
The market cap of this thing is 2M. Two million dollars. The concept of PoP, if done well, is worth a billion alone, and the anonymous team is delivering on their vision HARD. Every day there are hundreds of people asking for invites in the telegram to mine DNA. The wallet and flip generator work like a charm even though they're literally only a couple of months old and the whole readiness of the project blows most billion dollar projects out of the water. And it hasn't even started yet. I'm being 100% serious when I say that at this rate, Idena will be a top 5 market cap project in 3 years.

If you FUD Idena, there are unironically two options: 1) Your IQ is

Attached: idena.png (199x208, 27.29K)

Other urls found in this thread:


pyramid ....................

Attached: boohoo.jpg (300x168, 5.04K)

you've got to be joking, right?

$2000 volume and listed only on one exchange with overall $3000 volume

you have to be a literal drooling retard to even look twice at this bullshit scam

shut up idena nigger

stomping feet
you're a pajeet
stomping feet
you're a pajeet
stomping feet
you're a pajeet

Nope, not joking. This is the best project out there right now. Absolutely, unequivocally, unironically best.

Hopefully reaching human status tomorrow. Need 6/6 on my short session to improve my 91.3%

Github is lit:

>t. seething linkers


Attached: Screenshot_20200409-223226.png (720x1498, 46.08K)

reload, phone poster

>hey you guys check out this novel consensus method!
>OK. Why would anyone use this instead of BTC?
>I... um... it's novel?...

>a novel consensus method
>interesting tech compared to 90% of the shitcoins in the top 100
>a novel consensus method
>actually focused on solving decentralization, instead of chink miner POW/whale POS systems
Crypto can be pretty exciting user

Why is down and also the explorer ?

This. Infinitely more energy efficient than PoW, infinitely more decentralized than PoS. Bitcoin and Ethereum literally can't compete with a 2M market cap project, kek.

What a shitcoin
1) low Volume
2) There website unreachable
3) Its so revolutionary good that you need to be invited to not risk a 51% attack hahahahaha

Yes Idena doesn’t allow pajeets

how do I get it?

Of course it has low volume you fucking dumb fuck. Almost no one knows about it and team won’t buy fucking scam wash traders to artificially increase volume. This isn’t a shitcoin you fucking brainlet. is a based exchange, take a look at the other projects besides Idena too.

So what is with the other points? How does this consensus model prevent 51% attacks? You moron?

Have you ever heard of proof of person? Ever person one node & vote. Its the consensus Idena uses. If you wan’t %51 you’ll have to bribe half the network. Goodluck doing that, it will cost you a lot. Especially when the amount of nodes are higher. You fucking little faggot.

PS from your overreaction i can tell that you are most likely one of the anonymous developer of this coin. Fuck off scammer. Your shitcoin can't even defend against a 51% attack and would be dead without the invitation system to prevent it.

You need to solve flips to prove. So i can make hundreds of accounts without the invitation system

Dear community,

Idena's website and blockchain explorer are down due to the problem on the hosting provider's side. We are waiting for the problem to be fixed.

Apologies for any inconvenience.

That's literally the reason why you have this silly invute system inplace, toprevent people spammif accounts. What's your plan to solve this? No one will take a blockchain serious where you need an invite to participate in the consensus mechanism. Also people need to trust the developer to not invite people which will solely vote in their favor.

Dear community,

Idena's website and blockchain explorer are down due to the problem on the hosting provider's side. We are waiting for the problem to be fixed.

Apologies for any inconvenience.


Kek. ESL detected. We can have some fun with this.


What do you mean? You can not participate (solve/create flips on the network) with getting invited. You can generate 100's of addresses, yes. But they have no use except for storing DNA.

First, novel consensus is not enough to attract consumers. Second: any consensus mechanism with permissioned access is broken by design.

How many idenas can i mine per day? Is it worth it or should i just buy it on qtrade?


So i can now participate in the consensus mechanism ATM without an invite yes or no

>First, novel consensus is not enough to attract consumers
sure, you have a valid point
>Second: any consensus mechanism with permissioned access is broken by design.

you can not for security measures, this will probably not change

Sirs do needful flips moon soon thanking you

Because consensus only works when everyone has the equal chance to participate. I can buy a mining rig and start mining, i can buy coins and start staking. But when i need the approval of a dev to participate the whole system doesn't make sense because you then only have consensus between handpicked participants.

