Did you redpill your friends on Chainlink?

I'm not sure if I should tell these normies or not...

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no. fuck em

it's not worth it unless they come to you asking about crypto

My friends have already taken the crypto pill and are holding BTC and ETH. My only edge at this point is knowing about Chainlink and being enough of a madman to pour my life savings into it.

I want to. But the conundrum is, I dont want them to come to me every time Link dips whining about their mortgage and car payment and how Lisa needs braces. This is going to be a long, grueling journey and I will not be held back by some weak hands, NGMI normie faggot.

Also a part of me wants to be the one in lambos and mcmansions while everybody else is jelly as fuck.

>Also a part of me wants to be the one in lambos and mcmansions while everybody else is jelly as fuck.
That's my conundrum too. It took lots of research on my part to get confident enough in Chainlink to pour tens of thousands of dollars in. Why the fuck should I imbue these normies with the sacred knowledge I suffered for?

i shilled link to everyone and it dipped down, but i knew it was gonna go back up and figured weak hands would capitulate anyways. they wouldnt be made at me when it goes back up, theyre gonna be mad at themselves for selling

gained a shit ton of clout and have made all my friends/ family money

you'll never make it with a scarcity mindset

Educate me, senpai. Show me the way

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Assuming the following statements are true, which they're not...
>most normies have money to invest
>normies have the patience to hold when the price goes down/up
>normies are interested in taking your advise and don't think they know better than you even though they're broke and twice your age
The answer would still be NO! i don't think i could stomach watching a normie blow $100k on designer clothes and a car.

None of them even try to understand or ask questions or research ANYTHING. Why should I continue trying to help them?

No. I feel intellectually superior to them and I want my financial position to reflect that.

Bitches are stupid. Like really stupid. If you live and die by the judgment of stupid people youre NGMI.

Sorry thats more or less a response to the image you posted than the convo you and other user were having.

every time u get others to buy. it makes it more expensive for u to buy. there is no benefit for telling others. at best, u just made link more expensive for urself and ur friends forget u while they snort coke and are full of themselves. at worst, if link falls, u will be hated for costing them money and u be ridiculed as an idiot

I mentioned it a few times when it was $1.50.
When LINK hits $10 I'm going to tell them again and remind them that they were already warned. I'll also rub in the fact that I bought at $0.50.

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I told my normie co workers last year about it.
Last year, When it was trading at 2.50 and went up to 3.10. They bought! ...I SOLD, give em my bags. When it drop to 1.40 last month, they SOLD. I bought they're cheap heavy bags. The cycle continue...

I've told a few people but it's all the same fucking thing.

>Oh yea bro I'll buy some
>LINK pumps another dollar
>Damn I shoulda bought some


>Crypto isn't that basically a scam?
Usually the people that say this are the ones you would think are otherwise smart. They are done in by their own intelligence because it makes them arrogant in the belief that they're always right, more often than not they are boomers in management.

I tried but alas only 2 of my friends will join us at the citadel

Those of you who have been blindly following the chainlink shills are absolute fucking retards. If you had an IQ above 90 and spent 30 minutes researching, you'd actually understand why you are making the WORST investment of your lives.

The problem with this board is literally most of the Chainlink shills could not explain to you why Chainlink is actually a disastrous bet. The few anons that do get it and post legitimately useful information get ignored because most of this board is smarter and based as fuck and when they understand something they act like it wasn't even posted.

Chainlink is poo in loo gen. It will make all current holders with 10k+ KILL THEMSELVES, literaly. You may have to wait 2-3 years, which most of you will be too smart to do here so I applaud you, you have already solf. You'll see a 2x a year from now and because you've been checking the price every fucking day for over 1500 days you'll think "fuck it, I'm selling, this isn't going anywhere!". When the token actually goes TO FUCKING ZERO you'll be holding the keys to your fabolous Corvette and those of them who weren't smart money will be sucking your dick as vallet while bagholders above 100k are slitting their skrawny cuck wrists.

I bought at $2 its above $3 time to sell?

Anything under $4 is worth buying at.

yes, 6 of them bought but really small amounts

brah its a pasta

What does designer clothes means excatly? I always wondered.

