Link is actually going to moon to $20 by summer. It’s surreal.
I only have 13K :(
I know that feel. I only have 33k and feel like suiciding myself every day
As a Pajeet who enjoys shitting on streets three to seven times a day, I couldn't agree more.
Fuck you. U have a shit ton
I become a millionaire at $22.12. Started with $9k last year. Sitting at $150k today. Thank you Sergey
t. 26 year old NEET
Good luck user. Hope you have a plan for your future life.
UTILITY (look up this word) TOKEN: no customers, no revenue, broken product, ????????, $20billion dollar market cap.
Seems reasonable.
I have a plan user. Good luck to you as well. Godspeed
It's only enough for 1/3 making it
>source: a wish
Well done user. I hope you make it.
I'm so happy for us all
we have the same stack, good luck brother
so you're never becoming a millionaire?
10K is making it. Always was the make it stack. If you disagree, that means you don't believe in $1000 LINK
>1k link is fud
>$1000 link
I think you mean $10000 link
LMAO thinking that 10 million is making it and not suicide stack-tier
Link takes 5 on cmc and btc returns to ath, we could easily be $45. At 5% returns I'm six figures annually after taxes.
Link is worthless. I'm all in on gold and silver. There's no use for link I think its soul driving force is neets trying to become millionaires and its market sways in price due to a few whales and a porn star. It's just a useless shitcoin like any other crypto. Convince me I'm wrong and I'll invest.
No, it's much funnier if you stay in shiny rocks.
Nobody wants you to invest keep your money. Now to answer, you're deluded if you belive this board is what led link to the 11th place, if anything it has done what it could to damage link reputation in order to keep the prices low.
God I wish I was you.
10 million, at once, to spend, while young, is fucking making it retard. That money just normally invested will make its recepient a 9-figure asshole within 20 years if they are not a total retard. Do you guys not understand how big chunks of free money work? They fucking snowball
What are your computers and mining machines made from?
I could retire off 300k
Congrats bro
When your token crashes to zero I'll be there
Because you can't
I only have 1.4k :(
Worst part is, I had a 10k stack at one point.
I'm sorry bros, make it without me.
If you're gonna fud link at least do a better job
Abundant natural resources and very cheap plastics.
Truthfully I am all in precious metals right now but I wanted someone to convince me to buy some link. I'm retarded when it comes to computers and I'm not as clever as many people here. I've been watching it from the sidelines and I'm starting to wonder if I'm making the wrong choice by not investing in it.
Yea the 30k range kinda sux. You want 50k. Probably tried for 50k but shit popped off a little too soon. You know your gonna make it but you dont really have enough to feel comfortable selling some to live off of during the first big run. You got 50k you just sell 5k at 20 and ride it out for a year. You got 30k selling 5k is different. 100k link you got no problems. 10k you just dont sell but 30k? Fuck. Jk dr;ns
>There's no use for link
Chainlink can provide a LINK between real world objects, parameters and rules upon these real world objects, and the block chain.
This basically means that you can have an automated contract by using Chainlink.
Imagine believing this. You'll be lucky if you don't go under $1. Overpriced boomer coins are all about to get a 80% haircut.
Nervos will 5x by summer. Link will not.
What did you do with the other 9.6k?
Are they abundant? Are their prices being manipulated?
I meant to attach this picture as well. What counter arguments do you have for this? It should be noted that Chainlink is not attempting to replace bitcoin.
>I'm starting to wonder if I'm making the wrong choice by not investing in it
hint: you did (assuming you're trying to make it in the real world, not some cormack mccarthy the road world)
You're smart. I probably would have got defensive.
I have no counter arguement. I'm sorry for being dumb and arrogant. I appreciate the knowledge you have shared here. Thank you.
That's not a proper argument
Yes to both.
Gold and Silver can't make you rich. They are literally what you want to hold if you think the dollar will crash completely. You will end up trading gold and silver into assets, which is great for survival, not for riding lambos or retiring early.
I'm just trying to get you thinking about your investments. I too hold gold and silver, but for different reasons. There can be counter arguments against link, the biggest is "why link?" - The reason for link is the same as "why btc?" - it is the first and biggest so far out of the smart contract services. It's kind of like why bitcoin cash won't ever replace bitcoin.
You’re a definition of a loser *giggles*
Sorry I'm just dumb and was being a dick. I apologize.
Thank you for sharing this with me. It means a lot to me. I'm grateful. I could put a couple grand into it. I'm thinking about it. I am fairly poor I only have like 8-9 grand left in my bank from my father's passing.
Honestly I've been shitposting for like a year and it's starting to have a negative impact on my mental wellbeing and intelligence. Also I've been outright rejecting cryptocurrencies but I'm trying to understand it and thinking about getting behind it. You're right. I've been a loser most of my life.
Sorry for shitting up your post user.
Will 3000 link and 2 btc be enough to make it by 2025
I only have 52 :(
>I become a millionaire at $22.12
Nice stack user. Im a millionaire at $50. Feels bad to be such a poorfag and not having enough link.
That’s exactly my plan. Wait til around $20 and sell 20-30k (maybe a bit more a little earlier also at $10), then ride it out for the next year or 2. By then my left over stack will allow me to retire. Though I’ll likely stake a good chunk. In the meantime the initial sell lets me live like a neet or build the house I’ve always wanted while also investing in various other ventures like PMs, real estate, guns/ammo, possibly traditional money markets, etc
t. 200k Link holder
This must also be you user lmao
How does thirteen dollars sound?