Lowball offer

Sometimes people get offended when you make low ball offers on things that they own. Kek.

But you gotta just keep on keepin on.

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Hahaha what was it? Get a friend to offer lower

only dumbass niggers don't understand why an extreme lowball is offensive

I took a sales negotiations courses once and they recommended acting pissed off as a tactic.. Even slamming the table and leaving the room. I don't see why normans can't just be civilized and gives a yes or no in response

Fucking this, wait a couple weeks and do it. Post results.

Burn their house down

lowballing is the ultimate cuck behavior

a real alpha dont care about the price, a beta knows the prices, a cuck is forced to lowball because of his lifechoices

did you remind him that those 'drunks' are non-binary and non-white? meanwhile the local billionaire is 'upset' that he cant make another million dollars.

used to trade at a coinstore until he called a gold eagle i had trash and offered bellow 80% gold spot because there was a small cull that i had never noticed on the edge (probably in jewelry at some point).

dudes been out of business now for a while. went to another dealer and he said many of his customers said the same thing lol

A shitty little commercial lot next to one that I own. It’s maybe worth 12k. He is asking 15. I offered 5. What he’s really mad about is that he stiff armed the previous owners for a year and I bought it from them. He feels like I stole the lot next door.

Well price is subjective, I don't understand why these clowns get offended, just say no and that's it, no need to get all worked up. lel

Last summer i was selling a flat who needed to be renovated

one guy made me to wake up to meet there at 1pm during his wagie lunch break and he said (after the visit was done) that he will send me an email with an offer

he made an offer at -33% of my public price

I was so upset that he made me to wake up early for this bullshit i said "i refuse your offer" on a formal mail then called him and told him to come back so we can talk like men

he blocked me

lowball offers are for niggers, if you don't have the money just get out

What's there to be offended about. Just say no. It's just business.

I used to do landscaping/bricklaying work on the side during the summer, and Chinese/Indians would always try to haggle after the job was done. This pissed me the fuck off. They'd be like "oh, I dont think you did $1500 worth of work", and then try to offer $1000 or something

It makes my blood boil just thinking about it, I'd always say no because I'd get them to sign a pricing agreement before I started work, but one time this chinese lady and her husband were holding strong to their lowball (AFTER THE FUCKING WORK IS DONE), so I just picked up a shovel and started shoveling river rock from beside their driveway into the back of my truck and said "I dont care if I lose money on this but I'm taking up every single piece of stone, brick, plant, tree, fucking everything, and you can read the contract because that's in there" (I had a clause about non-payment allowing me to remove any and all work from their property). The lady started crying and then her husband wrote me a check for the full amount and told me to get the fuck off their property.

It's in their culture to haggle for everything unfortunately

$5000 for what?

100% had a woman in mind reading that

refer to my post lowball offers are for shitskins

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This I honestly didn't mind honestly. I would go do an estimate, give a rough price, go home, do a quick render of what their yard will look like with the changes based off of satelite pics, nail down my exact costs for the job (ie, calculate my materials and labor), then email them with an invoiced proposal outline the exact cost of everything (ie, tree installing: $200) or something like that. If they weren't happy or wanted a cheaper price, I would do things to work with them to lower the cost (lower grade soil, 2nd hand bricks, less trees, more basic patio design, etc), and then once we agreed on the price I would get a signature, ask for 1/3 upfront and usually start the next weekend.

I was super upfront and the customer was involved every step of the way and knew exactly what they were getting and paying for. I never asked for more money on any job ever, because my estimates were always bang on and I knew exactly how much each job would take. You can't fucking haggle after you've signed a contract and paid a deposit, thats not how it fucking works

>It's in their culture to haggle for everything unfortunately
You mean - it's in Chinese culture to be vultures and slit your throat to save a dime and be generally some of the shittest customers.
Haggling is knocking 10% off up front. Not breaking contracts after delivery aka theft.

Thats different because the job was already done, you are right to do what you did, but before it is done there is no need to get angry when the offer is too low.

I like to buy guns. Been making a lot of lowball offers these days. It's paid off. Just keep on keepin on.

