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Already got that HAL last week. Feelin comfy with it

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Got my GUSH and UCO and MRO plus a few calls for the first of January. I am ready.

you are pretty based

I'm in TK and TNP to ride this oversupply and subsequent mass freight shipping. Don't matter what OPEC does now, we know if they cut production it'll be lip service nothingburger. Weoilglutnow

they're not going to reach a deal

who is he calling 0_0?

I don't seem to understand how GUSH is at ~$25. It seems too good to be true?

Why not

up25% already on my HAL

>dump eet

Feeling comfy on my HAL and OXY

Vladimir? Igor Bogdanoff speaking. Doomp ze oil.

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Checked and kek

hope they finnaly cut production im all in on oil

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Should I buy more xom? Its at 42? I pretty sure it might dip more.

if you're pretty sure it will dip then why would you buy now? if you're unsure then average in 25% or 50% now and then the rest when it dips.

Schlum(((berger))) is doing pretty good as well

>have $34 shell put
>spikes 45% a few minutes ago despite shell value jumping to $36 today
(they) decided to buy puts I see. Guess I'm holding this shit till next week

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I just doubt theyre going to come to an agreement and want to buy more but if it dips under 40 id rather wait.

Boys, it might dip alittle or a lot more.

>There are anons out there whomst didnt buy XOP or GUSH

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Anyone else got GUSH calls? Are you selling prior to the OPEC meeting or holding?

I have various calls on the industry and I’m holding, obviously.

>bought at 5
>sold yesterday at 8.65
I don't know if I did a good thing or had an oopsie yet

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They would rather be in the black during a pandemic and don't have much leverage if the US just tariffs oil

So as far as I can tell the oil market is minimizing and Russia/Saudi Arabia are trying to use their strongest magic to reverse that process. Also they can't stop bickering. Correct?

I’m considering selling in the next hour but it started pumping. Should we all wait and see for tomorrow?

They wanted to flood the market with oil to take out US producers but that strategy is unlikely to pan out.

fucking spazzes

So is oil going up or down lads? What's the safe play here?

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safe play right now is diversify and stick something up your ass to wait this out

Doesn't matter where it's going what matters is that it's cheap

Had them cheap couple weeks ago,currently at 1700 profit total
How long do I hold? Six month? Two years?
is there any chance of the barrel being over 50?

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$50 a barrel by the end of the week

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$50 barrels aren't happening any time soon. Like a year out. Tankers are already fucking full and dumping them

Then what would you recommend? I want to avoid the more risky etfs and lower mcap oils companies, US shale out at the moment as well- I'm worried they might go under even if a deal is reached.

Is it worth buying XOM or GUSH right now, or did I wait too long and shit the bed?

You should have bought $10k in XOM calls like a week ago.

Gonna follow OilAnons advice and wait a week or two for oil to bottom then reassess.

How about some interventionism to speed things up

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I put 8K into XOP on last tuesday and im up bigly

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I think it's too late tbqh.
When this many people are talking about it, you know you missed out.

Houthis say high!

Who's gonna spoonfeed me on GUSH?
How the fuck was it ever 75k? Why did it drop from 1.5k in January to a few dollars? It can't JUST be the Saudi trouble, right? How high can we realistically expect to go again?

reverse split newfag

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No fucking way the meeting goes well.

Look up triple leveraged ETF, they always lose money over time

instead of being privy to info from some all knowing financiers, you are probably just sitting on top of a market inefficiency.
I'd dump on them if I were you.


Even sand merchants know that when there is nowhere to put the oil, its time to slow the pumps

>This pump

pamp it pamp it !

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> No cuts from meeting
> Trump places oil tariffs
> Oil jumps up for a week or two
> OilApocolypse.jpg. Dump oil to $10/bbl
> US Media goes crazy on trump for artificially pushing oil prices up on Americans
Surely this isn't the plan...

>putin has 2 bottles of water

If the OPEC+ parties do not already have an agreement in place, they would have just called off the meeting.

Can you oil bros tell me how screwed are my natural gas positions if this meeting falls through?

>oil producers would rather burn the unsold oil in a big hole than cut production and increase profits

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The american BRAP market is fucked, all the burger joints are closed

when should i fill my heating oil tank Yas Forums?
it's almost empty but i can wait a bit more

reverse split

all direxion shit is a scam

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Short term? You're right. I'm thinking the long game. What does OPEC hate more?
> Making shitty profits for awhile
> Screwing US oil production for several years and forcing the USA to buy oil from them again (aka leverage)

Don't get me wrong, the OPEC Sand People hate everything. They hate each other, they hate Russia, the only thing they are truly unified in is hatred of America / the west and their love of getting oil money. I can totally see them pulling a "china says their fine, no cuts sorry lol" OR they do some kind of token 10m bbl/day cut, which wont affect things.
If you go back to oil anons posts, even if they do a cut we're still looking at full storage. Oil wells don't really "turn off" overnight, so if you were forced to burn oil anyway; why not screw over someone in the process?
Gas will probably follow the general energy sector, when demand comes back so will everything else.
If Oil Anons math checks out (so far, looks like it does), End of May to June we should see this kick off.

>when demand comes back so will everything else

Will demand come back though because I got into OKE expect it bounce back to 70 dollars a share but nothings really happened.

>End of May to June we should see this kick off.
are you saying the price will keep going down until then?