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I downloaded all her videos incase she gets banned. This is like gore porn. Can't she kill it before salting it. Bug people are too scard to kill it with a knife but will happily boil it alive or torture it with salt

lol @ people who care about this octopus but eat meat like beef, chicken, ham etc.

inb4 'they kill it humanely!!!'
there is no such thing, just degrees of suffering.

idk that octo looks pretty dead

>t. Bugman

channel name?

>doesn't know what a bugman is
yikes dude. enjoy pretending to care about animals.

>wouldnt it be a shame if your currency lost 12 cents american in value in 1 year

fuck europe


>t. Chang

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>inb4 'they kill it humanely!!!'
>there is no such thing, just degrees of suffering.
Yes, and greater degrees are worse, you dumb faggot.

All of the Chinese born with souls escaped the country a long time ago, glass the whole fucking place ASAP.

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>thinking i'm advocating for abusing and murdering octopuses and not advocating for not eating animals at all.

t. education system dropout

LMAO, at thinking minimising harm is somehow morally justifiable.

"but i gotta eat meat bro, im so hungry, and look how bad those guys kill the animals, wtf i love animals i bro i dont want to hurt them i just want to eat meat bro yum yum!'

Post the video of her eating it alive like a subhuman animal.

Gas the chinks along with the niggers and jews.

Look up mukbang on YouTube. Chinks are awful.


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>cant reply with reason

nice cognitive dissonance :)


Ching Chong

>You are a fucking monster insect.
I think there's an anime called parasite about people like you.
Lolololol bitch

>posts Korean webm
What did he mean by this?

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Reminder that Nips do this shit too but weebs completely ignore it

At least he killed it first

Animals are not moral agents, I just don't care enough.


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Yes, and if you must kill something you should do it quickly. That's what is meant by treat it humanely gook brain

>at thinking minimising harm is somehow morally justifiable
theres no point of even argueing with you because it is completely morally justifiable. if something suffers minimally in the process of life, why should it matter if I end up eating it when its cycle of life comes to an end? I for one dont really feel bad eating a steak from local beef pastures and drinking milk from animals that honestly probably live a better life through their scope of the world than I do


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Nothing wrong with killing a farm raised animal.
Chinks grab random shit and start chopping it up and like it moving for some unholy reason.

The average octopus is more intelligent than your average somalian so yea excuse me for giving a fuck about another species that is more intelligent than doggos and will be the best pets for future under water living.

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>Reminder that Nips do this shit too but weebs completely ignore it
>posts a video of someone humanely dispatching and eating a turtle on a clean surface with running water, probably bought in a fresh, clean japanese market

>farm raised
Why would it be farm raised? Nips catch all sorts of shit in and around the ocean and eat it raw and apparently it's okay because they kill it with one blow rather than two

>bought in a fresh, clean japanese market
Well that makes it okay then somehow you fucking weeb
Here's that guy trying to burn a living octopus but it's all so clean and cute, that's perfectly fine

Because turtles are easy as shit to farm raise like most reptiles and amphibians.
I've had frogs legs and gator before, they taste like chicken wings and chicken nuggets respectively.
Post them eating random wild caught animals if you want to make a point.

Nathan Explosion, CEO of BASED Inc.

Those creatures are quite intelligent. The sea creature I mean, not the woman.

Dont forget the spics, faggots, and Canadians

imagine being so dumb user

cute chink girl

Such ugly nostrils. Two little black holes.

There is literally, LITERALLY nothing special about Japan or Japanese people. They are perfectly capable of as much cruelty and disgusting behavior as any human being. People with autism are gullible and fall for their incredible PR and aren't capable of budging from thier rigid "oh their girls so cute and their subways so clean, bing bing wahoo" thinking
>t. weeaboo

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Channel name: ssoyoung

Report this channel please. Octopus have the intelligence of common dogs.
Beside this it's unbelievable to think that in 2020 some are so behinde in evolution of humanity in all its aspects to treat another living being in that way.

Please report. A single action can help to achieve better goals.
It's unbelivable that these retarded are still that underdeveloped

Even animals look fora quick death for their preys

Please report the channel.

