What happens after late capitalism?

What happens after late capitalism?

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late capitalism never happens
not a single time in history has a corporation assumed the role of the state

we already live in a corporate oligarchy right now

we are getting close but no, not there yet

Socialism. It’s certainly the most likely successor to capitalism. Younger people are far more receptive to socialism, and developments in automation/AI would resolve many of the issues that planned economies have previously had.

literally as i type this, moron
A. Socialist revolution
B. Fascist revolution (bad)
either would happen in response to climate induced economic catastrophe

>Fascist revolution (bad)

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There will be a socialist revolution which will inevitably collapse and we'll be back to early stage capitalistm

some kind of authoritarianism (caesarism) is the correct answer. it could be a hybrid though, neither fascism nor socislism, and with some elements of oligarchy & democracy. you can already see it happening

>not a single time in history has a corporation assumed the role of the state

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nigger posting

mein body is ready

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yes idiot
fascism is authoritarian

I hope the current "fake capitalism" system we live in collapses. It's basically just socialism for the rich which is arguably way worse than just regular socialism. Then we can truly have a free market and in turn a free society.

Crony capitalism.
>you are here now

Thank Teddy Roosevelt for trust busting the people who did shit and handing the whole country to debt peddlers.

>Doctors were baffled when they saw this

What was it??

A new antibiotic resistant chlamydia.

Fascism is literally just socialism but nationalist. So its an improvement in that respect.

Their powers were granted by their retard governments, they did not supplant them, as evidenced by those countries still existing today.

Fun fact, the East India trading company rarely turned a profit. It was totally kept alive by the British Crown.


Has a definition of fascism ever been settled on outside of an Italian political party?

no it absolutely isnt, fascists have historically merely adopted socialist rhetoric to try to coopt socialist populism for themselves
also nationism isnt a good thing, thats a strange thing to think

Mussolini was a socialist who started his own party, the socialists kicked him out for being too nationalist.

>also nationism isnt a good thing, thats a strange thing to think

It is the duty of a government to put its own people first, especially in nation states. All globalist politicians are failing in their duty.

>Nationalism isn't a good thing in a highly hostile world that is always looking to take advantage of you for their own national benefit

Spoken like a true naïve Westerner that still can't see what's been happening

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What we need in Europe is unity agains
>Chinese and their lackeys
Not some little circlejerk countries soloing till they get absorbed by greater powers. It has always been the case in history that those unable to move on with times get fucked. It's time to team up before we become one world government.

>mussolini was a socialist
is that why he privatized industries and was generally a corporatist?
>its the duty of a state to put its own people first
maybe, but a state is bad too
>nationionalism is a good thing because it combats hostile nationalism
??? this isnt really a compelling case for nationalism
im not saying it has no utility right now in history but it isnt a good thing

No, we need unity against Islam and its enablers i.e. you.

>Building your political philosophy off a moralistic concept of "good things" and "bad things"

I wish universal suffrage wasn't a thing. You belong in a daycare not as part of a national discussion on what's best for our country and people. Yes that is the fucking reality and why we have to embrace it, or you get slowly taken over and enslaved or drained.

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?selling out your people is the way forward!

You are a slimeball.

The major cities become commie-block favelas and everyone is invasively tagged to ensure their sterility/vaccine status which grants them access to groceries and public services. These people virtually forget within a few generations that life was ever much different, and are sedated / brainwashed to the point that few could even conceive of a different way of life.

The rest of us live in the country side and maintain our humanity, awaiting the inevitable collapse of "society"

shut the fuck up moron you did the same shit, would you rather i say nationalism is mildly useful for a state but has no long term benefits and should eventually be dismantled?
at the very least i dont make circular fucking arguments to justify blind national bootlicking

No I didn't, retard. Nothing moralistic about it. Your nation is the only major entity that cares about your nation. Not the world. Buying into the globalism meme is buying into the slow decapitation of your country and loss of wealth. This got forgotten for the past 30 years but it doesn't matter, it's still the truth. That's how China's playing ball, so adapt or die, quite simple.

>Fascist revolution (bad)

>no long term benefits

People having a stake in the long term success of their own group has no benefits to you? Much better if they gleefully import violent foreigners right?

And nationalism is only inherently authoritarian if you're a brainlet or listen to the MSM.

yes you explicitly said nationalism was only useful for combating hostile other seeking national benefit (nationalism) here . this is effectively claiming nationalism is only needed to combat itself. circular reasoning
also by bringing up china and what its doing currently youre completely missing what i said
>their own group
there is literally nothing uniting people on a national level, not even language. only nationality
competing nation states only ever serve as a roadblock for unification and success of more materialistically concrete groups, like class
yes idiot

When hispanics, who are nearly uniformly traditional and family oriented, religious, and culturally conservative realize how evil democrats are, this country will enter into another 100 years of right-of-center nationalism and we aren't even going to report to the media when mexican gangs murder trannies, niggers and faggots.

