Sleep time edition

sleep time edition

>If you're feeling bogged:


>Stock market words

>Risk management

>Bloomberg stream


>Free chart


>Pre-market data

>Boomer investing


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Other urls found in this thread: -member-states-to-meeting-317379


second for girls slapping your butt

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Sexual assault. You should screech at the top of your lungs if a roastie does this. If a guy did that to them they would do the same.

well that was the shortest great depression

>Double my options
>Put in more
>Get cold feet
>Pull out with a small loss
>Next day would have doubled again
>Be fucking retarded
>Go back in
>It goes a little bad

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that's what made it so great
if it lasted forever, it would be called the really bad horrible depression

Did the same
Also missed an option on ivr that went up 1200% in one day

Never double dip

When do I sell? I have 15k in a oil and metal company but don't know anything about stocks. I think the oil will be good to hold on to but idk about an industrial metal distributor.

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guys im gonna do it, im gonna fomo all in on indices

Next week the market cannot hide from reality. Earnings reports for Q1 begin to be released, including Delta Airlines, which will be viewed as a bellweather in this market - especially after Buffet sold his stake. The blood will be in the water. I see two ways for it to play out from there either a slow bleed to the new lows like 2008, or we violently snap back down as the market stops being able to run from the economic realities at hand.

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All the big bear market rallies are done but it's still going to gradually sink back down and the gradually go back up.

I'm down 50% on my SPY 220 5/15 Puts. How fucked am I?

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Y-yeah, haha i know. I hate when that happens.

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kek based, this is now a powerlifting thread

Reminder that this rally is a bull trap and that none of the price movements made sense because it was caused by people covering their options.

Reminder that longs always win

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are you arbitraging r*ddit posts here for internet goodboy points
good, /plg/ on Yas Forums is just people lifting rocks currently because the gym is closed

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Guys! Will my 4/17 SPY $272 puts survive!?!?

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Prolly gonna crash next week

>30 million unemployed
>GDP down 25% in Q2
>tens of thousands dead
>mass graves being dug in NYC
>Olympics moved to 2021
>All sports canceled
>colleges and schools canceled through summer at a minimum
Gee golly guess everything is back to normal right guys?

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time to buy spy 6/19 220?

50% bogged
how fucked am I?

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>>If you're feeling bogged:

Sky... blue...
sky.... BLUE!

I can't escape the feels...

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idk user sounds pretty bullish to me

Just wait until people are lulled into a false sense of security and our government stupidly opens up everything again too early and we get a second wave of infections. Gonna be a fun time

spy going to 200 in May

please open the gym back up. I filled my gymbag full of gallon water jugs so I've been able to do weighted pushups and shit and keep most of my gains but my legs are fucking dying.

Anyone have any good cheapies from strong companies with good divs that I can buy into after I flip my oil?

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Puts make just as much money as calls do

No such thing as cheapies anymore... everything's up big time. Do you like to buy up 10%? I think I might start that strat.

Would you even go to the gym knowing there's Coronachan out and about? Lung capacity is important for liftan.

So oil meeting tomorrow, oil gonna pump or dump?


I was hoping for another plunge to scoop up more goodies, but this works too I guess.

What time does it start?

I’m scalping my profits off this dip tomorrow.

After it has pumped through the economic Armageddon? This recession isn't even going to last that long, nothing broke, we had no bankruptcies and after this rally the bags have been moved so even if we do end up having some it won't be that bad.

I'd probably just take my own wipes with me and use them on literally everything I touch

My fucking diet was on point for months and I was actually starting to look like I lifted, fuck my life fuck

just can't win. Feel like an asshat for not getting into Pepsi while it was down too

WTI could dump tomorrow but it's either going to be up tomorrow or up by may

In 8 -member-states-to-meeting-317379


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Should I keep my GUSH? I'm retarded.

Thought experiment:

What would happen if you just bought a 1% SPY stake right before market close and sold it if the market was closing up?

this is the fate of all anons going against boeingchads

lmfao when was this, after the bailout?

If it opens green are we really gonna do the whole dump then pump to noon thing again?

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I just remembered I had this saved and laughed when I was it

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Can't wait to get up tomorrow and sell more puts to these paypig bears. They love the abuse

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Just do it before EOW, otherwise I'm ahead of you in terms of P/L... And that'd be mad gay, right?

