does anyone here pass as a normie?
i mean with gf, friends, carrier?
Does anyone here pass as a normie?
(you) here
I pass as a normie with carrier.
I used to have a gf but she cheated on me
right here
im so normal i just spent $1000 i dont have on fucking TATA shares that i have zero knowledge about.
I have a wife and haven't had a real job in 4 years.
I have friends and a decent wagecuck job. No gf, but I am fairly sexually experienced. Managed to hook up with a drunk Argentinean qt on New Year's but haven't even kissed a girl since then
> does anyone here pass as a normie?
I do, but my parents stop putting me in the carrier when i was like 2.
>I can never go back
same for 6
Sure I am not so weird that I can't blend in
Takes effort though. I thought this was what going to work was honestly.
i have an e gf, 2-3 buddies i go out with every two weeks or so and work at daddy's company
what do i classify as
Honestly, I used to try to blend, but now that I have a wife, cold, business, and house I can be as eccentric as I want. So liberating. Play their game for a few years, then you get to be a male Luna Lovegood like me, and people actually love it.
>currently finishing my last semester and waiting to hear back on a few job offers but employed in retail
If you can bathe and string a sentence together with saying nigger; life isn't that difficult.
>he doesn't have a carrier
not gonna make it, user
carrier here, I sometimes pass as a Kenmore
I'm a professional photographer, I just bought a house in a residential neighborhood, I have a 5y relationship with a beautiful smart girl. I'm happy and everything is fine.
I have a very hot gf and have fucked nearly 200 girls, no job these days because I'm lazy and have crypto and property.
I drink, smoke, do drugs, go on nights out and be loud and obnoxious.
People think I'm a natural chad but I was a total pussy until my late 20s when I basically transformed myself.
I did maybe when I was a teenager. The problem I have with blending in is that I don't like what passes as popular clothing so I tend to dress a little eccentrically or completely sloppy. Also, I can't take much pressure from people. If my bosses tell me to do something that doesn't make sense, I challenge them on it and get yelled at. If people who work under me refuse to do what they're supposed to do and I tell them to do something they want to argue with me over it. I had a female friend tell me that I lacked self-confidence though I feel very self-confident just not in social situations where I have little to no control over like work. At parties where I know everyone, I'm very confident and love to make jokes and have a good time.
I ironically don't have a problem pulling women, just I'm not attracted to them so it's usually a FWB or casual fling. I'm hoping to become crypto rich so I don't have to work and I can be as socially confident and carefree as I am at social gatherings with friends on a day to day basis. Also, no one fucking cares if I dress like Mr. X from Resident Evil 2 because I'm a rich eccentric and people may admire the eccentricity then.
I tried being a normie for 2 years and it hurt my soul. Y’all would probably say I’m a normie but Yas Forums standards have had plenty of sex, 2 diff LTR’s Adan went to college worked in IT for a little but now I’m a NEET and my god is it liberating.
> Mr. X
> Not nemesis
im on a d1 sports team and have lots of friends, but I've never spoken to a girl and all my friends think im autistic
Sounds like me but early 20's. i just lose the motivation to pick up girls because of school and trying to make it. At the end of the day im to tired to try and get into dome thots pants. Any tips fren
I have a wife and three kids, house in the burbs, good job. It's a good life. I really want to go on a thru hike but I can't because I'm on the clock 20+ hours a day.
No friends. No gf. And until recently was a NEET FOR 8 years
No. I'm in training for tanker driving right now and a couple of the trainers were having fun bullying me today because I have anxiety issues. I'm starting to handle it a little better and maybe they'll have less fun with it. Just like middle school again, just didn't expect it at what should be a professional organization
I have a wife, two kids and a full time job. I still yolo my savings on meme stonks. Am I a normie?
Do you not get vacation? I do fuck all and add no value to my company and they give me 5 weeks a year for some reason.
no. i am a legitimate autistic loser with no friends in my 20s.
26 year old virgin. Pretty handsome so nobody suspects it. I had oneitis with a German exchange student from high school, we messaged monthly for like 7 years, until I admitted I was becoming a white nationalist, I’m now ghosted. I had a college gf for one month and I broke it off because I didn’t feel a connection beyond physical attraction (not sure if wise or naïve). Sucked her tits, but no more, drunkenly made out with a Chinese student in Chile while studying abroad. I quit my finance job out of college after one month because I hated it (call center work). I joined the navy as an enlisted submariner nuke because I longed for struggle and adventure, but I realize it is a large drop in pay/status at least while I’m in. It’s kinda cool, but is very miserable, can’t wait to get out. I spend most of my free time between biz/vidya/exercise. I masturbate daily and have a nasty porn addiction (with increasingly perverted fetishes, now including scat play). Had over 200 eth before the 2018 bull run, and blew it with margin trades on kraken. Now holding 130k RLC. Pretty unhappy with life over all, I want to move to Europe and/or join a political movement. I’m not a normie.