200$ to put a tree lol

>You can't fucking haggle after you've signed a contract and paid a deposit, thats not how it fucking works
When you're a dishonest bugman bred after centuries of wholesale genocide and empathy woud wipe out your whole bloodline it is. Actually made them sound cooler than it really is. They just fucking lie about everything and deliver shitty subpar goods as sellers too.

it's harder than it looks user.

Low ball offers are for me to make money on.

A commercial lot he’s asking 15k for.

>but I do apologise
Fucking no ball pussy

That might actually be a kind of low price, trees that are like 3-5 years old and grown in a nursery are like $50-100 just for the tree. Saplings are ok if you're planting a shitload of them along a property line or something, but you want larger/older trees because they have the highest chance of survival after replanting. Then you have to dig a 3 foot fucking hole for the tree. Have you ever dug 3ft down into packed soil/clay? Its not easy. Sure you can rent a Bobcat or something with an auger accessory, but thats still more money you're spending throughout the day. And you still have to widen the hole/clean it up to make the tree fit and sit properly.

Its not just digging your hand into some soil and dropping a seed in lol

Meh we have mutual friends. I wanted to make sure he looked like the asshole and not me.

Also, do you know how to plant a tree/plant so it doesn't look weird and the plant's face is facing an ideal/aesthetic direction? If you don't you end up with a tree that has branches growing into the house or fence. Do you know exactly how large every tree gets and how far to plant it away from buildings/fences? Do you know how long/much to suggest the homeowners water it without killing it? etc etc

There's more to it than just dropping the tree in a hole

What a retard. $5000 in this economy is more than it's worth. Hopefully he gets COVID19 and dies. I'll be praying for God to smite him.

::fist bump:: Thanks user.

An offer is an offer. I'm free to make it and you're free to refuse. An intelligent person counters the lowball instead of getting emotional to steer him toward a more reasonable price. You must be an overly emotional redditor with a homosexual or female brain.

>$5000 in this economy is more than it's worth.
How the fuck can you know that based on some Yas Forums post lel

>shitty little commercial lot
value could very well go negative depending on how bad the property bubble pops this time

Lol just say no and move on. Never show your tell.

Stop playing gay ass mind games, now he's probably not even going to sell it to you even if you make a better offer

>pissing away resources unnecessarily is alpha
Serious cope

I lowball people all the time.

I used to go garage shopping when i found something that will 3x -7x my money on ebay. I would tell them a story about not having enough or I spend it all paying bills.

Kek! those were the days.. Now, I shit post and shill shitcoins to newfags while i make a profit.

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Where in the world are there commercial lots for 15k?

An intelligent person realizes that if you lowball, you're essentially think the other person is a desperate retard and that a decent deal will not be made. You will want a steep discount (otherwise will move on) on top of being an ass about it.

signalling theory, my dude

>on top of being an ass about it
Merely making an offer is not "being an ass"


Spending time going back and forth to save 10% to 25% IS cuck behavior. It's like begging camgirls to show you their asshole for free. 1 out of 10 times it might work, 9 out of 10 times you look cheap, waste time, and being a nuisance.

>List something for $2000
>Offer $1
An offer is an offer!

Who is selling low during the Corona hype and panic?

this. If it was 'worth $12k' it's worth more to you as adjoining plot you already got. If he was asking $15k, you'd have got him to $12k. Now? you pissed him off altogether
offering near 1/3rd worth (to a neighbor) is. If he was actively selling it, ok, can maybe try it on some. If you are making unsolicited offers, its because YOU want/need it - accordingly offer a premium or at least market, or fuck off already. The guy is justifiably pissed now.

Nobody is buying land now and he's lucky to get any money than sit on the plot. Keep seething. Overly emotional people like you need a transorbital lobotomy.

If it was worth 12k, he would have sold it already moron. If he still has it, it's a sign it isn't worth 12k.

>Nobody is buying land now and he's lucky to get any money than sit on the plot.
This might work on the clueless, but anyone with business sense realizes that if YOU contact someone, you want what they have. Double so if you start arguing and trying to convince the seller to take the shitty offer.