I convinced one of my old room mates to buy enough that he's been NEETing for 16 months on the gains while he drinks cheap whiskey and fucks sluts from anime conventions. The sad part is he refused to get a job at the gas station, and by the singularity who knows how much he'll have left.

Been here since 2017 and I still like a normie. Sometimes I like being a normie. Ignorance is bliss.

this picture actually made me kek out loud when I saw the to from sticker. you should post about chainlink on reddit.com/r/mainstreetcrypto they fucking love link over there

My friend and I both got into crypto at the same time in 2017 around October. We both rode the IOTA rocket, but he only had $3k while I had $10k. I ended up trading some shitcoins and then eventually all into LINK around June 2018. He just held IOTA and sold all around April I think. We were in Highschool at that time. Every once in a while he asked me about crypto and I told him I just held Chainlink since it seems like the real deal. Idk what he planned to do desu. He got a gf at some point and probably spent some money on shit you do with a gf so I doubt he has even $1k nowadays. We did some "schemes" together before so we kinda started with the same amount of capital. Got 20k linkies now.

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THIS. All my friend were saying "Bitcoin is a bubble and a ponzi" in the early 2018 when everything crashed... No point telling them about LINK because no matter what they wont buy... I would tell them if there would be at least small interest in blockchains from their side but they do not even know what it is (but they for sure know bitcoin is a bubble and a ponzi,kek)
And at the end of the day they would be mad at me that i told them about cheap link and didn't convinced them to buy.

shilled it to my best buddy at 2.30, he bought bout 2k

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unfortunately i did, but a good thing came out of it
one of them, a notorious parasite that works for the government, bought at $4,5 and sold at $2,3, and now he's raging

Only holding 92 links because I’m flat broke and don’t got a lot of cash. Am I gonna make it or should I just top myself

told probably 2 dozen people, all but one (my NEET father) were too arrogant to listen

I might tell the guy who bangs my wife about it user.

A bunch of my friends, my dad, and step dad all own thousands of link at below $1 average buy in because of me. We're all making it because of me.

You faggots are unbelievable. Do you really think anons who read crap like this are suddenly convinced to buy your Jewish/ satanic scam token?

Death to Israel and Jewish bloodlines

This weak retarded FUD doesn't work anymore. We're way past this point user. How have you not accumulated already.

More than 2 years ago. Then never spoke of it again. Telling someone now is just nice. Telling them then, when they could brush it off for the next pump, that leaves them haunted today.


i don't have any of those

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I name all my Pokémon BUYCHAINLINK before trading them off

Only the several nerd ones with most trust.

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And one who is obsessed with numbers.

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redpilling ppl on the holy trinity. oracle, marketplace tech and xtz gonna give us this financial freedom brothers

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Explain to me user. I'm listening.

i tried to redpill my mommy and daddy into buying some but i dont think they understood they just said we cant afford to have our money suddenly go to 0 in the blink of an eye

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Link, Tezos, and..?

Well, for example, One of my normie co-workers who earns minimum wage rocks up to work wearing pic related. It's a belt and costs $200.

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Question for you, I got in at 0.00046873, my question is was that the wrong move? This is one of my first trades and I feel like this is going down now.

Dca my fren. Dont swing and look for when link is in red, then buy

Yes 1

>5400 lb's
1200 tops

Tried to unfortunately for them they are midwits and don’t understand how it could make them money. Literally refuted all their gud and they still don’t get it. I just wanted some friends to make it with me but it looks like it will just be this board and myself unironically this is the only place I can have discussions on the project

Can someone please post the chainlink raps on vocaroo

You're about to learn an important lesson in life. When you look back on it you'll understand it as "dont buy the pump," but you don't understand it yet. Don't even try to understand it. You're clueless. Just understand that you don't understand. Look at your actions now and your sheer cluelessness, so you understand later just how little you understood now, and with some luck you'll understand then just how little you understand then.

Ok thanks guys

There's a great organization called NAMBLA if you're serious about making new friends.

>Did you redpill your friends on Chainlink?

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Mommy and daddy said I was a fool trying to get rich quick and they said that it was just a pump and dump scam and I was stupid

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Well when you're worth millions of dollars and they come begging for you to pay off their house you should inform them they should have bought into a get rich quick scheme and got rich quick
