How do I long incels?
How do I long incels?
its over...
Buy a hydewars subscription
what is this mexico trying to say
fucking cringe thanck go for the wall (both of them)
Tiktok is a chinese ploy to corrupt the youth and weaken Western society.
invest in the same things women will since all capital will flow from incels to ewhores
>I want a bf
The bubble has finally burst on women
>is a beaner
I'm craving a roast beef sandwich right now
I'll date u mlady
she reeks of desperation for that simpbux
does she even have onlyfans where I can see her nudes?
Whats a simp and whats an incel, I get the impression they are the same thing? I struggle to keep up with these new terms you fucking stupid zoomers come up with to push a narrative that see's you being relevent to current affairs.
In my day we would type lol, we wouldn't say it and we wouldn't use it in public. Know your fucking limits.
Is this a thing now? Making faces in a video with a text layover? I start shaking and vomiting every time I see this shit. What is going on?
Zoomers lack the attention span to read text-only. Everything needs to be overlayed with video, animations, pretty pictures, and emoji punctuation.
Kek this bitch is probably a cum dumpster
Eh, whenever I watch some tiktoks that have girls doing dumb shit, all the comments are like "day 832, still don't want a daughter", "imagine being her father and seeing this", "bros resist don't simp" or "women: we aren't objects, also women: " or other shit like that.
How do I short Thots?
ok boomer
get corona and die
why are literal average looking bitches making bank being e-whores? I understand very good looking women taking simps savings, but I will not stand for average bitches robbing simps. we need to fix these weak men somehow.
Incels are virgins who hate women
Simps are virgins who do everything they can to please women
All you need to do is kill yourself to stop sliding shit.
Fuck you kike faggot. You look like shit.
tiktok is just a app. it's not the apps fault that its users are completely braindead
Living in LA and talking to fellow boys that fuck and like to fuck the general concessions is girls in LA and NY are prudes and think too highly of themselves call it hypergamy but its really the mix of online activity and ‘im trying to be famous’ mentality that these big cities bring thus the average female thinks shes better than the average male creating sexless males creating simps. Fucking women outside these big shit hole cities is far easier thus less simps. Thats the theory at least. For the most part if you dont become a simp work on yourself make money all those girls your age people are simping over will be old news when the next generation of thots come in and the progressed male will only become even more desirable. Fuck bitches praise god and go for the fortune my friends good luck.
Death to Judaism
Checked. God would be MGTOW if He were here in 2020.
>praise god
Bad advice
>ur the reason's there's no nice guys
That's not the case since simps and white knights are still a thing but men calling other men simps wouldn't be to blame for that if it was true. There was this massive movement by women to shit on "nice guys (tm)" a few years ago. Who with a brain would even want to be associated with that group when there's an inherent benefit to being a selfish asshole?
yeah fucking right.
this. hydewars is good but some of his advice is not good mostly the capitalist shit he talks about (think your poor because you dont do this)
(((Tommy Gimler)))
God or your higher power it can be classified as a religion i guess but praising your higher power doesn't require you too read the bible or go to church simple meditation and appreciation for your life is enough for most.
Wait this pic is real?
I'd beat the fuck out of this bitch after worshiping her like a queen
>go to work goy
>have sex
The underlying psycology of these new memes has always existed user, a simp is just "simpleton" shortened. In the modern context it's a man who will do literally anything for female attention even if he receives nothing in return at the end. And the simp sees this as a good thing.
An incel is just someone who can't get pussy for whatever reason. Which is different from a volcel which is a person that chooses not to, either consciously or otherwise. Actual incels are quite rare, most labeled incel are volcels that refuse to lower their standards. In my opinion this is a neutral thing, it simply means they won't get any pussy. But they rank higher than the simp imo
You are making crucial mistakes user.
Smart phones have completely destroyed society and the internet. We'll never get to go back to how it was
Yes go to work but seek a profession that fills your cup rather than drain it. Fuck bitches is definetly subjective go full monk iv done it for 3 months you get alot out of it now I dont do porn and hardly master bate I save my seed for the next bang cum in 10 strokes and if I feel like it ill keep going rounds shits cash.
Look at the pixels
>just abandon morality they said
>tradition is backwards and stupid they said
Enjoy the commodification of all human interaction simpies.
I've been constantly texting this girl I work with, and she's never really responded back in kind. Am I a simp?
Shes not interested or keeping you in the back pocket you need to stop texting move on. Secret is to never view one women as special if she gets with you or rejects you just move to the next cause in reality they are just there for fun and thats all they know so treat them accordingly.
Friendzoned and ghosted maybe but you're only a simp once you start going out of your way to buy her shit for no reason other than wanting her attention or doing things for her with no gain in mind BECAUSE she's a woman
What you do next determines if you're a simp. A simp move would be to continue to give her a bunch of attention once you know she doesn't give a shit about you.
The only move that makes you not a simp is to just ghost. Don't be rude but just stop giving her any attention.
>Am I a simp?
you are an endless well of attention for her, she knows you'l
she knows you'll always be there to give her validation and/or be an emotional tampon
that's all you are to her, not even a person
you know how white people seem to think black people are only good for entertainment and sports? it's sort of like that
kek. she's not wrong. maybe ya'll just need to be nice for once... stop being such angry incels... it's ok to be incel. just don't be angry about it....
>Don't be rude but just stop giving her any attention.
This is key. Hold yourself to a higher standard. Don't be a nigger and chimpout
Based battlestation
that fucking slut looks like a boar
What about virgins who stick to 2D
do you guys have trouble with these tiktoks, you expand them and they go bigger than your screen so you try to see the text on the top or the bottom, can't see them both and its really inconvenient
>know how white people seem to think black people are only good for entertainment and sports?
No, I do not know any white people that hold that view. I know white people who are tired of nigger acting like niggers, attacking people for no reason, committing WAY more than average amounts of violent crime and such.
>kek. she's not wrong.
OK simp
I'm scared of the pic bros.
He might have teeth in vagene.
stop being angry, incel...
>just don't be angry about it
Nobody is angry, faggot. Just calling a spade a spade. Also, she is dead wrong
i can tell you're angry, incel...