Folio thread

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More like barfolio


is this bait

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Not pictured, 1 more ETH that coinbase is holding for 72 hours before it arrives in my wallet. Bastards.

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I'll bite.

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Atomic Wallet? Good choice, friendo.

How much did that PFR set you back?

11k. My worst trade ever but I won't sell until I can offset gains with losses.

Yep, you're right friend.

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I did the same but burned my tokens they’re worthless the projects dead

wtf is UBT and why is it down 10%?

Alright everyone, my portfolio is getting our of control. Any suggestions on how to consolidate?

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You think there's any chance of a rival or do you think it's exit scammed at this point?

Everything into BTC ETH LINK, from highest to lowest.

Still only down 70% from ATH, woo!

Keep it simple

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Faggot coins for faggot holder.

Not sure what MCO and KNC are but overall this is a pretty nice folio


Here’s my chadfolio

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What's the point of crypto? Don't all these different coins act the same way and have all the same trends anyway?

Rate me biz

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The weird comma placements and periods throw me off. Where are you from user?

based. i got 10,100 linkies myself

unironically you will make it. probably. get a full bitcorn


Had a full bitcoin before but picked up more link around 33k sats. Felt like it bottomed there. Still thinking wheter i’m gonna sell some link to get back the full bitcoin. The thing is why bother you know. I know link is gonna outperform bitcoin anyway.

You could say the same about stocks, but no, not really longer terms some coins will run harder than other

How is everyone on biz utterly poor, holy shit

r8, thinking of selling everything into eth desu

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Sell everything you have except eth and put it in Link

Needs moar link

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Posting while everything is still green

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this without BAT

you didnt pick up CKB



damn u have 700 usd in LIT

What’s this app everybody is using here?

Delta or Blockfolio

This is something I didn't need to see today fuck you

>all these shitcoins itt

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>all in on BTC
>with $3k
is how not to make it. Shitcoins are unironically your best bet if you're that broke, you gigantic retard.

Consolidate all into ETH/LINK/BTC

This. You need like 20k+ at the very least if you’re all into BTC.

Indeed. I sold 5k of it earlier this week too so had even more at one point. Probably gonna keep the rest in there and just let it ride now

trust me, i know

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Seems like the chad folio

What the fuck is wrong with you

>he doesn’t accumulate
Wrong, only poor people with no job just yolo into some random pajeetcoin and pray for a moon. I have been buying steadily for the past few months.

can you correct me if I'm wrong here?
in order to buy LIT, you must have ETH or BTC, as those are the only pairs available? how do you acquire it I am at a loss

Doesn't have REQ.
Never gonna make it.

everytime i download delta to keep track of my folio, i end up loosing money. wtf

30 ETH. Holding until 200 then we'll see.

Do more in Tezos and stake it on Kraken man... easy 6% a year

The dream is dead user.

no dick no balls detected "hey mom i have no dick no balls" - u probably

How do get it to show the amounts under holding? Iphone only shit?

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Good month for me.