Channel name: ssoyoung

wow nice try but I am not selling my SUTER until at least 20 cents each

Yes every country is capable of brainwashing their population so totally that they end up becoming suicide bombers. This is COMPLETELY NORMAL

>person A lives in mansion and eats wagyu, refuses to share
>person B lives in a hut and eats the only things available to eat
>Person A screeches and whines about how it's everyone else's fault for not being rich like they are, everyone dies regardless of their whinging

Cyclically, repeatedly, eternally, greed and longevity are mutually exclusive. Mankind never learns, so mass extinction looms. Again. And again, and again and again.

>What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.
-Ecclesiastes 1:9


Wrong thread?

Channel name: ssoyoung

Report this channel please. Octopus have the intelligence of common dogs.
Beside this it's unbelievable to think that in 2020 some are so behinde in evolution of humanity in all its aspects to treat another living being in that way.

Please report. A single action can help to achieve better goals.
It's unbelivable that these retarded are still that underdeveloped

Even animals look fora quick death for their preys

Please report the channel.

Channel name: ssoyoung

no dude. the fact that pol is angry with people for eating literally the only things they have available to eat, that's what i'm protesting about. it seems to think people should lay down their lives and starve so burgers can eat burgers safely. we're only as healthy as our neighbours, so if billions are living in squalor and feasting on pathogenic pangolin effluvia, eventually all can expect to encounter something resembling hell. like we are right now. cyclically we build a garden of eden, then immediately ruin it by demanding special treatment, by demanding more, by eating the forbidden fruit and being a greedy cunt.

it's important to remember that china has no animal cruelty laws.

and they think the meat taste better if the animal died under stress.

and chinese eat dogs.

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Nice trips, how many psychadelics have you done bro? You should lay off for a while they fuck with your head, ok buddy?


You're implying the world is somehow zero-sum when we all know resources are infinite and wealth is imaginary. These chinks choose to live their lives like this. It is not forced upon them, they can easily change and do differently but they refuse to. Class is in the mind not in the pocket

no none, the decipherment of ancient texts yields all kinds of forbidden wisdom. i mean even sam harris, world's biggest atheist and friend of richard dawkins recognises and proclaims that. any trajectory based on capitalism will not stand up to an eternity of scrutiny, so it will at some point inevitably fail and yield hell. apple's logo is the forbidden fruit with a bite taken out of it for good reason, as is their reason for their first computer selling for $666.


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nobody chooses a mud hut full of putrescent batshit sandwiches to a mansion filled with prime rib.

If I were stuck talking to you at a bar I would walk out mid sentence

worse than that ssoyounge does

Fuck China

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i don't doubt it, right now nobody gives a shit about religion, as happens shortly before empires fall in flames, cyclically throughout history this shit keeps happening. i mean for thousands of years this was the most prestigious field on planet earth, hundreds of einstein-tier thinkers contributed. it's not all just superstition. and had we not 'sinned' in such a way that wealth was not shared, chinese people wouldn't be feasting on filth and we wouldn't all be dying. even if there's no god causing these things they're reliable enough in their cycles that people historically assumed a god must be causing these things. even without one we're still going to suffer the genocidal consequences of allowing suffering on earth to get out of control.

searching for "Chinese Female Blogger Paid White Man For Sex" gets no results except this image

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> cooking and eating animals alive
> killing the instantly

yeah totally the same

How old are you, Einstein?

Jews also think that, thays why halal is slaughtered while still alive and not shot with a bolt gun before being slaughtered like any rational person would do

Life isn't something you are mercilessly subject to

what does that have to do with anything? whichever box you're about to insist i fit into and whichever parameters you're about to impose on me as a result, i can near enough guarantee are imaginary. i'm 41

which tick box was it i ticked which conjured my consciousness from the eternal abyss?

Have kids?

nope. existence is precarious enough already

Damn, that sucks. Have fun spreading the good word and drinking your own cum

You speak of "religion" and yet you yourself do not acknowledge that manifestation is a choice

>manifestation is a choice
unless you're talking of some wattsian pantheist perspective whereby there's a central processing unit of sorts whose personality is the consciousness itself universal to all forms of life and as such could be said that individuals like us came into being as a result of this common will to exist -- which i doubt you are - then i can't make sense of your meaning. how did i choose to manifest? did the universe choose to exist? surely existence is just the necessary contrast to inexistence, and as such has simply always been. i mean make no mistake, what eternity looks like right now, is us. but i still don't think i get what you mean.