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How much Meat do you consumer per day, users?

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Cut your losses now and go all in SPXL. There is still time to snatch dignified mediocrity from the jaws of pathetic destitution

I love seeing Jews lose all their money KEK

holy fuck we're going to spy double digits


Maybe. What's the premium that you paid?

>I'm down 50% on my SPY 220 5/15 Puts. How fucked am I?
You lost before it even began, fren

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>the next line is going to be double what this ended at

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Absolutely fucked.

>Cut your losses now and go all in SPXL.
>There is still time to snatch dignified mediocrity from the jaws of pathetic destitution
It's true! I'm not even at fucking break-even yet!
Anons gotta act fast tho. I just need one more 2-3% pump like today.

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Oil is gonna moon so fucking hard my calls are gonna print

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>cut your losses
>sitting at a fat -95% loss

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All it matters is that we'll pump another 3% on the news that Biden remembered his name in an interview or something. The existence of Bernie was holding us back 3%. Who would have known that 10% of the crash was Bernie's 1% chance to win not enough votes for the convention.

FUCK, I wish I had a real account like 25K+ so I could do cool shit like buy Boeing at 95 and then sell at 160, then buy back at 120 etc etc and not praying on some shitty USO 7.5calls and shit did I say shit enough not sure? SHit shit shitty shit shit.

Its weird for guys though, women don't just do that so I would feel extremely good about a girl slapping my butt, it proves that you made it and your muscles are finally legit. I'd probably sue the third or ugly girl to do it.

I got into pepsi.... a bunch in my IRA... but dropped LMT at the bottom and trimmed BRKB at near bottom... really hurts my heart.

I consume Tyson Fun Nuggets every evening, and am looking forward to ordering more from my local Kroger grocer soon!

that's a funny xbone!

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Redfin just laid off 40% of their fucking staff.
I've never heard of such a massive lay-off without a straight out bankruptcy.
Companies usually try to cap it at 10%.

My LinkedIn feed is also flooded with people getting internships revoked by Cruise or laid off by them.

I'm guessing during the the monday rally this week?
If it is idk why the fuck he would short BA after a bailout and all

I’m tapping out, I give up. I’m gonna start buying stocks this is going on way too long for a dead cat bounce

I mean thats the case almost everywhere but holy shit its all bullish. We're either going to see a run to 3300 or a 3 circuit breaker day
one of the two.

bullish af

The CDC just loosened restrictions on back to work guidance, so that's going to be pretty bullish

>3 circuit breaker day
>one of the two.
When though? Not to be a meme but isnt it priced in by now? The assumption is every business is going to fire/furlough most of their employees and earnings will be bad. How is this going to cause a panic?

Best tech stock out of FB, APPL, and GOOGL? Also hit me with some hot stuff, stuff I haven't seen before. I'm gonna be buying this shit all the way down, already have a limit order for NEE and TDY. Shill me, no RTX or KTOS though already got that on the watchlist, oil is covered too.

The trouble comes if those people don't get hired back.

>he didnt buy GUSH
you DO realize it will be back to ath by eoy, right?

he bought?

you're just asking to get bogged now

Those guidances are for essential workers who have been exposed, essential workers were already not barred from going to work

>sitting at a fat -95% loss
Oof. I've been there, user.
I think it was Mr. LCI's Wild Ride that took me there.

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maybe a fourth of that if we're extremely lucky

FB owns Instagram, which is probably doing well right now.
Apple is AAPL, sirs
Regardless, AAPL and GOOG/GOOGL haven't been a moon mission in years and have gotten pretty sleepy.

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Unfortunately we can't use that sign, he'll buy the one stock that will drop tomorrow. There's no way to outsmart the Bogs.


You didn't put /smg/ in the OP.
People aren't going to find this in the catalog.

>one of my friends rants to me about how TSLA is overvalued and I should never buy it
>he holds UBER and ZOOM
Retard, I....

forgot about that one, why MSFT? They've, got some cloud services but I have to admit, not as familiar with it as the others

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Drunk girls will do it randomly sometimes if you have anything standout attractive about you (face, hair, muscles/height)

>everyone just goes back to work at their non-existing jobs!
>Economy fixed!