Also me to some extent
Reddit is that way
It does start to feel like a chore and if you treat it that way you will get results but it is something you gotta force your self to do because its so easy to do the things you rather do than what it takes to get some puss
I used to think that I did. Now I've accepted that I don't and I don't try anymore.
Yas Forums isn't as 'off limits' and 'unknown' as it used to be. There's quite a few normies here now. I guess most of them came during 2016?
Just as a side note, I hadn't been to Yas Forums for ages and I had a look recently. WTF happened to Yas Forums????? It's just all porn threads now! Yas Forums is dead! Where did all the shit posters migrate to?
We bros
I am able to blend in and become well liked by the normalfags when I please. Despite being a retarded faggot, I am very good at manipulating people into liking me. Most autists are bad at social cues, and they obsess about things they are interested in. I made learning social cues my autistic obsession, and I spent all of high school studying and mastering them. As a freshman I was an antisocial faggot that nobody noticed, but Jr. and Sr. year I was one of the most well liked people at the school, and probably the most well liked at my job (bag boy at Publix).
The secret to being accepted by normalfags is this: be entertaining and different, but don't shit on them for not being different. Most normalfags are extremely boring, copy paste versions of everybody else. They have almost no personality and they bore each other to death and they put up with each other so that they have a good reputation and people like them. If you are actually funny and you use a lot of self deprivation humor, they will love it. You must respect the rules of the pack (ie, don't insult them, don't make them feel dumb, don't take political stances they don't agree with, etc), other than that you should go wild.
One of my favorite jokes was showing people videos of ballbusting porn. I would show random people I didn't know videos on pornhub of guys getting kicked in the dick repeatedly. It was the funniest shit ever, and everybody knew me for it. One time I was recognized at work by a group of kids at my school as "that one guy with those videos!" The trick to becoming liked by normalfags is embracing your autism and not taking yourself too seriously.
Eventually I found this shithole and I accepted how much I hate normalfags, so I have since become a recluse. I can still act confident and make people like me really easily, but I usually don't bother because I don't care about what people think of me anymore. Normalfag life is overrated, you faggots are better off here anyways.
> They have almost no personality and they bore each other to death and they put up with each other so that they have a good reputation and people like them. If you are actually funny and you use a lot of self deprivation humor, they will love it. You must respect the rules of the pack (ie, don't insult them, don't make them feel dumb, don't take political stances they don't agree with, etc), other than that you should go wild.
> One time I was recognized at work by a group of kids at my school as "that one guy with those videos!" The trick to becoming liked by normalfags is embracing your autism and not taking yourself too seriously.
You sound like what I imagine a Medieval Jester would say if asked for advice on how to be well liked by society at large. Good stuff and spot on. Everyone likes the fool because they don't feel threatened by him as he points out the absurdities. Really eye opening stuff.
>Where did all the shit posters migrate to?
>don't insult them, don't make them feel dumb, don't take political stances they don't agree with, etc
This is "common" sense, but it doesn't just apply to interaction with normies.
Me and my Mexican coworkers do not follow these rules. I found out they have been lying to me for 2 weeks now
Headquarters: Mumbai, Maharashtra
>The secret to being accepted by normalfags is this: be entertaining and different, but don't shit on them for not being different. Most normalfags are extremely boring, copy paste versions of everybody else. They have almost no personality and they bore each other to death and they put up with each other so that they have a good reputation and people like them. If you are actually funny and you use a lot of self deprivation humor, they will love it. You must respect the rules of the pack (ie, don't insult them, don't make them feel dumb, don't take political stances they don't agree with, etc), other than that you should go wild.
This is very very very true. I think many anons here struggle to be "different" though because a sizable amount of them are just NPCs but with edgy political views or poor sex lives.
Give me some tips user
Kind of. To non close friends I do. I have a great career, tall, handsome, muscular, have gotten a lot more charismatic. But I've been on this site for 10 years and will never regain bluepilldom, and I wouldn't want it any other way. Yas Forums is truth.
>If you can bathe and string a sentence together without saying nigger
>this is literally all a 7/10 plus has to do
It's like you're trying to piss people off. It sounds like you're living life on easy mode.
"everything is fine."
last digit "69"
if you think any of that is true, I really don't know what to tell you
Nope. Just a career I guess. I’m a CPA.
I said that's the formula for an autist to be accepted by normies, never said it's a worthwhile pursuit faggot
video games
making millions off the darkweb
actually making it and leaving this website behind
The Yas Forums generation migrated off to the various boards as they realized random spammy threads, gore, YLYL are annoying. It's a lot more fun with a focus. Every other board is just "X subject with a hint of Yas Forums."
normies have been here since summer of 08 desu
You seem to be taking this criticism very personally. You have a lot of growing up to do. I'm sure your next 2 years of high school will brighten up
Okay Karen