At the end of the day are engineering jobs essential? What exactly do engineers do?
At the end of the day are engineering jobs essential? What exactly do engineers do?
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Romans were Engineers you literal retard
I know hard working engineers. And lazy entitled ones. The product worked with, People doing the work and time given all impact on finished quality. Engineers just do numbers and hope everything adds up at the end.
Did Romans have to deal with Semi's and automobiles in general? No? Of course not you fucking plebeian.
I mean did they master engineering or were they just lucky?
Roman roads would probably get pretty fucked up if they had cars driving over them 24/7
Paving roads with asphalt is exponentially faster and more efficient that paving roads with tons of stones.
>What exactly do engineers do?
pic related
>shows the best roman roads
>shows the worst modern roads
Yeah dude they were so far ahead. They also shit into rivers.
>did they master engineering
that shit doesn't happen by accident
>old thing good, new thing bad
Boomer humor is so boring.
fuck you zoomer millenials
Commies literally think everything successful happens by luck or accident.
Cobble roads are great and reliable...
...for a world before automobiles.
Those roads were designed for horses and carriages. With modern cars and trucks on them those Roman roads would be destroyed in 3 months.
Also check these dubs OP
Shitting into oceans is an improvement!
>Survivalship bias
>Differential loading
Go to /his/ and talk to actual Communists. 95% of them believe that all rich/upper middle class people are there because they were born into wealth.
They can't comprehend that sometimes people that work hard/smart succeed. They can't understand because they are all sour grape NEETs that did nothing but complain about Capitalism online for 10+ years in a basement.
kek. OP is a dumbass beyond measure.
What do communists think of the middle class?
So how come you're not rich?
OK brainlets, consider for about ten seconds how fucken lucky the Romans were to never have to deal with billions of tons of commerce traveling on their shitty rock roads and call me a commie while you isolate yourselves into a corner and become even more of a voiceless minority on the subject.
You go right ahead and don't let me get in your way.
They laugh at the middle class, calling them "petite bourgeois." They look down on them because Communists believe they have 0% chance of going into the upper classes and the capitalism game is rigged.
Meanwhile these online angry communists are basement-dwelling NEETs.
Typically, the upper middle class gets absolutely wrecked by commie/socialist dickheads. Bolsheviks killed and ran off most of them (doctors/working professionals).
>and then slavery stopped
engineers exist where using mathematical modelling to deliver a project is more profitable than not. Ie if you're building a table is it profitable to model the table? no if you're building a 1km bridge is it profitable to model it? yes
The cost of engineering is going down with information technology.
Most universities are debasing themselves because it is obvious something is going to disrupt their monopoly on certification meaning there is an oversupply of shit engineers.
Why are you making such an assumption? I'm living a solid upper middle class life, and I started from living in a dirty and hot restaurant attic.
I know progress and improvement is possible. I experienced it. That's why I can never support Communism's lie about the how the game is rigged and you will only be stuck in the low class.
Same with the Cultural Revolution.
Do you work a job?
Yeehaw fuck college, math, and "education." Let's just build our roads and buildings with street smarts and Christ's love. Freedom on the move!
self employed in the beauty sector. That's all I'm comfortable telling a stranger so no more questions.
>They can't comprehend that sometimes people that work hard/smart succeed.
Nice narration.
Your kids will be billionaires. They'll be able to exploit other people works. You are a winner. Congratulation.
Doctors deserve their social status. Lawyers are faggots, and engineers are worse.
Ah ok, so you don't actually own any wealth, thanks for confirming.
>Your kids will be billionaires. They'll be able to exploit other people works. You are a winner. Congratulation.
Why the hell are you so bitter about my personal success? If my descendants are spoiled incompetent assholes they will eventually lose their wealth, be it in one generation or ten.
Nothing lasts forever. That's the law of the universe.
keep being bitter you NEET poof
desu most engineers these days don't work towards longevity, just working to make the final product look good for the least possible cost. I work in construction and that image on the left shows a fuckton of base material, nowdays profit margins would probably reduce the amount of gravel and fines used by at least 2/3rds. You can't have cheap without less, boomer.
You think doctors aren't in it for the money? You sound like a kid.
>Goldberg buys cheap Chinese materials and have Jose and family pretend to pave the road
No engineers involved.
Not sure what relevance that has negro.
Not sure what your fucking point is, retard.
