>ban tripfags poll

pastebin.com/F1yujtVq (embed)

>Stock market words
pastebin.com/VtnpN5iJ (embed)

>Risk management
pastebin.com/sqJUcbjp (embed)

>Bloomberg stream


>Free chart


>Pre-market data

>Boomer investing



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The mother of all liquidity crunches is around the corner. In Q2, US jobless claims will be 5 to 10x greater than any quarter over the previous 50 years. Retailers and restaurants in Malls and on high streets are often private equity owned and will be unable to pay leases (as private equity has stripped them of their property assets). Both the demand and supply side is going south for many sectors. This equity rally is a temporary relapse into central bank fueled insanity.


I don’t think the Armenian genocide happened bros

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>been shilling its the bottom for weeks now
>unloading endless amounts of bags to permabull cucks
Nothing personnel, kid.

Shut up bobo, just post your pink wojack tomorrow when we get our gains

Is the mass death of old people, black people, and fat people bullish for the market?

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Hope you enjoyed your run, bullfags.
Because the market will be red for the rest of your lives. (Not very long)

What if the market goes up tomorrow?

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it will

That's okay. I don't think Muslims are real.

Jokes on you, I got my profit from that pump.

I make money.
>w-what if it goes down?
I hedge with puts and keep basically all my money. Maybe lose or make a little.
Easy as.

those were happy times

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you could all make a lot more money if you didn't already understand this and watched this video. it's basic shit everyone should understand at a core level.

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It's already been factored into the market. Old, black and fat people die every day.

Holy fucking shit that bunny is one cute lil' motherfucker.

>all of the big banks in Australia are getting asked to defer from giving out dividends
T-This has to be bvllish, right?

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Nah, let the idiots burn their money. More money for us.

>olds, fats, and blacks die en masse
>overall deaths are down nationally since people aren't getting into car wrecks or getting other illnesses

2021 is going to be a boom year

Lol just saw that on CNBC too wtf?

>market goes up
Clown market confirmed
>market goes down
The expected move
>market crabs

This is total bullshit.
Who cares if companies can get money when there is no demand. This is why it is closer to the depression than a recession. No work, no money, no demand.

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I sold my spy 218p 4/15 today for $100. I bought them for $2400 2 weeks ago. I also have tsla 400p 4/17 that are worth $150 that I bought for $2000. Back to square one. How did everyone to today?

Apparently there's been $5T damage to the global GDP, and the global GDP is only ~80T, isn't that only a 6% reduction?

Tomorrow is red day, whole week shall be red. I sold at the top today sucker rally, gl finna sleep :)

TSN disjoint angle

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I couldnt make it past the risk disclaimer.

i made 3% selling a put to someone on AAL

Don't be too happy yet. The way it all looks is Gold and crypto. Stocks will fall again.

Think of the markets as magnification of current underlying growth (or contraction). When the economy grows by 3% the market grows by 10%, when the economy contracts by 3% the market dumps all of that excess, 20-30%.

>Feeding trolls
>Implying a guy who is down thousands of dollars is trolling, rather than simply drowning in denial and cope

They're going to have to kill off the fats or end the shutdown, because once summer gets here the fats sitting in their A/C 24/7 are gonna strain the power grid.

I didn't realize how much worse smg trips could get... and how many newfag retards would get...
And how RKG and you and others would stop making OC for us to enjoy. I didn't realize how good we had it!!

Are they the next meat stalk?
Sooo glad I got out in the high 80's

Tomorrow will be red, Thursday will be a green short squeeze going into the weekend.

Because that's temporary. It's not like every mall in America burned down. Open by June is a sensible estimate. There may be waves of lockdowns, but the absolute worst case scenario is a year.

Yeah I get that which is why I'm not seeing where the downside below 18,000 is. Retesting the low seems to be as bad as it can get.



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you're giving it the attention it craves

I have the money to buy a motorcycle, but the state won't let me. There is demand, there is just no way to transact in most cases.

I'll take my chances

What do you mean? Bank won't let you withdraw or do a cashier's cheque for your zoom cycle?

