Is he wrong about anything?

>hidden secrets of money from 4 years ago free on YouTube
>Predicted government sending people home from work
>Predicted uncontrolled printing of currency
>Predicted deflation after minor crash of false public optimism

Why haven’t you taken the Mike Maloney pill and bought gold and silver?

Attached: DFC08E85-8647-4997-AC35-9B9F25DCE853.png (400x400, 331.02K)

Other urls found in this thread:

10k sirs reporting in

10k what?

1 kilo gold chad, when will i make it?

10k sirs


recently had this little shit head zoomer I know watch hidden secrets of money

Now hes calling USD fiat and asking me how to buy gold and silver

Mike M is based

Timing. But everyone is.

>Is he wrong about anything?
yes he is wrong about a very important thing:
money is debt there is no denying that.
but gold is not money today and never will be ever again.

why do central banks keep increasing their gold reserves then?

2020 100-Coin Monster Bat-Box en route. Will post proofs when it arrives.

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I'm pretty sure his videos are like the first redpill you take once you look into crypto and blockchain and ask yourself, "What is money?"

>1 little secret bitcoin maxis DONT want you to know!

He is wrong about silver for starters. There can only be one worthwhile precious metal store of value.

Bros I sold my link for silver at $2.00 am I fucked?

old habits die hard but they will die

>60% in silver
>20% in gold
>20% in MTG Cards

Who else making it right now?

if the dollar inflates like zimbabwe what is the alternative? There is none.

No. But definitely not gonna make it.

i have looked at the charts btw gold held by central banks barely changed form 2000 a few thousand tonne in total holding wen diwn around 2008 it's barely above 2000 levels now.

>if the dollar inflates like zimbabwe what is the alternative?
make new fiat. despite what you fags think never in history a country went back to gold from fiat. when a fiat currency dies an other one takes it's place with a new promise.

>all central banks and state governments hoarding metals is just a bad habit goy

You know how I know you are a brainlet?

Maloney’s argument is that in the new currency gold would be worth quite a bit so your wealth won’t go to complete shit

i said old habit brainlet but yeah it's not gonna do much good to anyone.
everyone will print trillions faster than how you could count a crate of gold bar

based and checked

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he's wrong that he portrays debasement as a choice as long as there are other nations there will be tyrants who will use debasement against you forcing you to debase yourself to compete with them in war.

Yes exactly this, it's been used by the Brits against Napoleon and had they not used it everyone in Europe would be speaking french right now.
There is no morality, no rules in the world, as long as there is one guy willing to play it dirty everyone will have to.

messianic age accelerationism is the final solution

Just ordered another 500 oz today, ordered my first 500oz in December. Will I make it?

Attached: 8B723A96-69E7-4953-877A-7AD7B053D3A9.jpg (1242x1547, 352.13K)

Yep gratz

Basically what Christianism is about. The world is in a constant state of war between morality and uncompromising virtue vs nihilism and cynicism. The war priest-warrior ethos vs the merchant-bourgeois ethos, Bushido vs Modernity.

see you in 4 months when the format changes

This Post Was Made By 60% Silver 20% Gold 20% Yugioh Cards Gang

>not playing non rotating formats like modern, pioneer, etc.

i got 100 for 1780 (1730+shipping) 3 weeks ago. Its insane how the price moons

These are leaf bux tho

>1 kilo gold chad, when will i make it?

buy bitcoin to make it, gold is for wealth preservation.

I too hold 1kg
puts us in the top 1% of gold holders in the world.

you buying any mining stocks?

Attached: serves him right metals.jpg (500x577, 30.59K)

this is a stick up
gib me all ur golb and silber

Attached: 1586385326605.jpg (380x380, 26.27K)

oh true didn't see that. not even gonna do the conversions because i don't recognize canada as a real country

More like Mike Bologna.

Isn't this the boomer shilling shiny boomer rocks and fucking HBar surpassing BTC because of some bimbo consensus problem being solved in a way that makes absolutely no sense to me a simple zoomer investor

>Is he wrong about anything?
His choice of barber

>predicted govt sending people home from work
bullshit. let's see a video and timestamp or i call bullshit

>gib me all ur golb and silber
1 kg of gold (32 oz)
6000 oz of silver

Attached: ron paul gold coin.png (425x425, 239.76K)

3k by end of year

He never talks about blow jobs for a barber dime. Must be stupid.

crypto is not money. fiat is not money. gold and silver are money. but i don't mind using gold backed crypto or fiat. because who wants to lug coins around.

>More like Mike Bologna.
Michael Baloney

The greatest wealth transfer in history...
Silver's price may end up 10 times as much as gold.
Hedera Hashgraph is better than Bitcoin.
Wealth cycles.
500oz of silver to buy a home.

Does this idiot have no shame?

Attached: serves him right baloney.jpg (500x577, 121.87K)

>Will I make it?
Only if you expat.

predictions take time user

>is he wrong about anything
nigger, check the silver spot price and answer that question yourself.

>predictions take time user
He's been completely wrong, he really has no idea what he is talking about.

Silver will pump hard not cause of inflation but because people lose faith in government.

get real analysis not Mike Baloney's delusions.

Attached: bradon frasier come on.jpg (550x360, 35.96K)

Sealed MTG product has literally been the most stable and slightly performing asset I have since the crash. I love it.

Has he ever been right? I was into him ten years ago and I've been lugging a worthless sack of metal everywhere I move for years. I fucking despise the things now. I'm hoping the price pops just so I can finally dump this garbage and I know I'm not the only one.

Sorry you bought in at 30$ dumbass boomer. Learn how to trade faggot cuck.
>t. 175oz stacklet with DCA of 15

I also just rewatched it and he made a big point about how bad uncle Adolf was for taking advantage of the fear/rage of the German volk to create a dictatorship, but then weirdly omitted the economic miracle they went through under Nazi rule.

Are all the Reich coins in Israel now or can you still buy them?

Unless you're buying junk silver you're not in at 15. In ten years the actual price of a silver eagle has barely changed regardless of SLV, you would know that if you weren't fresh off the bus. Enjoy lugging your junk around for eternity and yes I have way more than you and no that's not a good thing.

Hyper inflation ain't gonna happen

Kinda, you should have sold at $4+, but I would think link dives harder than silver from here

>excluding Russian, China, Brazil, etc etc etc etc

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Malobro is utterly based. It's him who convinced me to go all in silver back in the days.

Attached: apusilver.png (1173x674, 211K)

>DCA of 15
Nice larp faggot, i bought the extreme bottom of last june and with the premium i ended up buying at 15.60 for a monster of philly. So unless you bought all your stack in june 2019 you are fake news.

He is wrong about a lot of things. He is right about some things and he thinks that makes him right about everything.

>and never will be ever again
what evidence do you have to support this claim?

>U.S. unlimited QE + 8 trillion stimulus
>bank of england blank cheque to gov
>money supply doubling every couple of years
>exponential inflation
It's a very real possibility.

>Predicted government sending people home from work

What was his reasoning?

My take is that they are trying to increase the liquidity by forcing some excuse to print more currency into existence.

Based - ? what is that failure of your brain?

as soon people get used to slags, swear words
they will get blind spots in their thinking pattern
Jews corrupt language to make goyim dumb