>So mad at each other they haven't realized the thread had died with the putting to rest of the commie parry.
Yas Forums'd be a magical place.
Dont use civil engineers as the end-all be-all example of how shit engineers are. Civil are literally the worst besides industrial.
Computer, Chemical, Biomed, Electrical and Aerospace are perfectly respectable.
Mechanical are pajeet tier.
For sure. The most popular "cool" socialists (Chapo, Hasan Piker, etc.) at the moment are all podcast guys. A majority of them come from well-to-do upper middle class or upper class homes where they were highly educated, had a kind upbringing, etc. thanks to their parents having well paying jobs, generational wealth, etc.
A lot of the push for socialism at the moment is literally funded by well-off people that were privileged enough to grow up in a Capitalist society where their parents made a lot of money. Now they want to "redistribute"/tax/etc. to make sure there are publicly funded services without ever acknowledging their privilege to be in the position they're in.
I mean they quite literally couldn't be proclaiming their points of view via podcasts, YouTube, Twitch, etc. without capitalism. They have it so damn good and they think they could have it better with socialism, and they don't realize the irony in this.
The funny thing is, unlike you, I actually do own some wealth generating assets. Not enough to live a luxury lifestyle, but enough to not have to work. The difference is that I understand it didn't come from "hard work" even though I bought them, and that any "successful" person in capitalism requires a mountain of wagecucks to support them. It's a hierarchy, and only one person gets to be at the top.
It depends on what they are doing.
But you're obviously very low iq based on OP pic, so there's no point trying to explain anything to you.
kys socialist
it's not possible to be wealthy under socialism you can't own anything, it's slavery where some authority determines the outcome of your life.
Capitalism is moral because the only way to get someone elses wealth is to have them voluntarily exchange value for it.
Meanwhile in socialism everyone else has a right to your wealth
Don't hate my six figures and two pensions.
You wouldn't be able to drive over 10mph either. Is everyone on here a retarded kid or something? I guess that would explain a lot.
They need to build them shitty, otherwise they wouldn't be able to pay those road workers a high salary as 5 of them stand around watching 1 guy fill in a pot hole.
your re so fucin stupid its pathetic and you are trolling or honestly have no clue how fukcing dumb you are and how fucking stupid you sound like a retard idiot child
the romans built modern roads ahead of their own time for the time they lived in
if they lived in a time with 50 ton transport carts passing by every 10 minutes, they would have fuckin built the god damn roads to handle it are you fucking dumb?
never mind that's a rhetorical question we already know the answer retard
Oh right, that guy's a commie. No wonder he thinks doctors are "more deserving of their reputation".
>If my descendants are spoiled incompetent assholes they will eventually lose their wealth
Only if they get extremely degenerate. It's not hard to do low risk investing, you just need tons of money to live off it.
Roman empire fell but the roads and ravioli remain. Did they engineer the ravioli also?
Alas a 1000 years too late I was born. I hate living in this idiocracy. Everyone is so fucking stupid and worthless and despite my staggering intelligence they're too dumb to appreciate it. Romans and Greeks would have appreciated me. Probably make me a consul or something since they know that a sharp wit is all a man needs to lead nations.
why do you ask the same pointless questions on multiple boards?
and why do you morons reply to them?
you have no idea the shit I had to do to get here shut the absolute fuck up
wealth is gambling. Growing up is when you realize that's it's hard to make money but it's REALLY easy to fuck up and lose everything.
I know plenty of people personally that lost all their wealth in a matter of years.
Any idiot can build a bridge that lasts 1000 years and will never fall down. The engineer's job is to design a bridge that just barely doesn't fall down.
no an engineer designs a bridge that will last 1000 years for 0.01% of the cost of the idiots design
Stay poor faggots.
>I would be wealthier if it was illegal to accumulate wealth
>he thinks he's the one who will have the wealth
Modern bridges have a safety factor of 6 or 7 for every conceivable load bearing scenario
I work with some mechanical and chemical engineers at my job. They are semi essential.The engineers at my job are staggering their work days and "working from home" 2-3 days a week. I do need them to sign off on certain things so they need to be in building at least part of the week. Overall it's mostly shit I could do myself if I had the time.
>, I actually do own some wealth generating assets.
You shouldn't own luxury assets. You need to share them with me
Long answer
Short answer
If you want some specifics we are having problems with a customer who says our material is out of dimensional spec, so the engineers are doing 100% inspection on it.