There's no actual reason an offer has to be within x% of asking price, you can ask anything but that does not mean you're going to get it.

>If it was worth 12k, he would have sold it already moron. If he still has it, it's a sign it isn't worth 12k.
>Listing viewed by: 31 people

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Same desu, thought OP was a simp talking to an escort or an entitled ethot and he was so ugly she woulnd't even touch him for 5k.
I've been on this mongolian throat singing forum for too long

I don't get why anger is justified here. Where is the offense? Just say no and move on.

The best part is that he thinks nobody is buying it because of my tenants. They sit outside and drink all day. (Literally all day). While that may be part of the detraction, the lot is so small you could hardly build anything on it anyway. Especially with the current code for parking spaces, etc. His lot is worthless without mine.

>His lot is worthless without mine.
or vice versa
you sound like a complete asshole desu

Mine has a golden egg.

He's a prissy I KNOW WHAT I GOT redditor who gets offended by everything and goes out of his way to let you know how offended he is. The lowballer is even more justified to say "you're piece of shit isn't worth that much and isn't liquid anyways.... my money your junk" but doesn't.

Did you really expect him to accept that offer? Did you really think he'd react in a positive way to that offer? You already said it was worth about 12k. Why did you not offer 10k? You screwed yourself here user..

i've just grasped, he's -actively- trying to sell his plot (ie read the rest of the thread) - in which case, fair enough, some messing him around is justifiable then. But probably better invent a 'new' buyer to haggle with him now. My original point was lowballing people on unsolicited offers and expecting them to be happy about it, seldom ends well.

>screwed yourself

Naah I don’t need or want his property. If that were the case I would have bought it long ago. I just thought that having them together would make the package more desirable. But mine will sell before his. He’s the one who lost out by losing his temper.

I mean actively loosely accurate. He’s owned it for about 5 years and has a tiny “for sale” sign posted in the telephone pole. But the lot is so small you couldn’t build anything there even if you wanted to. He needs me. I don’t need him. However, having his property would increase the value of the overall package, so that would be a benefit for me. But I’m not going to lose money over all of it.

*”actively” is loosely accurate.

Bad part of town. High traffic road but no new business wants to build there.


gj user
why are asians so unsufferable


Is ot really that hard to just say "no"? Why do normies have to be emotional about everything


Fuck off

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offering less than 50% of the asking price is shit haggling at best. wouldn't take it personally but I would think less of you and wouldn't bother doing business with you in the future

How did you get into that kind of work? I like nothing more on days off than doing physical labor in my backyard.

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That’s stupid. That’s assuming what your asking is reasonable. If you have a shit property that’s worth 10k but you’re asking 30k I’m not going to offer you 25k just to keep from hurting your feelings.

you and OP are the biggest clowns in this thread

Personally, if I'm selling something on the internet and some faggot try to lowball me, I will react like the guy in Op's pic if not worse. You are wasting my time, the least I can do is to tell you that your mom will die in her sleep tonight and that your dad is a tranny

One time I had to sell a Tv, the price was around 600€, and people kept messaging me if I would be able to accept 300 or 350€, especially gipsies and arabs. I got so tired after a while that I started answering them "yup ok alright, 300€ it is then, meet me at 7.30am in this little hidden bumfuck street outside the city" and then never show up lmao. It felt so good to read their outraged messages the day after lol

OP you sound like a total sperg, rad Chris Voss Never split the difference andl earn some tactical empathy you tard. this is literally FBI hostage tactics and its down right evil shit but it works, I just got a holiday home down 30% after they already offered it for a 50% discount from the corona bullshit. and they LOVE me.
the way to do is is just preframe it by
"look I dont want to take advantage of your situation, I want this to be a fair negotation. so please let me know if Im out of line or being unfair"
and THEN you hit them with a lowball offer
it is literally impossible for the counterparty to be mad at you because you already told them they can say no if they think its unfair, hey its just a negotation right?
theres tons of more shit in the book that just works its seriously black magic I shouldnt even recommend it but Im having a good day