Imagine actually paying debt

imagine actually paying debt

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Hey man I pay maybe $6 you can't fault me for that. Actually no post-corona I don't pay bills lol. Don't pay your bills.

But but my credit score?

can't fuck my over with my credit score after i'm dead

I learned this in 2008. When everybody has bad credit, wtf is credit?

>imagine actually having debt

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sam hyde ruined my life

I wanted to get a thing and a company gave me money to do that thing.
Skipping out on debt comes off as shady, low class, and selfish.

That's like asking your friend to spot you for a meal, and then ghosting him when he gets hungry.

>owing some kike money

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Imagine being proud of your credit score in the last great recession.

Max out your credit cards faggots

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>Skipping out on debt comes off as shady
>your friend
shut the fuck up porky

sam hyde in a nutshell but at the same time it's good advice. you even have a half ass way to squirrel it away with bitcoin / monero. if you take the proper precautions it can be completely trace free.

If you want to ruin yourself financially, go ahead forehead

You owing them a few thousand dollars won't hurt them but you won't get much out of it besides some free junk and a lot of stress

lol is this a meme you fat faggots are starting?

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What's revolutionary about this? Isn't that the state of most Americans?

Max your visa dump in yuan, debt isn't real you effete yet handsome Soi cucks

I've never been in debt in my life and don't need to do that. Good luck though.

>some free LINK and no stress
There is never a reason to pay any of it off. Banks rip off the country, they aren't allowed to do anything to you but call you. Take their money, and place your bets, you can't lose when everyone has shit credit. We're looking at 40% unemployment kek

I'm pretty comfortable and have no plans to get into crypto. Good luck though.

this is only decent advice if you're an asset less NEET or skating by with family. If you are, pump up the credit score sky high and then pull the rug under.

However, anyone with a house, investments and income are at a higher risk when following Sam Hyde's advice because creditors actually have something to go for. Just because it's unsecured debt it doesn't automatically mean your assets are safe.

>never been in debt
Bro now is literally the best time to invest in dodged loan payments

You can just avoid debt collectors for a couple months until the looting starts though

>have something to go for
you can keep them at arms length ad infinitum, literally thanks Obama

>having assets in your own name
You fucked up man. All my assets are in my mother's name, she loves me because we're family and have an unbroken bond. No creditor and no wife can get anything out of me financially. I dab on jannies, taxmen and creditors daily.

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75k in available credit. Spent 15k recently. Made 40k. Lot of money to be made during a pandemic if you aren't a brainlet or lazy scared piece of shit. It's free capital. Who gives a fuck about credit anymore during a pandemic. Get that noggin joggin, lads.

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what looting? are you retarded? nothing is going to happen and you are going to be stuck with your shitty debt that you are never going to be able to repay

Work as collections guy
You losers are keeping me extremely busy at work

imagine being shot dead the moment you step near a property.

your ilk will be first against the wall when society breaks soon

Dumbfuck polfags are putting themselves in debt they can't escape because Mr Hyde said so. Brings a tear of joy to my eye

That’s the idea, it doesn’t go to collections
Banks can’t be bothered with that shit, it’s a last resort. They will always ring you at which point you tell them you can pay $12 a month on a $7500 dollar loan
>b-but the interest!
Nope. Their policy is to minimise risk with unsafe debtors by offering to settle the debt for 30/40% after a few years because they don’t expect a bad debtor to still be alive in 20 years time
Now factor in inflation, and viola.

The only debt you can’t escape is student loan.

It’s a tactic for desperados, not the average joe who will crumble under the pressure when they receive 2 letters in the mail

Anyone who takes advice from a loser deserves to lose.

You realise Sam has a nontrivial amount of crypto, right? He maxed out credit cards in 2014 to buy bitcoin, yet here you are probably net worth under 500k pretending you know anything about shit lol

You sit in a cubicle making phone calls all-day begging people for money, enduring verbal abuse for $15 an hour and we're the losers?

What's the point of doing this unless you got like a big ass loan like $100k+? "DUDE I JUST GOT A LOAN FOR $5K DUDE IM NOT PAYING IT BACK LMAO DUDE". Like you'll ruin your opportunity to be able to get bigger loans for a measly $5k. Doesn't make sense.

Wow that's so cool sam. You stole money. Very impressive I see now that to be a winner you must behave like a nigger.

>on biz
>whining about "stealing money"
Go lick store shelves and get on ventilation tard

uh oh seems like we have a mad little creditor in our thread goys


They aren’t your friends. They billionaire corporations making money off of usury

The ability to pay back

i had a 780 score, i believe if i take out another credit card i wills be able to help my score. start up very good the first 2 years. then plan the grand negligence. EVERYONE neglects one other grow up sweet cheeks thats the way its be.

You are here to shill shitcoins not to pontificate, pajeet get back to work

Kek'd and checked

Wait 5 years and it’s back to normal


Fed might get to the point where they buy that up too.

whats the bestest credit cards to apply for

Amex blue

Debt? You don't want none of that debt sonny

haha imagine if i sucked those balls. that would be so weird

Imagine saying no to free money

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>Corporations are nice people that want wants best for you.

>kike score
lol how is this different from chink social score?

You can escape this through Income driven repayment plans. Just get your AGI below 17500 (if single) and your payments are 0. Gets foegiven after 20 years and will actually improve credit through on time payment history (cant not pay 0 on time).


Imagine ruining your life to save on a single paycheck. How zoomer do you gotta be to think there will be no consequences?

personal debt resets at 1,000,000
its like clocking a car
the trick is being able to get to the golden number. thats why banks are trying to screw you over big time while you are in the 6-800,000 grand
you need to have a half decent credit rating before starting otherwise you wont hit the golden mil.
this doesnt count for businesses