Buyer beware, pnd scam

You see that's what i'm talkig about. This is consensus between handpicked people. That's a centralised database and not a blockchain. So no worth, no security. Shitcoin.

you don't need the approval of a dev, any verified/human node hands out invites. for example I will be able to give out 2 invites after tomorrow. The network has been growing by approx. 15% every epoch. There are 1164 nodes online right now.
>I can buy a mining rig and start mining
There are 13 controlling pools in Bitcoin, regular miners have nothing to say in the network
>I can buy coins and start staking
PoS only makes the rich richer

How do you become a verified node? Through flips? Or approved by a dev? A cartel can invite themselves over and over again, creating a consensus majority. How is this prevented?

You become a verified node by successfully completing 2 validation sessions (12 solved flips, 6 per short session).

1 node = 1 human, there would need to be an orchestrated attack of hundreds of humans right now to attack the network. You can invite your cartel members yes, but how will you continue to gather enough people to counter the network growth?

Attached: Idena-Identity-Status-Flow-1.png (1285x2268, 464.56K)


This still doesn't proof that every node has an individual human behind it. I could easily operate multiple nodes from the looks of it, undermining the whole concept. I can also invite myself. The usecase of this blockchain is the proof of an individual human? If yes then it failed from the looks of it. Or is there somethig preventing me from doing this?

>DNA is literally a better investment right now than anything else out there, LINK included.
I'm sure it is, Dinesh.

I detect that you're a flaming homosexual

The validation session consists of 2 parts and runs at 13:30 UTC around the globe:
>short session
validate your node by solving flips in 2 minutes. Very difficult to do this for 2 nodes, some people manage 3 but if you fail you risk losing your locked stake (a certain % of your mined DNA goes into your stake. You unlock more as your status improves).
>long session
judge other peoples flips. this consensus based model incentives people to creat good flips. contribute with shit flips = bad consensus = no rewards

You can't, unless theoretically you hire a Shenzhen sweatshop full of people to do flips for you to validate the nodes, but why would they when they can just do the flips for themselves and earn 100% of the money instead of whatever share of it that you're paying them.


33% premine + they devs get 5% of all new mined coins.

= scam

Okay smart way to solve this. This could pave the way for on-chain voting and UBI. Maybe i will buy a few just in case. What's the make-it stack and suicide stack? Best exchange is qtrade for this? Cheers

The addresses of the dev team's fund are public but unfortunately the Idena blockchain does not support time locking

I guess minimum 5k. We reach a total supply of 130M in 2025. Qtrade is great and has all kinds of solid projects listed.

Is QBTC only exchange listing this shitcoin?

qbtc is a chink washtrading exchange, pls buy on unfortunately very low volume

Aren't they related, their logo seems exactly the same?

>The addresses of the dev team's fund are public but unfortunately the Idena blockchain does not support time locking
>I guess minimum 5k. We reach a total supply of 130M in 2025. Qtrade is great and has all kinds of solid projects listed.
fuck you scamming piece of shit. also fuck the dumb retards who keep buying qtrades pnd shitcoins even after i warn them every time

there's not really been a pump and dump yet (DNA at least)
lol think it's just coincidence

I love this totally organic conversation going down in here. What a completely legitimate project whereby I must install suspicious software onto my computer (bruteforcing wallets??), have the 'invitation' supply artificially restricted (to promote FOMO??), by a team of unknown developers (this is how you know a project is legitimate), also sold on dodgy exchanges with 3000usd volume, alongside tens of organic threads per day on a mongolian basketweaving forum.

I totally love idena sirs. Im going to be rich!

Thanks, 10 DNA has been deposited in your wallet

>lol think it's just (((coincidence)))

The website is unfortunally down so i can't find the ressources for myself. To be able to mine DNA i need to be invited first if i understood correct

>another day, same FUD
are u people paid or do you literally don't read the posts here and just shitpost for fun?

Attached: 1585163403374.jpg (1024x576, 89.75K)

Q(business) is a very common business name/logo
You can still download client etc from github
You can also check
For more stats/info

Attached: Untitled.png (691x283, 98.35K)

I have it downloaded and synced but can't find a 'start mining' button lol

>cant give rebuttals so replies in memes

LMAO. please please be careful buying this shit lmao.