Precious Metals General

Stimulus checks begin tomorrow, lads. You are going to put it towards shiny metals, right? Those mother/daughter blowjobs aren't paying for themselves!

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>4% annual gains
keep holding those fucking rocks faggots

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Based. I'm looking to get a platinum eagle.

Yes. Should I drop some on crypto like link as well?

Yes. Link is a good hold.

Do stimulus checks really drop tomorrow ?

Look at this poorly. How is your ones and zeroes going, dork? You can't even fondle anything from your $5 robinhood portfolio. The only blowjobs your getting is from your own lips, you back-broken cooler you

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When is the time to buy? Whenever I have discretionary $$$ or should wait until it dumps again?

I've heard either the 9th or the 15th. I know it depends on how much money you made. So if you made less than 10k you should get your direct deposit first. Paper checks don't go out for awhile.

No. But they can move from various crypto into BTC, and you can buy PM with BTC

I would buy some now to at least get a stack started. Even if it's just a little. Link usually retraces after a pump, so you might have to wait some time for it to go. Below 3 bucks again. Also, it's still uncertain what the Coronavirus will do to the crypto community after this slight rebound. It could dip again.

I downloaded blockfolio. Is there an app to buy as well? Any other coins to keep an eye on? Also any good videos ok YouTube to get me started? Thx

I'm going half and half with mine. Spend 600 on an entry-level ar15 and 600 on precious metal. Thinking of going mostly silver with a little bit of fractional gold just for diversity. I already have a pistol and shotgun so I might decide against the ar15 and go 1000 in metal and 200 in bitcoin for my first purchase.

Are Brittania 10oz bars still fashionable? They're my favorite. Are there any other "MUST HAVE" pieces you'd recommend? I can spend over spot for a pretty piece

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Get a PSA Premium Upper. Great price on an AR slightly above entry

I'm getting a couple of those brittania bars. Those are nice!

you sound poor as fuck
you will never make it in life

Look at what just came in the mail

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It doesn't matter. What do people want? Stable money. What is stable easy to transact money? Crypto. Don't worry, your precious metals will go up too. But not nearly as much as these scarce nonmetal internet game token money's that I can literally pay you at any time instantly instantly and it eontbdepreciste due to obvious demand.
I love silver more than gold too but shit the fuck up until we stop being able to find your shiny rocks on the ground

Silver is an industrial metal

Thoughts on palladium and platinum as alternatives to gold?

I'm already right-side up on the gold I bought. Starting to think the silver was a mistake.

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I use coinbase pro, abra, and apps for buying crypto. I tend to stay away from crypto YouTube videos as they are usually centered on price predictions rather than news. I suggest reading the white papers of any crypto projects you're interested in and following any relevant news developments.

the fact it is an industrial metal makes it finite.

this increases value over time

Highly fucking overpriced. I get silver eagles with 5-6 dollars per one due to demand....but this? This is fucking disgusting

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True, and we are growing deeply in the solar panel era. Each panel takes 1 ounce of silver to make.

Thx for the info. I asked in some chainlink threads earlier and it was a shitshow of elitism and "lurk moar". Idiots don't realize you want more people buying in

no shit ahahaha

thats fucking retarded

Based. I could put my oilfag money into silver

what do you think a good price for it would be? around 170?
personally I'm waiting for panic-buyers to sell off their stacks in a month or two for cheap once they realize silver won't save them from Corona-Chan.

That's gouging like a mfer. They're normally a small premium per ozt over spot. Last listed price on JM is like as low as $184

Going back on this, literally $24.50 per ounce. Might as just well ask to be kicked in the balls by the mail man as he is delivering it too.

Whos got the best price on silver krugerrands, want to buy a tube.

I refuse to accept any money or benefits from the government unless I was crippled.
I will be taking 80% of my next two honest pay checks and buying several 100oz silver bars.

Owning and handling physical PM feels good in this absurd world. It's real, and will always have real value, and can't be taken away from you except in an unlikely break-in. Effective tax rate is over 80%, our currency is being devalued, and our country is being destroyed.

