/smg/ - Stock Market General

Go with peace.


>Stock market words:

>Risk Management:

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>Educational Sites:



>Pre-Market Data and Live Data:

>Bio-pharma Catalyst Calendar:

>Boomer Investing 101:

>Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) Calculator:

>List of hedge fund holdings:

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Threadly reminder that he bear bubble has burst.

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What’s your favorite card game?

Single player:
Solitaire Poker 5x5
Canfield Solitaire

Gin Rummy


4 player
Crazy 8’s (uno)
Spite and malice (Skip-Bo)
31 (Dimes)
All Fours
Oh Hell

5 player:

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This is now a /reddit/ thread

Jesus loves you. He died on the cross for your sins and then rose from the dead three days later, fulfilling the prophesy of Jonah. Repent for your sins and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ so that you can walk with him in Paradise. Peace be with you always.

serious question:
why isn't the stock market exchange automated to be available 24/7?

Mexico sorted.

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Why yes, I do have a list of my favourite missiles, right here. All of them are Raytheon products, why do you ask?

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Current economic status:
>30% unemployment
>skipped credit card payments
>mortgage crisis 2.0
>small businesses going under
>businesses finding out you can't actually get those corona loans
>people can't afford rent
>there will be massive evictions in June
>even if lock down is lifted there are no jobs
>hiring people can take weeks or months
>many jobs are gone for good, which is why they were fired
>manufacturing is completely shut down, expensive to restart
>supply chains are still in samples
>airlines only flying essential routes, often empty, definitely not buying new planes
>restaurants are all dead
>casinos and hotels are all dead
>REITs getting margin called, no way to stop it
>all major construction projects halted indefinitely
>dividends slashed across the board
>oil is going to continue to nose dive in a death spiral
>US energy companies going bankrupt very soon
>China is still locked down and minimum manufacturing
>Second wave of corona guaranteed
>people running out of money and no job will cause desperation
>inflation only making things worse

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I am confused. Do I buy now?

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Oil will moon on Friday right

>trump mentions business interruption insurance for pandemic
P&C GL/Property might get a nice chunk of losses.

always so many weirdos in the beginning of the these threads. op doing some weird bumping?
I'm not new I promise, just come back for every crisis

Irish Poker.
Close 2nd is Circle of Death, only because games rarely finish once everyone gets going.

stopped reading after the first > cuz u made the 30% up

Because trading stocks is historically the past time of landed gentry and industrial aristocracy. Doing business outside of business hours is uncouth, pleb.


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16M is about 5%

Would you buy in January when the bubble was at its peak? It's not very different now the bubble wasn't allowed to pop everything is still too overvalued.

And these were weeks ago. You are literally in denial.

That's like 5%.

keep dreaming doomer

how do we fight against demonic warfare in our heads?

Hearts and rummy are fun. I played poker as a supplementary income for many years; small stakes table at feather casinos against chinese tourists mostly. Never liked online.

Some good doomporn. Does anyone genuinely believe the kung fu chinky flu jobs will disappear forever?

Im not the one who made the guess, retard. Not like you give a shit when it happens. You'll be saying its a nothing burger until 100% unemployment.

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Back to work wagies!

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so you admit you made the 30% up and can't provide any data to prove your claim?

>100% unemployment
Ok retard.

Fuck off Jeff.

Niggers guess what, I'm going to DCA my inverse S&P for as long as the GOV and the FED can keep the illusion alive. One day it's going to drop like a stone and boy! I will be a-laffin!

>I'd be day trading but I'm an essential worker

What you faggots think about that. Hah!

Vigorous exercise. Nothing calms the brain better than endorphins followed by physical exhaustion followed by yummy food.

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Do you know how jobs work? They don't just instantly come back.

>its not 30% now so it can never be
>people whos job it is to measure it don't matter
>being an illiterate autist
Retards are very tiresome. Its like baby sitting.

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so you do admit you made it up

Furloughed workers who are counted as unemployed will have their jobs come right back.

What do you plan on buying after getting rich?

Pic related. I'm buying this gf.

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An uglier version of that that I can trick out with gaudy plastic surgery. Fake tits, fake ass, vulva implants, lip injections. The works. I want some grotesque freak of a sex doll to show off like a custom hot rod.

When your small company has lost 2 months of revenue you aren't going to call back all your workers otherwise you won't be able to cover for the lost money. That's the point of the government printing 1/4th of the Gdp, doesn't mean the companies will play along.