This feels like a 40-50% dump from ATH. Seems bigger because the SP500 was in an absurd place the past year, up by 35% and way overbought for what it was. I would guess major support for SPY to be around $200-210.

define what a trending and ranging market is based on priced action.

>It's not like every mall in America burned down
Traditional retail is really hurting right now. Malls will be the last place to open up, and it will take a while for traffic to return to normal levels. But on top of that, many stores act as warehouses, with online orders being shipped directly from the store. So with malls closed, many companies are sitting idle with zero revenue.

>low volume attempt to pump futures

all the dealerships are closed. DMVs are closed. Notaries are closed. They said they could take my deposit and then I can have the bike whenever the Hell they're allowed to operate again.

>There is demand

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the virus culling the weak only empowers the economy with strong able-bodied citizens. the economy will soar in Q4

That's ok i think sand niggers should be raped thru a cut hole in their throat on sight

nikkei is green


God imagine if China just disappeared randomly some reason that would be so weird haha lol

I like the Graham description of the market as an insane and random next door neighbor offering to buy and sell you stocks at random prices better. The (stock and bond) market is fully capable of decoupling from economic reality, either by staying depressed (40s-80s) or inflating and crashing repeatedly (90s to now).

Hahaha go brrrrrrrrrrrrr!

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Oooooh, I see. Well on the plus side, non-essential retail like that will be among the first to get the green light to reopen.

>muh useless malls filled with luggage and jewellery stores

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It is essential. I need transportation and a motorcycle is far more economical than a car.

>>overall deaths are down nationally since people aren't getting into car wrecks or getting other illnesses
*overall white male ages 20-50 deaths are down

We're going to Mars in the next five years.

Major malls bullied small business retailers out over the past few decades. If they also go under what happens to local employment?
Same thing happened with video stores and Blockbuster.

>*overall white male ages 20-50 deaths are down
that or we will be Neo Nazis

>because once summer gets here the fats sitting in their A/C 24/7 are gonna strain the power grid.
Bullish for energy stocks.

>Fundamental Analysis: "People should buy this stock because of reason X,Y, and Z"
>Technical Analysis: "The stock's price is currently going up, and has been in an uptrend that started from this pivot point. The short term average price is rising above a rising long term average price with the distance between them indicating the strength of the trend and whether it is increasing or decreasing in momentum."

BREAKING: Should SMG ban all tripfags?


You uhh really don’t understand how this works at all, do you?

And yet both fail completely with Boeing

priced in

So, like user said. We're going to Mars.

We need to get out of the house before our suicide numbers begin to moon. White men need industry to evade the existential crises

voted no
if you ban them how else will I filter them?

Pollfags get the rope first

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>virus kills everyone but lupus patients and the wealthy who retreated to their pandemic islands with ventilators and AR-15s
>every runner and powerlifter dies
>every genetically blessed Olympic athlete dies
This is how natural selection works


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>White men need industry to evade the existential crises
Bullish for Paradox Interactive.

Fuck r/wsb and fuck 3d whores. This will always be an anime board.

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doesn't seem that bad looking at the 512 tick chart of it with a EMA(10/20). this is why day trading is superior to holding overnight, no gapping risk.

>ban tripfags
day of the rope for tripfags soon

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>Neupommern has coronavirus!
>>Quarantine the port and let them die

but also fuck weebs

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>every genetically blessed Olympic athlete dies
Olympic athletes are a meme. Most never do anything of note or success after the Olympics and only managed to have success because of a coach who pushed them every day since a child. Soon as the coach leaves they have no motivation to do anything and become losers.

This post smells like BO

They are also usually wealthy enough to pursue a non-earning sport their entire life. Which is a small crust of society. The only real athletes are the swimmers and runners.


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It's fine to poke fun at something you don't know how to use properly. It's not something you learn within the day, just keep at it user. Gains will be had once you get over the learning curve.

Stonks up!

But they're still charging $99?

>Futures go up
Amazing, Futurepajeets sure are amazing

I've just confirmed that SEC has euthanized WSB, I repeat, I've just confirmed that SEC has euthanized WSB. Brace yourselves for the oncoming shitstorm

Yas Forums has always been an anime board
But Asian women are also a core value of Yas Forums culture

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