COVID-19 WILL kill dozens of millions of people. (They die of ARDS)
Gold WILL moon.
Silver WILL moon HARDER.
BTC WILL moon.
The global economy AND fiat systems WILL collapse.
There is/are NO god/gods.
TRUMP WILL stay in office after November.
USA WILL initiate a 3rd WORLD WAR.
LINK WILL reach $1000 (only because of hyperinflation)
Millenials/Zoomers WILL commit suicide in masses from the DEPRESSION that has already begun.
Median home values will not go back above $100k in our lifetimes.

If you do not swallow the gigapill, YOU WILL NOT MAKE IT.

Post "GIGA" if you have already taken the gigapill.

Attached: gigacolor.jpg (1080x1215, 135.98K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Priced in

Italy and South Korea are already recovering and they've been open with their numbers you stupid spook

You, my friend, are NOT going to make it.
My condolences.

I hope this is true, it is what I expect but feel a bit doomerish believing it too.

The people calling you a doomer are buying airline stocks right now. You have no reason to worry about the opinions of sub zero IQs.

if you live in the US and don't think a huge recession is imminent then you are retarded

shut the fuck up jewtard

Balls deep in silver fren.

Attached: B0561F90-B5DF-40F3-AF02-DBD6DF6B8B32.jpg (480x480, 25.65K)

I will probably die, but I have ensured my son's future therefore fuck you

>COVID-19 WILL kill dozens of millions of people. (They die of ARDS)
>Gold WILL moon.
>Silver WILL moon HARDER.
>BTC WILL moon.
>The global economy AND fiat systems WILL collapse.

>There is/are NO god/gods.
>TRUMP WILL stay in office after November.
>USA WILL initiate a 3rd WORLD WAR.
>LINK WILL reach $1000 (only because of hyperinflation)
>Millenials/Zoomers WILL commit suicide in masses from the DEPRESSION that has already begun.
>Median home values will not go back above $100k in our lifetimes.

Just remember.
Selling for fiat is the worst trade you could ever make.

You will make it my friend.

You are on the right track.
In time, you will be able to swallow the pill.
Likely after it's too late.

kys faggot
Hillary Clinton will elected as president 2020
God is real
USA won't do shit and will just continue to rot for the next hundred or so years
LINK is a scam and will never be worth more than a few dollars
Zoomers are based
Real estate is a scam


You've got a ways to go, but you are figuring it out.
Your cognitive dissonance resulting in anger is understandable.

>HIllary Clinton will elected as president 2020

That's a man

It's true. It's set in stone. I do not like this and neither do you but there is no escape

Pay your April’s rent jimmy.

Time will tell friend.
You'll want to hedge that bet if you don't want to lose everything you have.

I don't see gen y/z killing themselves in droves
More likely for gen x
If there's an election Trump will win, if it gets canceled then who knows


The black pill is, this spring/summer will be a nothing burger. People will forget about Corona. People will not prepare. Then when winter comes around, Corona 2: Flu Season Bugaloo will happen, that’s when the millions will die.

Please Lord Kek, don’t dubs this....

Attached: B340B8E1-53F4-47A6-8982-A6C3115E3B37.jpg (885x960, 104.41K)

Attached: 1585089994174.png (637x625, 56.72K)

Gonna be tough to kill millions when the true mortality rate is about 0.3% and warm weather will stave off the virus soon


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to da moon boys

Gen x wasn't bred to be as week minded as y and z.

Their amygdalas are groomed to zap into a fight or flight response at the most minor offense.

Many will choose flight.

The suffering will be unprecedented.

Yes, this is fairly accurate. We are beyond being able to call it a nothing burger at this point, but we will see a "return to normal" in the markets between the 2 waves of COVID-19.


Attached: 042E5445-8E61-4B17-82F7-758D038194C4.jpg (625x490, 34.19K)

You are one confused little fuck

He will learn the hard way.

we #GIGATeam now

Attached: 1503869689459.png (1172x675, 32.22K)

welcome to the team user


Ok schizo

>COVID-19 WILL kill dozens of millions of people.
It's not even keeping up with the death rates of car accidents.