>their powers were granted by their retard governments
Thus assuming the role of the state in the granted territory, no?

Just becasue it didn't work didn't mean that it didn't happen, but those companies undoubtedly held state-esque powers in the areas they controlled with little to no effective supervision or authority

pick one, nigger.

Hard times my friend, hard times

Nationality or ethnicity and shared culture is all you need. And most nation groups do share a language.

democrats are LITERALLY right of center nationalists what the FUCK are you talking about?
Every major and just about every minor country is multiethnic and multilingual
I understand culture, but ethnicity and nationality are completely fucking arbitrary and dont make sense to group by long term

looks like somebody's pic related

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decadent society where everything is priced

Shitty countries maybe, my country is still 90% the original group, I didn't see a non white until I was 11.

>long term

Except there is a continuous cultural. linguistic and ethnic chain going back over 1200 years here, not every country is a disgusting 'melting pot'.

U srs?

The elite will become Immortal Gods through Mind Uploading.

>Silicon Valley billionaire, 32, pays $10,000 to be KILLED so the contents of his brain can be digitally uploaded and preserved forever


>Russian billionaire reveals real-life 'avatar' plan - and says he will upload his brain to a hologram and become immortal by 2045


>The rich will become ‘God-like cyborgs’: Historian claims the wealthy will transform into a new type of human within 200 years


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i guarantee your nation has existed for fewer than 300 years, so why argue for nationalism?
also your country allegedly being 90% "original group", whatever the fuck that means, still agrees with what i said

>Silicon Valley billionaire, 32, pays $10,000 to be KILLED so the contents of his brain can be digitally uploaded and preserved forever

This one baffles me. He was literally fucking killed. He didn't "upload his brain". They killed him. How is that not illegal? Why is nobody in jail? What the fuck.

Anyone read the latest Neil Stephenson about this?

Capitalism 2

>he thinks the US government is sovereign

Humans are genetically hardwired to organize into kinship-based groups to more effectively defend themselves and compete for resources. Nationalism was a big innovation because it took advantage of new communication and travel tech to essentially hack this human instinct and trick people into identifying with a much larger group than is natural. This was almost a sociological superweapon that allowed states to grow bigger than traditional empires while still retaining a cohesive sense of identity. However the West's ruling class grew to hate it for two reasons: First, the world wars proved that nationalism can be extremely dangerous because it can lead to wars as well as enable those wars to be fought on a huge scale. Second, nationalism is dangerous because it unifies huge numbers of people and gives them a sense of identity and purpose, which can make it easy for populist movements to overthrow governments or otherwise threaten the interests of the ruling class. Germany in particular deeply spooked the ruling class with what it was able to do within a short time of adopting nationalism.

The danger nationalism poses to their interests is something the elites never forgot, but the Cold War forced them to hold their noses and tolerate it because they needed its power to compete against the USSR. After the USSR fell, our leaders felt they no longer had any external threats and got serious about dismantling the national identities of their people. They doubled down after 9/11 when the brief surge of American nationalism that ensued spooked them again. Now the problem is that China has suddenly risen to become a major threat and it's leaders are confident they can ride the nationalist tiger without getting bitten, but our leaders have gone so far down the rabbit hole of dismantling nationalism that they can't respond in kind. Nationalism, like firearms, is a tool that everybody has to use once one bad actor gets a hold of it.

the virgin fascist vs the chad monarcho-capitalist with theocratic accelerationist tendencies

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>yes you explicitly said nationalism was only useful for combating hostile other seeking national benefit (nationalism) here (You). this is effectively claiming nationalism is only needed to combat itself. circular reasoningalso by bringing up china and what its doing currently youre completely missing what i said

That isn't a moralistic argument fuckwit. Do you bring a knife to a gunfight?

We have active legislation from the 1600's but that's not what nationalism is about, its about the NATION which is distinct from the government and the state. The entire government could vanish but the nation would remain. Stop playing dumb.

this is off base and its not helpful to look at nationalism in a century old context
how can you unironically say that post 9/11 elites sought to dismantle nationalism? For the past 20 years since 9/11 elites have been using nationalism to fuel private wars and for workers to accept shittier wages, lower standards of living, and curtailing of civil liberties
Also if you think tribalism was "hacked" to support nationalism then you would agree that nationalism is completely arbitrary and unnecessary
no one is making moral arguments why do you keep bringing it up?

>What happens after late capitalism?
very late capitalism comes

seriously now, govts can simply print money and give it to corporations. that implies even more concentration of power, but why would politicians give a shit? they are puppets for the capitalists, they've always been

Because you were making moral arguments, I addressed that, and then you turned around and claimed I was too. Which I wasn't. Read the comment chain.

bro i was putting things in simple terms like good and bad, which you fucking did as well
at no point was a moral argument made
you still used circular reasoning to argue in favor of nationalism and still uselessly mentioned china when i clearly was talking long term and not currently