I'm 26 years old and I begin to question myself whether or not I had or will have my best life
Is it true that as a man you are the happiest during your 30's ? Not talking about wealth here, just general happiness about yourself and life in general.
I'm 26 years old and I begin to question myself whether or not I had or will have my best life
Is it true that as a man you are the happiest during your 30's ? Not talking about wealth here, just general happiness about yourself and life in general.
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I'm 32 and every day I pray for the sweet release of death.
It's only golden if you have money, car, house and a job. Plus aren't socially awkward.
im 35 and suicidal
Best ages are 1 - 16. After that life is dull.
Im 22 and I am pretty sure I peaked in elementary school.
I turned 30 this year and for the first time since long I can feel like I'm in control and calm. I have a lot of work ahead of me but I know where not to go. So yeah, I guess knowing more about yourself unlocks certain aspects of life that bring you happiness.
Yea i think in terms of accepting who you are its probably better. But in terms of social/sexual my life was sooo much better 17-25 (im turning 29 in may). I didn't really make the transition to adulthood
I've had my worst memories during that time. School wasn't fun at all and when you're so young you're not respected and nobody listen to you
Nice man you are positive that's great
I don't know man. All I can say is that the past 4-6 years for me have objectively been bad for me. Maybe it's just the woman that I'm with that's having this affect on me. And just last week I snooped her internet history and there was a bunch of sites she went on that had the "call off engagement" history search result in there.
fml tb h senpai
>t. 27
I turned 30 last year and I can honestly say I feel I am getting old. Even though I have a good career, make way above average, have a house, car, a lot of money invested, a loving girlfriend, etc. I still feel like my body is getting older everyday and I dont have as much energy as I used to have in my 20s.
you literally just have to change your diet and exercise and sleep 1h more on average and take cold showers
fucking simple
its when you are twelve
Fucking this. 30 also.
it depends on the age of women you want to fuck. women generally only want guys 1-3 years older than them or same age
30s are great as long as you eat well, exercise, and made a lot of money in your 20s
No my diet is fine and I sleep 7 hours everyday. I used to work out A LOT in my 20s like 4-5 days a week but I had to stop because I was too busy with running business etc. Maybe it has to do something with that.
25 and every year it get more depressing
me too, me too
27 will be 28 this november. Your best year is middle school - early uni. Then if you do decent, your early fatherhood can be the best.
26 and i have never had a girlfriend
i make pretty good money, but still live at my parents (to save up money).
I should move out, right bros? that should make getting a gf much easier i think
34. My ex is 23, my gf 20. Good girls from good families
fuck you and your limited mindset
Everyday is what you make it.
Who cares what roasties want?
Literally the thread is not for under 20s to answer. You're literally every 20yo
30's is prime if you're not married. every girl you could never get in your 20's start drooling over you like cock hungry slaves. it's truly insane how many women have daddy fetishes.
Not to sound too tinfoil hat but try avoiding non native EMF (wifi, cellphones etc). Walk barefoot on the grass (grounding). Avoid sugar and high carb foods (eat high quality meats and fat). Get lots of sleep and reduce stress.
I've been doing these things since my twenties and I look younger than all my friends (mid-30s). They're all getting the standard dad bod + receding hair while I look and feel basically the same as I did when I was 25.
If you made the right moves in your 20s (invested $, skilled up (i.e. changed jobs multiple times to increase $$$$), avoided debt, and avoided toxic women) then your 30s are awesome (me).
Not 40 yet.
Are the 20s the golden age for most men? Undoubtedly.
Also, lift weights in your 20s.
your best age starts when you stop doing the shit you're doing now and stop figuring out how your best age should be
Golden age is whenever you start to succeed. Just keep trying, and understand that everyone moves through life at a different pace
No offense but your post reeks of someone who feels they've wasted their 20s and is hoping their 30s will be better somehow.
true for me, im 32 and it has never been easier
>Is it true that as a man you are the happiest during your 30's ?
I am 35 and am still a neet. so, no.
I don't think I could find happiness in this environment. Everything feels superficial.
Thinking about it I would be happier living in the countryside in a community that I feel a sense of true belonging with. I would have a job within the community. Strong connections with people you've known your whole life. You actually get to marry someone and have known them also from childhood. It might not even need to be in the countryside. I just want a sense of belonging and meaning.
Thanks user, I will try that out. Btw I still look 25ish too, or at least thats what everyone tells me.