Ok but don't hold overnight.

Spades is my all-time favorite. Used to play with the boys every Thursday night from like 8 to midnight. Good times.

see , but you're right, until confidence really comes back, there will be many people out of jobs.

Too much decay?

>you aren't going to call back all your workers
Oh. What am I going to do?

Do people actually believe this? Its a soft firing. Only "important" people get furloughed.

More money.

Is he talking about the virus or the Jews?

confidence will be fully back in a month

If trump can muzzle the demoMSM doomporn, but those guys are banking on everything being shut for mail in votes.

Dio is cute as fuck. Good taste.

there's pent up demand, but we have no idea what happens after that.
>Trump mentions payroll tax hold & infrastructure for pt. 4
I'll have more confidence it if we have that passed.

Can confirm. I’ve been backcountry skiing almost everyday since the virus hit and I feel better than ever.

Basically this. If a company even kinda wanted you gone, now you are for sure not coming back.

I have been a neet for more than 3 years, and only had 700$ ish to my name. I threw it all into stocks when this crash started and I now have more than 3000$ from throwing every thing I have into stupidly volatile REIT's over the past month. How are you faggots with so much starting capital not literal millionaires?

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Too much volatility in that pusy.

> pandemic curve flattening
> trump bucks still incoming
> bulk or market loss already occured
> clear rebound trend since April

Bears are cucks
I'm about to get rich

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Single player: solitaire
Multi-player: Magic. It's been ages since I've bought some though.

Now I buy stocks instead of magic cards. Tap two KO to summon one RTX

Call back less of them so your expenses decrease until the 2 months of no sales are covered. If your revenue bounces right back that means you are good for May you still need to cover the months you had none.

Point is they are still counted in the numbers.

Fuck it, they need to give Ackman a 2 hour special on Sunday so the market is actually at a realistic level come Monday. Jerome can't keep getting away with it.

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I have enough to live off of for like 10 years even if I only make extremely conservative investments. I use like 5% to gamble with but losing my whole wad would fuck my shit up. Too scared if I’m being completely honest.

I hope we get the spy at least to 300 this week. I would make a lot of money. Relatively speaking.

I bought RCL for 10% of the portfolio. Also bought (BA + DAL + ALK) for 5% of the portfolio.
Is it wise to buy NCLH for 10% of the portfolio and also CPA for 2%?
Will NCLH make x2 or x4 in the coming weeks? Or will it take years to wait?

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The more money you move around, the more noise in the market you make. You make noise in the market and someone with a team of PhDs and a couple super computers is going to come and step on your dick. It’s called “moving the needle” and you didn’t even come close with your $3000 dollars.

I guess that's understandable. I took 1000$ off of my earnings and am just playing with the rest. Hopefully I get enough to move out and pay for an apartment for a few years in advance or something.

the last time someone started speaking about lambos for a stock i owned it lost half it's value (SGMO). i ended up buying at the top and then waiting half a year to sell at the top for a small profit before the ultimate crash in december after ASH.

just watch this again to tide yourself over if you want your doomer fix: youtube.com/watch?v=FItEjc6VtuU

Cause I threw my money into SPY puts and REIT puts, got fucked by the rally, made all of it back on a 1 day to expiry SPY put, didn't sell because I didn't want to take a good faith violation, hoped for a gap down to offset the theta from holding overnight and got fucked by a gap up and theta lol

i can't stand how jewish MTGA is so i just watch Day9 play it.

>over 100k deaths

>2 million cases by next Saturday


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I keep a relentless rats deck around just to troll people who want to play.

why deal with all of this shit instead of just betting on up or down with stocks?

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Lots of gambles. People with a lot of money will usually post percentages instead of actual amount of money. Nothing fun to post in conservative investments.

See divviefren he gets paid every week and just uses the money to buy more stocks and that's it. There isn't much to keep memeing about.

I wish I had the balls to try to 2x or 3x my cash overnight but I mainly just buy and hold for the long term and day trade for an extra 2 or 3k a month. I’m basically a NEET who skis full time and I’m cool with living like a poorfag if it means I can keep doing it. I did sell all of my positions like six months ago just because I felt like there had to be a correction at some point so I got pretty lucky there. If the bluechips I’ve been buying up for cheap pay off I’ll be doing pretty well with almost no risk.

>21% deaths
god have mercy