I've never seen a photo of those that do justice to how beautiful they are up close in person.


dont disregard all aspects of the medical field.

fuck i wish i owned more than 130 pieces

well, due to literal coomers that literally buy up anything that has women on their silver, you won't find any of those bars for anything in 170. Especially during these hell times. Last year I had my eye on them and wanted them pretty badly. Bidders every fucking chance I had always were willing to bid over logical prices to just have it. If you want one of those, you will not pay a reasonable price. Big girl Britannia by the bar size are overpriced sluts.

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I got my first silver bar today, first time ever holding silver inhand

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Short term bearish, long term bullish.

You got price gouged

always holding value

Libertads are La Reina of silver coins. The only coin possibly more beautiful than even the ASE.

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Since you got a bar you can get a neodyn magnet and also physically feel the properties of silver as you move the magnet over it. If it's a strong enough magnet you can also feel it on oz size coins.

wont depreciate?

When the supply starts to wear on industry silver will not be proportional to history. It will mathematically grow in value.

Yup. That is why to overfuck these jews handing out free certificates of (haha money go brrrr $1200 funny money) I will throw that money to someone and buy PMs with it. $1200 in REAL money. No green shitty paper. When you hold gold and silver, you know you are holding something special.

I remember reading something that people who were raised around when junk silver was common that grown ass men would hoard the stuff because they thought it would go high in price later.

They were so right.

I got this one yesterday.

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Palladium and platinum both have limited numbers of primary mines operating today. To this day 40% of platinum mined world wide comes from placer deposits, mined small scale in places like russia and alaska. Palladium only has I think 3 operating major mines running right now, and those are only short term mines unless more ore is discovered. these metals values will go nuts eventually as fewer and fewer mines can meet global demand.

>I remember reading something that people who were raised around when junk silver was common that grown ass men would hoard the stuff because they thought it would go high in price later.
Yeah, I regularly see old guys selling bags and buckets full of old swedish coins from before they went nickel. I bought a couple below spot lots and turned them into bars at the refinery. (I didn't melt the primo condition coins ofc)

All we need to do is a distributed version of what the Hunt Brothers tried to do. If everyone just starts buying physical Silver it will collapse the whole system and fuck most of the bankers into oblivion.

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And if you just want coomer-approved silver, just go on ebay and type "crown silver bar". Kek

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Poured vs Pressed, which is most aesthetic? just picked both of these up the other day. Is shot ever worth it if I want to pour my own custom bars?

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That's why we need more people to spend their stimulus checks on silver

Out of all the yes memes, this one made my sides explode my window.

Someone smart needs to write up a good due diligence on why buying silver is the smart money move right now and post it over for the faggots at WallStreetBets on Reddit. I can't post there I don't speak faggot talk good enough.

For pure asthethics I prefer vintage classic rectangle bars with some wear and patina. But I understand a lot of people do and they come with a premium.

Two years ago when I was in a pinch for money BADLY because of a medical crisis that left me out of work for 3 months, I sold all my silver. A lot of it was poured. The guy I went to said my shit would be worth a lot more if I had it in silver eagles. I sold it all but I lost a lot of money.

I follow a golden rule now. 90% of my shit is silver eagles, the rest is whatever else I want. I do have one poured 10 oz bar since poured is the best looking shit out there.

Same. I want one of these so badly

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Wiki on verification of gold

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YouTube/Podcasts David Morgan Silver Bullion TV Money Metals Exchange podcast igold advisor mike maloney's channel primarily metal news and interviews As Good As Gold Australia, cool dudes they do Golden Rule Radio weekly, metal market wrap-up

DO THE RESEARCH!!! Make the best choices for your own situation

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we need to up the mnemonic warfare to push buying silver. i think a lot of people will rally if they had just a little bit of the information that we have here. knowledge is our power.

Silver coins look like THAT?!

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How’d I do, boys?

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YES. It grows.

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1420CAD each

should i buy one??

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