You 30s and 40s are great if you actually set goals and achieved them in your 20s setting the rest of your life up for success. Compounding returns are real, whether that’s financial, skills, career, etc.
If you spend your entire 20s only partying your 30s and 40s will suck because you will just be a fatter older version of yourself. Many of your drunken friends will have moved on/grown up, and you will be the weird old guy trying to party with 20 year olds or drinking by yourself in the corner
Uh yeah dude, moving out is the only way you're going to get a girl. You can't pull to your parents house lmao
Here is the key :
45 year old here
your only acceptable as man if you have children.
2+ or more is better.
It proves you have had sex (unless cucked).
So its necessary but not sufficent to have had children.
Then you have to a a few million to not be a wage cuck.
then you get some what accepted but are still largely expnedable.
What you do get is to not give a fuck as mcuh about other people and things. It just oesn't effect you as much as it used too.
Still can but you get over it faster, eg in a few days no months.
Women are laregly insane by a mans standard.
Eg men are so easy to keep happy fuck them wll and thats it.
But women just can't get tit thoug htheir head that if they wan't their man to bring home the money and do well, he goning to feel a whole lot better if you fuck and blow job him really well every night. that guy is going to feel great and perform well.
Women lack an interest in poltics and most other things males like. Thats not bad just different they are on the local socail defence team by keeping up with gossip to look out for imeadate threats to family.
I need about 3 x jack offs a day just to function and not be distracted by sex.
Thats better it used to be a lot more.
This is the experience of the low iq
>Compounding returns are real, whether that’s financial, skills, career, etc.
^this right here is the real answer.
>I am 35 and am still a neet. so, no.
Don't be this guy.
It only gets harder the longer you wait ($$$, women, weight-lifting, finding potential mentors that can take you under there wing or show you the ropes, etc.).
virgin detected
Boys hit "The Wall" at 18. They become men if they can climb over it.
I'm 22 and every year I feel more confident, intelligent, and ambitious. I feel like I'm just getting started on life and finally have the freedom and experience to live the life I want
mate, 2 kids, and two women in my bed for the last few years.....
the wifes gf, me and the wife.
I fuck my wife while the wifes gf sits on my face and i lick her cunt out.
also they both cook and look after the kids.
Wifes gf pays rent for her room.
been living here for 5 years.
so yeah, nah. and I have 100BTC
Late 30s here. It all depends on where you are and what you've done with yourself. I may be fairly inept socially, but it's never hindered me too much in life. It wasn't until I was 30 I started getting a better grip on my finances, got a house on some land, and generally started making better decisions all around (health, social circles, etc.). Surrounding yourself with good people early on in your 20s can determine how your thirties will go, and so on and so forth. Best thing to do is take an assessment of your life right now:
>Where am I financially? What can I do to increase my income? New job, career change? "How can I profit from this?" Should be at the end of every thought.
>Are the people I associate with doing well for themselves? Will they help me achieve my goals or will they hold me back?
>What mistakes did I make the last 5 years and how can I right the ship?
>What good decisions have I made and how can I build on those?
If you can answer all of this honestly for your own self interest you'll definitely help set up each decade of your life for as much success as possible. Also run this by a close friend or family. We're all going to make it fren
Lying is a sin.
wife my age wf gf 28 also both work
no, it all goes down hill after 25. enjoy your life while you can.
>finding potential mentors that can take you under there wing or show you the ropes, etc.
i'm desperate for this. none of the people at my current job can serve this type of role. i have no idea how i can find a mentor, even a career mentor (tech). I think I need to change jobs. i'm 26.
yep I am larping
also wanted to mention i'm making 80k at 26. am I going to make it?
Here is the red pill
It keeps you young forever (and horny, which can be a problem if you are married and your wife doesn't have the same sex drive as you).
Job title and # of years within current role
salary rounded to the nearest 10k.
Degree: Comp Eng
Job title: Devops/SRE role
Salary: 80k
What is your strongest scripting language?
What is your strongest compiled language?
Are you working in east/west coastal USA?
>every girl you could never get in your 20's
can now be rolled like a katamari
1. Python
2. Java
East Coast, NYC area
You are underpaid.
You should an apply for an entry position with Amazon:
e.g. amazon.jobs
Or, possibly pivot to a system engineer position:
Your next job salary needs to be 115k+ in NYC.