Learning how to extrapolate data to forecast the future is critical if you even want to have a remote chance of making it.

>TRUMP WILL stay in office after November.
No shit retard. Even if he loses, next president won't take office until January.

If you didn't know what I meant, then it is you who is the retard.
The ability to derive information from more than just the meaning of the words is a MUST HAVE skill or you will die poor.

I know what you meant. My point is, your too stupid to state that trump will ignore election results and stay in office in a coherant manner. Therefore the rest of your post is not worth paying attention to. The fact that you could not derive this from my post reiterates this. GL in life, you will need it with your average intelligence.


OK there is a lots of suggestion proposed to imagine and everyone who let in their minds for them it exactly what will happens.
Yes majority of people are lost in greed and fear
we can not change whole jungle , but we can create nice meadows in the darkness of forest just for our self and people around.

We will not burst in weakness of anger and fear.
Recognize greed for what it is, in order to deal with it properly. as a gate keeper, I will never let in any grabber or 'fish head' . there is a way to detect lie and kick out unsuitable people for friendship and love.
Heaven and hell is right here right now and we all have as we do. 1% of us born medically impaired no compassion psychopath or 'Fish heads' We use to club them and have no gov, authority or big owners that is truth.
all you need to do is get with your friends together and reject psychopathic rules of the game. Start apply life serving and contributing rules of coexistence. Just by getting in a circles of equals 'fish heads' have no place to hide and you know what to do. Only in city, in a ocean of total strangers psychopath live like fish in water.

only jew suggested future on the menu?

No, we get together and create our own plan of action with consideration of everyone's needs .
We will have own future that we create together
rule of the people (democracy with out jews)
popular peoples congress decision making process totally with out consideration about jew money.

Pardon me for assuming a smoothness of your brain, I have come to understand that you are indeed intellectually superior.

There is a place for you in the future world user.

Yeah but if I survive the first wave I'll be prepared for the second. I don't give a fuck. Never again will I be caught unprepared.

This is a possible but not probable outcome. People today have been given extremely weak and small minds.
Despite our newfound access to vast information, people have been groomed to not value their freedom.
Changing this mindset in the masses can happen, but it is extremely difficult and unlikely.

>There is/are NO god/gods.
Only thing you said that is true.

Fuck freedom

Oh look, another wannabe boomer gen x.
I'm gonna have funny ntring the fuck out of you and impregnating your daughter when shit hits the fan. I can cling 375, that means I can pick your old ass up and slam you into a wall repeatedly until you are crippled for life.

>2 countries out of 190
>its just a nothingburger bro!

Covid is just a cover up for 5g sickness.

They got everyone stuck indoors, stressed, not making money. People bodies are reacting to this new dose of electromagnetic bullshit. They just claim whatever deaths are from covid. Everyone who died was going to anyway. Why haven't the numbers of dead skyrocketed. And why is china fine now. Shouldn't china be wiped out by now if it was so bad.

and while everyone is stuck indoors. they're installing more antennas than ever.

Enjoy being microwaved to death. Soon you'll be forced to get a vaccine to be able to do or go anywhere. Thank Bill Gates for the vaccine agenda. Too bad itll be full of technology that manipulates you even worse from 5g radiation. And it wont cure anything.

There seems no stopping this.

you are based gigaanon, but there won't be a third world war.
White hats WILL defeat the cabal, there will be disclosure of ETs and suppression of advanced technologies.
Mass arrests will happen -irrespective of Q's info whether he is fake or not- and wr will usher in a new golden age.
Gold, silver, Trump are spot on.
Link will moon independently of inflation.
Oh and the Source energy aka God is real.

>There is/are NO god/gods
Thread discarded

Get a load of this faggot.


>Hillary Clinton will elected as president 2020
>God is real
One excludes the other.

kys atheist redditor