarizing my thoughts on the morality of Jeff Bezos' wealth.

Oh no, his REPUTATION is ruined among incels! Guess he'll just have to deep into his thousand dollar bills in shame

Or maybe you lack the capacity to develop your thoughts and need a YouTuber to be your mouthpiece.

People that consume and repost YouTubers are despicable, incompetent retards.


if he played sports it would be ok

bezos has done more for us than elon tho

>he shouldnt make this much money!
>wait i gotta go buy some more stuff on amazon, did you ever use it user?
>its so fast and easy
>they have everything

AWS also

>I love you, alive girl

arguments can be made for
arguments can be made against
really though who cares

He deserves that money. Amazon has changed the world and has made everyone's lives more convenient.

Which the CIA pays him to use along with his newspaper.


people only started hating on him when he passed big bill

>Yes! we finally got a law passed and have redistributed bezos money to everyone
>wait, they're selling the new zoomerphone for 5% off on amazon?
>*squeals* I'm gonna spend my bezos cheque and buy one!!!!

It changed America, for a few years. An abundance of online retailers had already existed in Australia by the time Bezos was able to setup here. Basically no one uses that shit, its more expensive than anything else.

all this money for a beta balding manlet eith asymmetrical face that got scammed by a below average cougar that is probably sugarmommy’eing and fucking a chad with a 9 inch dick as we speak

that is the reason why being rich is not nearly enough to make it, at least until genetic engineering gets to the point where you can become gigachad with enough cash spent. Average good looking tall chads that go to uni and fuck different hoes almost on a daily basis and have -$100k from student debt is much better off than bezos and yall crypto spergs with $1000000 in LINK

ex: notch (fatty spergboy that made minecraft) is a billionaire but spends all his time in his mansion masturbating with expensive toys and shitposting on twitter. The faggot didnt even had the balls to move to thailand and live on hookers and cocaine until he dropped dead, he really spends all his time talking about POLITICS on TWITTER LMFOAOOOOOOO

Attached: D1D26041-B9E0-4206-BCAD-D77155AA2766.jpg (1000x1478, 73.08K)

Bezos is a glow in the dark manlet.

See attached pic for reference.

Attached: DA90CDFD-0BF5-4601-9868-6381FCE5F9B0.png (600x720, 438.8K)

Bezos and people like him are the absolute icons of Capitalist success. Thriving monopolies that hold their respective market at gunpoint and skim a little off the top of every transaction. After all you don't NEED to use Amazon to sell what you want. It's just a superior system to literally anything else if you can't front the hundreds of millions it would take to get a full fleet of personal delivery vehicles and the billions it would take to load up warehouses with goods. You can freely make your shitty Geocities website and contend with 1/1000th of your necessary sales and still continue to try and make it. That is the freedom of a free market speaking. It's your fault that you can't corner the market and that any anti-monopoly laws are basically piss in the wind. If you wanted to be a billionaire, you should have gotten in at the right time in history and completely monopolized and industry. After all, it's only hard work and effort, pulling up yourself by your bootstraps and etc.


hating on bezos is a quick way to spot a total fucking brainlet

...By making an online retailer? who the fuck cares.
It's about his money and him being so fucking boring with it.

For fucks sake it's the 20's.

Imagine thinking these billionaires are at the top of the pyramid. They're only lieutenants performing their duties to enslave humanity and for that they're rewarded handsomely. There are families who control all the world's central banks, their achievements are not advertised.

you can’t fight chemistry